Find signal in Title/Summary

Amazing Stock Trend Signal Software
Amazing Stock Trend Signal Software catches stock trend change signal and alerts stock buy sell signal when stock trend is changing. You know when to buy or sell stocks from 4T stock trading strategy.
- Publisher:
- Home page:
- Last updated: September 23rd, 2008

Having caught a mysterious signal in your radio, you go in search. Upon arrival, you see a secret abandoned base. The signal comes from its territory. But as soon as you stepped into the territory of the base, you were attacked by unknown creatures.
- Publisher: Falco Software Company
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 21st, 2022

RedRat Signal Database Utility
IR Signal Database Utility is a program that supports the creation, viewing and testing of IR signal databases. The program allows you to share remote control data with others, test of signal decoding when inputting IR signals, use datasets in RedRat applications or your own applications developed with the RedRat SDK.
- Publisher: RedRat
- Last updated: August 22nd, 2014
Find signal in Description

FastSatfinder is a program to find the signal for a satellite. Should you have a PC DVB-S tuner, with this program you can setup it. FastSatfinder supports DVB-S PC tuners from manufacturers such as TechnoTrend, Digital Everywhere, TechniSat, Hauppauge, Tevii, Pinnacle, TwinHan, DVB World, GeniaTech and Acorp.
- Publisher: Mixesoft © Project
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 10th, 2012

Speed Install
Speed Install is an easy-to-use application, which can be programmed to install programs for you. This way, you will install all the software you need with just a push of a button. It comes with an intuitive and easy-to-use interface, as it offers quick access to all the program functions.
- Publisher: Almeza Company
- Last updated: January 9th, 2012
- Publisher: RAGA
- Last updated: May 26th, 2008

Network Stumbler
Network stumbler is a wifi scanner and monitor tool for windows. It can be used to check your network integrity and performance, find zones with weak or not coverage at all, detect other networks that interfere with yours or even not authorized connections.
- Publisher: Netstumbler
- Home page:
- Last updated: August 9th, 2012

Vistumbler is a scanning program that allows you to detect nearby Internet access points. To do so, you need to push the Scan APs button, and the program will start detecting the access points that are around you. It will show the names of these access points on a list, starting with the one with the stronger signal. The program also shows data on the authentication, encryption, etc.
- Publisher: Vistumber
- Last updated: July 18th, 2023
Additional Find signal selection

WiFi Hotspot Scanner
WiFi Hotspot Scanner can scan and discover Wireless Hotspot devices. For each discovered Wi-Fi hotspot device, it displays a variety of information including WiFi Name (SSID), Security/Authentication (WEP/WPA/AES/TKIP), Physical Type (802.11a/b/g/n), MAC Address, and Signal Strength.
- Publisher: SecurityXploded
- Home page:
- Last updated: February 27th, 2017

Ava Find
Ava Find 1.5.154 is a program to search, find and categorize the files stored in your computer. When you install the program, it will ask you to wait some minutes while it builds the search cache, by examining the content of your disks. You can save the searches and the listings of results in a file, for further reference.
- Publisher: Think Less Do More
- Last updated: August 30th, 2022

Easy WiFi Radar
Easy WiFi Radar is a software for find and connect to wireless access points of the net near your location. You can perform searches for access points, locate their position on a radar analyze the power of each item located, displaying their IDs and connect, an automatic mode.
- Publisher: Makayama
- Last updated: April 21st, 2021

Find and Mount
Find and Mount 2.3 is a software that locates and mounts lost partitions in your hard drives. The program supports all versions of NTFS and FAT file systems. When you run Find and Mount 2.3, it will show you the hard drives it detected on your system.
- Publisher: A-FF Data Recovery
- Home page:
- Last updated: September 13th, 2011

Tina - TI
Tina-Ti is a utility meant to help electronic engineers and students in designing circuits with the possibility to test and troubleshoot them. The number or devices and nodes that can be included in a circuit is not limited. It has a user-friendly interface and a wide set of tools to work with.
- Publisher: Texas Instruments Incorporated
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

Graphic Equalizer Studio
Though normally used to enhance or weaken certain audio frequencies so that all the trebles and the basses sound the way we like them, equalizers are useful in many other ways. Graphic Equalizer Studio, apart from providing full-range 31-band equalization, offers you an “Auto Correct” mode aimed at achieving a linear frequency response to “normalize” the output of your recordings.
- Publisher: PAS-Products
- Last updated: February 5th, 2021

Awave Studio
Awave Studio has the ability to read a variety of audio file formats. It can be used as an audio converter, song editor, or as a synth instrument editor. It can play MIDI songs that come with custom instrument banks, or render them to an audio clip using the built/in software synthesizer.
- Publisher: FMJ-Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

Argus Surveillance DVR
Argus Surveillance DVR can help you install a video surveillance system. The program supports connecting to an unlimited number of wireless cameras, analog cameras, powerline cameras, USB cameras, IP cameras, frame grabbers and TV boards. The product is not too difficult to use and comes with an excellent user guide.
- Publisher: Argus Surveillance Inc.
- Last updated: December 23rd, 2008

Prog Finder
Prog Finder was designed to help users conveniently adjust their Terristeral antenna and Satellite dish. This program is designed simply enough. Even a novice can easily understand how to modify its options. The interface is user-friendly, and the main buttons are organized in such a manner, as to easily guide you through the entire configuration process.
- Publisher: ProgDVB
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020

Find Subtitles
Find Subtitles is the perfect solution whenever you play a video and you need a translation for its foreign language dialogue. You will get to choose from dozens of languages and find your subtitle with just a few clicks. You will be able to use the software as long as you want, with no time limit and for free.
- Publisher: Findsubtitles
- Last updated: October 4th, 2010