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Firebird compare table content in Title/Summary

Access Pro Table Compare

Access Pro Table Compare

The program is able to compare tables between two Access databases. The program analyzes table fields, data types and properties, primary keys and indexes of Access tables. The Access Pro easily analyzes one or a hundred tables, examining the two database files and then, generates a comprehensive report detailing the differences.

  • Publisher: DB-Pros, Inc.
  • Home page: www.db-pros.com
  • Last updated: March 6th, 2012
Devart dbForge Data Compare for PostgreSQL

Devart dbForge Data Compare for PostgreSQL

dbForge Data Compare for PostgreSQL is a tool for table data comparison and synchronization. You can easily generate data synchronization scripts for the compared tables. Comparison results are displayed in a convenient UI, easy for reviewing differences, and further analysis and synchronization.

  • Publisher: Devart
  • Home page: www.devart.com
  • Last updated: October 7th, 2014
dbForge Data Compare for PostgreSQL

dbForge Data Compare for PostgreSQL

dbForge Data Compare for PostgreSQL is a GUI tool for table data comparison and synchronization.

  • Publisher: Devart
  • Last updated: December 10th, 2024

Firebird compare table content in Description



RazorSQL is a software solution for users who need to execute SQL scripts and work with all major databases like Oracle, SQL Server, Sysbase or MySQL. This SQL tool embeds various features that allow users to create, alter, execute, describe and drop database objects such as tables, stored procedures and functions.

  • Publisher: Richardson Software, LLC
  • Last updated: November 18th, 2024


NEW version 1.0.6!!! is released. Bugs fixed related to system thread. Database Management Control for FireBird database developed using .NET (C#) . Features: - Create new firebird database, table and field without SQL - Open and execute SQL scripts - Create Procedure, Trigger and View - Insert, Update and Delete data from a table in an instant just like using Excel sheet

  • Publisher: khairul ariffin yahaya
  • Last updated: February 1st, 2011
MicroPDF PDF to Excel Converter

MicroPDF PDF to Excel Converter

MicroPDF PDF to Excel Converter helps you convert PDF to XLS with ease. It supports partial conversion and batch conversion. The user-friendly interface gives you much more convenience.

  • Publisher: MicroPDF, Inc.
  • Home page: www.micropdf.com
  • Last updated: May 16th, 2014


GUIOctave is a free application that allows you to create, edit, run and debug files for the GNU Octave high-level language, which is commonly used by MATLAB and C++ for solving linear and non linear problems. You can load variables from file, view data on variables, duplicate variables. You can compare the content of two Octave files.

  • Publisher: GUI Octave
  • Last updated: April 23rd, 2012
Reasonable NoClone 2011 Enterprise

Reasonable NoClone 2011 Enterprise

NoClone is an all-in-one user-friendly duplicate file finder, duplicate file remover, and download accelerator that can find and remove 100% TRUE duplicate files, and save your time to download files from Internet with speed up to 25 times faster! It helps you quickly find all duplicate files in a folder and its sub folders.

  • Publisher: Reasonable Software
  • Home page: noclone.net
  • Last updated: March 30th, 2012

Additional Firebird compare table content selection

Fast Duplicate File Finder

Fast Duplicate File Finder

Duplicate files or simply older or obsolete versions of files are not always that easy to locate and remove without help. Fast Duplicate File Finder performs thorough searches using the most sophisticated algorithms to help you find and manage duplicate files, detecting even those dupes whose different names may lead you to think that they’re totally different images or documents.

  • Publisher: MindGems Inc.
  • Home page: www.mindgems.com
  • Last updated: November 18th, 2024
Free Solitaire World

Free Solitaire World

A new remake of favorite game for a big number of users. A nice appearance with good playability and user friendly interface. Download Free Solitaire World and Play for Free!

Civilsoft Bill

Civilsoft Bill

Bill is a program that allows you to produce formatted schedules of quantities from a table of items. You can then import and evaluate tender rates, prepare BOQs using libraries of items eg CESMM, MMHW, SANS & AUS-SPEC, prepare progress payment certificates, estimate final costs, and more.

  • Publisher: CivilSoft
  • Last updated: March 26th, 2016


Features: -Displays the Table of Contents of any CD, including Enhanced and Mixed Mode CDs, and will show the ISRC codes for audio tracks. -Shows the session number, track number, start time (in MSF or sectors), length of the track, the type of the track (data or audio), the copy protection flag, pre-emphasis flag, and ISRC code if present.

  • Publisher: Clover Systems
  • Last updated: May 13th, 2015


The current version of the program allows you to find differences among tables, fields, indexes, relationships, forms, reports, modules, macros, table data macros, procedures, and views. An SQL script and a text report are created as a result of the comparison. The SQL script can be executed by the tool that is included in the distribution kit.

  • Publisher: dbweigher.com
  • Home page: dbweigher.com
  • Last updated: March 30th, 2018


Checkdupli is a software designed to search and display all the duplicate files in a folder and its subfolders. It detects files that have the same name, or "almost" the same name, differing with accents, blank, or some specific characters. Some advanced options allow you to adjust the filter criteria, taking accents, spaces or specific strings into account and to compare the content of a file

Elite Solitaire

Elite Solitaire

A new remake of favorite game for a big number of users. You can choose an appearance design according to your own taste. There are some original features: amusing sound effects, original bonuses and a Table Of Honour.

Mapsoft TOCBuilder

Mapsoft TOCBuilder

In addition each entry within the Table of Contents is also linked to the actual heading within the document to which that entry relates. Selecting that link from within the Table of Contents will cause the focus in the document to jump to the relevant text. The Table of Contents is thus a powerful tool for navigating around your document.

  • Publisher: Mapsoft Computer Services Limited
  • Last updated: October 31st, 2011
Omega Sync

Omega Sync

Omega Sync is a program that allows you to compare and synchronize both database schema and table data. The program enables you to explore all the differences in structure and data of your databases and save the generated synchronization SQL script for later use.

  • Publisher: Spectral Core | metadata d.o.o.
  • Home page: www.spectralcore.com
  • Last updated: May 27th, 2020
Bring To OneNote for Office 2010

Bring To OneNote for Office 2010

It sends title, text and images to OneNote2010 from Word, Excel, Chrome, Firefox, Thunderbird, Opera, Safari, Internet Explorer, Windows Explorer and Acrobat. Bring to OneNote can extract the text from a Word document, convert it to plain text and output it to OneNote. It can also extract the table content from Excel workbooks and transfer it to OneNote.

  • Publisher: James Linton
  • Last updated: February 5th, 2013