Fat32 formatter samsung in Title/Summary

WD FAT32 Formatter
FAT32 formatter is a Windows program that was designed mainly to restore origial factory FAT32 partiton for WD external drives. The program features: list out WD external drives, restore WD disk icon files and allows the user to specify a custome volume label. The program supports WD800,WD1200, WD1600, WD2000, WD2500, WD3200, WD4000, WD7500 and WD10000.
- Publisher: Western Digital Technologies
- Last updated: March 29th, 2009

FAT32 Formatter
Fat32Formatter is freeware and made by TOKIWA to format drive larger than 32GB to FAT32, which means it can walk around the OS restriction that you can format drive to FAT32 only the size up to 32GB on Windows2000/XP/Vista/7. Key-features: simple and instructive UI, it can set and delete partitions as well, neither installation nor DLLs is needed, Windows 7 supported
- Publisher: TOKIWA
- Last updated: March 9th, 2013

MiniAide Fat32 Formatter Home Edition
MiniAide Fat32 Formatter allows users to format drives larger than 32GB to FAT32. The program is also an all-in-one partition management tool. Main Features: - Resize partitions without data loss. - Create partitions. - Delete partitions. - Format partitions. - Convert partitionsformat from FAT to NTFS.
- Publisher: MiniAide Tech Development Co., Ltd.
- Last updated: August 27th, 2019
Fat32 formatter samsung in Description

USB Disk Formatter
USB Disk Formatter is a program designed to format a data media device connected to an USB port in a quick and simple way. USB Data Media can hold every kind of files like personal documents, music and pictures and even confidential data. The supported file systems are FAT, FAT32 and NTFS. On NTSF optionally the compression can be activated.
- Publisher: Robert Kovacs
- Last updated: February 16th, 2015

Memory Stick Formatter
Memory Stick Formatter - a simple and fast tool to easily and effectively format various models of Sony memory sticks.
- Publisher: Sony
- Last updated: February 14th, 2008

dbDeveloper is a visual development tool for multiple databases. With an intuitive and powerful interface, it allows you to explore, create and change the structure of every database in an easy way. It offers a variety of functions from development via tuning up to the deployment and data manipulation.
- Publisher: Prominentus
- Last updated: February 5th, 2010

Free XML Formatter
As the name suggests, the Free XML Formatter allows users to format their XML files so as to make them readable and usable. There are a number of editing options available and hence, it can prove to be very handy for all software professionals. It is a simple to use app which makes it an ideal choice for novices.
- Publisher: Media Freeware
- Last updated: September 21st, 2017

Images Recovery Pro
Image Recovery Pro is an excellent multimedia retrieval program. What makes it a best seller is its full dimension recovery function. It can undelete all kinds of data lost in a memory card as well as other digital devices.
- Publisher: LionSea Software inc
- Last updated: June 26th, 2015
Additional Fat32 formatter samsung selection

SD Card Formatter
Although Windows, Android, Mac and other systems have their own formatting system, the SD Association (SDA) informs us that it may not be the best to format these SD devices, given their unique characteristics. Thus, the organism offers a free formatter specially designed for these devices.
- Publisher: SD Association
- Home page: www.sdcard.org
- Last updated: July 31st, 2017

Verbatim Hard Drive Formatter
Easily re-format your Verbatim Hard Drive from FAT32 to NTFS or from NTFS to FAT32. Formatting will normally erase all data stored on the hard drive. The Verbatim Hard Drive formatting software functions via the USB port on a PC running Windows operating system. Designed to only function with Verbatim external hard drives.
- Publisher: Verbatim
- Last updated: May 6th, 2013

Samsung DVC Media
This program helps the user to install all the required applications to connect Camera devices to a personal computer. The user can use the camcorder as a PC Camera, when he connects to a Web site that provides video chatting functions, or for video conferences.
- Publisher: Samsung
- Last updated: October 1st, 2008

Samsung Kies3
KIES can Keep Your Device Updated, Transfer Photos and Videos to Your PC, Master Your Music Library, Back Up Your Device
- Publisher: Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
- Last updated: November 8th, 2024

Samsung PC Studio
Samsung PC Studio is a professional tool that allows you to manage, edit and transfer different files between your Samsung mobile phone and your PC. It offers many features such as a Networking Wizard, which allows you to connect to the Internet; a Multimedia Player to play different files; and many other options to manage and organize your files, your phone contacts and your messages.
- Publisher: Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
- Last updated: August 17th, 2018
- Publisher: Samsung
- Last updated: July 2nd, 2020

Samsung Tool
Samsung Tool is a free program that enables you to unclock your Samsung phone. The program has support for various Samsung devices. It allows you to repair the IMEI and to flash your phone. This version has experienced some changes, making it better.
- Publisher: z3x-team
- Home page: samsungtool.com
- Last updated: August 30th, 2023

Samsung SideSync
You can spend the whole day jumping from your laptop or PC to your Samsung Galaxy phone or tablet, or you can connect them together using Samsung SideSync. This free and simple Samsung utility will let you put your mobile device and your PC or laptop in connection with each other so that you can use your phone from your computer just as if it were one more of your apps.
- Publisher: Samsung
- Home page: www.samsung.com
- Last updated: June 24th, 2020

Smart Switch by Samsung
Smart Switch is a free-to-use application that allows you to transfer contacts, photos, messages and more from your old phone to your new Galaxy. Also this app makes it easy to upgrade to a Galaxy smartphone from an Android, iOS or BlackBerry OS device.
- Publisher: Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
- Home page: www.samsung.com
- Last updated: December 25th, 2023

Octopus box Samsung software
Flashes Samsung phones, reads unlock codes, and installs firmware. Main features: - Direct unlock - All locks reset - Read phone information - Firmware update - Read/write FullFlash and Calibration data files - Read firmware version - Full factory reset - Multilingual software interface: English, Spanish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Ukrainian, Arabic, Hungarian
- Publisher: Octopus team
- Home page: octopusbox.com
- Last updated: December 16th, 2017