zoomin in Title/Summary

Place your mouse over the main window and click and hold the mouse button then drag the "zoom" window over the area of the screen to enlarge. The scrollbar controls the zoom amount. As an alternative to using a mouse, you can use the arrow keys to scroll the "zoomed" view, and the plus and minus keys control the zoom. Once you have selected the area of the screen, release the mouse button.
- Publisher: Freezerware
- Last updated: February 18th, 2009

ZoomIn Uploader
he Uploader has many features designed to make getting photos into your albums at ZoomIn a breeze. You can also work completely offline until you are ready to transfer the photos. It supports organizing photos into different albums within the same batch, adding photo tags, place tags and setting privacy options.
- Publisher: ZoomIn
- Last updated: December 22nd, 2008
Additional zoomin selection

EasyMap VCL
EasyMap VCL is a Delphi/C++Builder components set for creating your own GIS-related solutions without MapInfo, MapX, MapObjects, WinGIS etc.
- Publisher: microOLAP Technologies LLC
- Last updated: July 2nd, 2018

Reglo is a versatile graphics design tool including an on-screen ruler, a color picker, a magnifier, a mini-screen capture feature, and the ability to resize the windows of other applications.
- Publisher: Basta Computing, Inc.
- Home page: