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Fitting experimental data matlab 4d in Title/Summary

Experimental Data Analyst

Experimental Data Analyst

Experimental Data Analyst provides you with an impressive set of detailed programs and packages that help you get the most out of your experimental data. A wide array of examples that include real experimental data quickly gets you up and running on your own projects and helps you harness the power and flexibility of Mathematica.

  • Publisher: Wolfram Research, Inc.
  • Home page: www.wolfram.com
  • Last updated: December 15th, 2011
iToolbox for MATLAB

iToolbox for MATLAB

iToolbox for MATLAB is a program designed for exploratory investigations of data sets with many collinear variables and spectral data sets. The main methods in the iToolbox are interval PLS (iPLS), backward interval PLS (biPLS), moving window PLS (mwPLS), synergy interval PLS (siPLS) and interval PCA (iPCA).

Duct Fitting Table Viewer

Duct Fitting Table Viewer

This add-in provides a way to view the illustrations and the data table of available duct fittings from a database. The program displays the coefficient table, by clicking on the Show Table button, the user can see the lookup table that Revit utilizes for the selected fitting.

  • Publisher: Autodesk
  • Last updated: June 16th, 2014

Fitting experimental data matlab 4d in Description



Data Studio is a data collection and software analysis. This software contains all sciences and a starter to advanced mode. It is considered to be the most award winning collection of data and analysis software. Data studio allows the users to watch the science unfold in front of them in real time with data collection, graphing, and analysis.

  • Publisher: PASCO scientific
  • Last updated: November 17th, 2009
XPS MultiQuant

XPS MultiQuant

Features: -All of the usual factors and correction methods, including cross section values, asymmetry parameters, analyser transmission, IMFP, contamination by the adventitious carbon can be applied and controlled independently. -Calculation of several samples or experimental data sets (e.g., series of ion bombardment or heat treatments, etc.) can be performed simultaneously.

  • Publisher: M. Mohai
  • Last updated: June 20th, 2016


It is an application designed for technical plotting and data analysis. It has a powerful scientific spreadsheet for data analysis, and an object-oriented on screen graphics editor that makes it easy to design and modify graphs. Main Features; - powerful scientific spreadsheet. - data import from Excel, ASCII, CSV, Access, DBase, etc.

  • Publisher: Poly Software International, Inc.
  • Home page: www.polysoftware.com
  • Last updated: April 23rd, 2013


Gepasi is a software package for modeling biochemical systems. It simulates the kinetics of systems of biochemical reactions and provides a number of tools to fit models to data, optimize any function of the model, perform metabolic control analysis and linear stability analysis.

  • Publisher: Pedro Mendes
  • Home page: www.gepasi.org
  • Last updated: May 26th, 2020
EASY-FIT Express

EASY-FIT Express

EASY-FIT Express is an interactive software system to identify parameters dynamical systems of equations. Proceeding from given experimental data, i.e., observation times and measurements, the minimum least squares distance of measured data from a fitting criterion, is computed.

  • Publisher: Klaus Schittkowski
  • Last updated: September 18th, 2015

Additional Fitting experimental data matlab 4d selection

ProSim Ternary Diagram

ProSim Ternary Diagram

This application allows you to trace easily and quickly series of points or lines resulting from experimental data or calculations. ProSim decided to develop an easy to use but powerful application enabling you to create these diagrams in a few mouse clicks.

  • Publisher: ProSim
  • Last updated: August 25th, 2008


CropStat is a computer program for data management and basic statistical analysis of experimental data. It can be run in any 32-bit Windows operating system. CropStat has been developed primarily for the analysis of data from agricultural field trials, but many of the features can be used for analysis of data from other sources.

  • Publisher: International Rice Research Institute
  • Last updated: April 6th, 2012


Rotor-Gene Q software package supports all current state-of-the art real-time analysis procedures from basic to advanced algorithms. This provides complete freedom to analyze your valuable experimental data and increases the reliability of your results. Data security is assured and all process steps are trackable from starting the run to exporting the results.

  • Publisher: QIAGEN
  • Last updated: December 14th, 2009


It is an app which combines audiometry, fitting and verification tools.Main Features:- Single point of entry to immitance, audiometry, speech mapping, hearing loss and hearing instrument simulators, probe mic measurements (PMM / REM) and Otoscopy. - Direct access to measurement data, counseling tools and all compatible products.



The Decision Support System for Agrotechnology Transfer (DSSAT) Version is software that comprises crop simulation models for over 28 crops. For DSSAT to be functional it is supported by data base management programs for soil, weather, and crop management and experimental data, and by utilities and application programs.

  • Publisher: DSSAT Foundation
  • Home page: dssat.net
  • Last updated: April 25th, 2016


XLfit is a powerful curve-fitting and data analysis package that integrates completely with Microsoft® Excel. XLfit offers an extensive selection of data analysis and calculation tools, including a superior range of fit and statistics models as well as charts and graphs to visualize, interpret and present experimental data, all in Excel.

  • Publisher: IDBS
  • Last updated: October 2nd, 2011


Spectra 5.0.5

  • Publisher: Micro Air Corp
  • Last updated: May 10th, 2011


This predictive microbiology application was designed as a research and instructional tool for estimating the effects of multiple variables on the growth, inactivation or survival of food borne pathogens.Most of the models are based on extensive experimental data of microbial behavior in liquid microbiological media.

  • Publisher: USDA
  • Last updated: September 25th, 2008


Thermo-Calc is a powerful software package used to perform thermodynamic and phase diagram calculations for multi-component systems of practical importance. Calculations are based on thermodynamic databases produced by expert evaluation of experimental data using the CALPHAD method. Databases are available for Steels, Ti-, Al-, Mg-, Ni-alloys, multi-component oxides and many other materials.

  • Publisher: Thermo-Calc Software
  • Last updated: February 22nd, 2012
Data Studio

Data Studio

Powerful Displays/Analysis Tools -- Analyze data using a Graph, Table, Meter, Digits Display, FFT, Oscilloscope or Histogram. Change or Calculate Anytime, Anywhere -- No need to stop data collection to make a calculation, choose a curve fit or select data of interest

  • Publisher: PASCO
  • Last updated: March 19th, 2021