Filestream secure disk review in Title/Summary

FileStream Secure Disk
FileStream Secure Disk is a program that provides security of your confidential information and sensitive data. This program is a unique solution. It is based on “Strong Encryption” – innovative security concept and supports three key sizes 128, 192 and 256 and key length from 32 up to 448 bits, providing high unbreakable protection.
- Publisher: FileStream, Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 24th, 2010

SafeIT Secure Disk
SafeIT Secure Disk is the perfect solution for protecting your sensitive information from theft or other attacks. The program makes a part of your current hard disk into a secure disk. All private and confidential information stored on this disk will be protected by strong encryption.
- Publisher: SafeIT Security
- Home page:
- Last updated: October 29th, 2010

Secure Disk Light
Secure Disk Light allows you to secure your files and folders providing encrypted virtual disks. All data that resides on the virtual disks is encrypted anytime and strong protected from unauthorized access and theft with the proven and powerful AES algorithm. It is easy to use and powerful solution at the same time.
- Publisher: GoSecure Software Corp.
- Home page:
- Last updated: February 13th, 2011
Filestream secure disk review in Description

Free DVD ISO Burner
Minidvdsoft is a company involved in to developing and enhancing software products to help the DVD and media developers. Minidvdsoft has also created a tool to burn all your ISO images in to one DVD or CD. The tool is called Free DVD ISO Burner. Free DVD ISO Burner can create/burn DVD or any type of disk out of ISO images from your hard drives.
- Publisher:
- Last updated: August 31st, 2022

FileStream FrameShop
On many occasions I had to create photo albums and, whether they were for a graduation collage or business presentation, making them look as if they were in a sequence was always the most difficult part. One program that turned out to be very effective was FileStream FrameShop.
- Publisher: FileStream, Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: April 10th, 2011

The Universal Disk Manager - Over 40+ integrated disk and system tools. PrimeMechanic is a universal computer disk management suite; Performance tuning, computer migration, backup, bad sector repair, file & drive recovery, data security, etc.
- Publisher: Prime Software
- Last updated: July 7th, 2014

BestCrypt Volume Encryption
BestCrypt Volume for Disk Encryption protects all data on fixed and removable disks, while also working on RAID, UEFI and GPT partitions. Jetico's encryption software provides protection from physical threats, such as lost computers and USB sticks.
- Publisher: Jetico Inc. Oy
- Home page:
- Last updated: February 4th, 2024

Overwrite every byte on target drive is the abosolute secure way to erase the data on drive. StorageWipe uses powerful wipe & erase technology to completely eliminate data on hard drive, external drive, flash memory, zip drive and more. It is very easy to use, needn't professional knowledge and skills.
- Publisher: Magiclab software
- Last updated: June 18th, 2011
Additional Filestream secure disk review selection

KeePass Password Safe
KeePass is a free open source password manager, which helps you to manage your passwords in a secure way. You can store all your passwords in one database, which is locked with a master key. So you only have to remember one single master key to unlock the whole database. Database files are encrypted using the best and most secure encryption algorithms currently known (AES-256).
- Publisher: Dominik Reichl
- Home page:
- Last updated: December 27th, 2024

Kodak EasyShare
Tag your photos Kayla’s graduation. Halloween 08. Tag your photos your way, making it easier to access and share them. Tags are compatible with many other photo management programs and photo Web sites, too. Rate your pictures If your last trip to the beach was 5 stars all the way, then rate your pictures as your best, too. Rate your pictures with 1 to 5 stars and quickly find them later.
- Publisher: EASTMAN KODAK Company
- Home page:
- Last updated: April 1st, 2011

Clean Disk Security
Clean Disk Security is intended to protect your privacy by securely erasing sensitive data from your hard drives or external storage devices. The application has an intuitive interface, but I have to say that it may seem too crowded with options. It would be better if it had a default configuration, which is safer for inexpert users.
- Publisher: Kevin Solway
- Last updated: May 20th, 2022

Losing important data due to accidentally deleting it or formatting a disk can leave you in a very bothersome situation. Fortunately, however, the latest version of Active@ UNDELETE is here to help, giving you the best chances to undelete files.
- Publisher: LSoft Technologies Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: February 21st, 2024

COMODO Disk Encryption
Comodo Disk Encryption is a security tool for encrypting your disks. It allows you to encrypt your hard drives or partitions so that no one but you can access them. The encryption of your disks can be carried out using several encryption algorithms. The whole process takes place on the fly, as opposed to a pre-OS encryption which requires a reboot.
- Publisher: Comodo Security Solutions, Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 18th, 2009

The Windows PC shareware program for Garmin and Magellan GPS receivers. Main Features: - transfer your waypoints, routes, and tracks from and to the GPS receiver, and save it on your computer disk - review your waypoints - enter and edit your waypoints
- Publisher: Heinrich Pfeifer
- Home page:

Paragon Encrypted Disk
Paragon Encrypted Disk is a security measure for all Windows users. These days, with the advent of mobile financial services, users have lots of sensitive information on their computers. It is a fact that people tend to use easy-to-crack passwords. So that information can easily fall into hands that can take advantage of it.
- Publisher: Paragon
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

Secure Storage Pro
Dreaming of having a baby? This simple Secure Storage Pro not only will tell you which days are most likely result in pregnancy but also will help you plan the gender of your future child. Time proven prognosis and absolutely FREE trial.
- Publisher: Rayslab, LLC

When you are working on your PC your operating system uses some temporary files and data called cache that is left behind even when you have stopped working on your PC. This cache can inform anyone about what you have been doing on your PC. QuickWiper can completely wipe such sensitive data and activity tracks with a single click.
- Publisher: AKS-Labs
- Last updated: March 2nd, 2008

Trace Eraser
Trace Eraser is a privacy suite for Windows computers. This application allows you to carry out three tasks that will help you to erase your tracks so that no one can gather information about you: erase cookies, securely delete files, and securely format drives. All three features work pretty well.
- Publisher: Optimize Your PC
- Last updated: March 17th, 2008