Flash magic book 2 meet in Title/Summary

Magic Book 3D Screensaver
When you thought this was just another boring clock and calendar, when you are starting to turn your head around to look at somewhere else, you listen to the characteristic sound of pages turning. You look back at the book and yes, the page is turning. The effect is very nice, as is the sound.
- Publisher: Digital Minds Software
- Home page: www.digimindsoft.com
- Last updated: August 19th, 2020

PDF to Flash Flipping Book
In this fast-changing age, audience and people’s reading habits are changing. With PDF to Flash Flipping Book, not only you will get vivid ebooks with page turning effect, but also more importantly, it will make great contribution to our environmental protection since there’s no trees being cut, no waste collection cost and lower distribution cost.
- Publisher: Flipbuilder Solution
- Last updated: March 27th, 2018

Flash Magic
Flash Magic is a tool for programming flash-based microcontrollers from NXP using serial, Ethernet, CAN bus, or SWD interfaces. It provides a lightweight executable program with a simple interface where you can load the Hex files. After programming, Flash Magic will perform an automatic verification of the burned data.
- Publisher: Embedded Systems Academy, Inc.
- Home page: www.flashmagictool.com
- Last updated: May 19th, 2021
Flash magic book 2 meet in Description

PDF to FlashBook Standard
FlashBookMaker’s PDF To FlashBook wisely combines simplicity with an extensive range of customization options. If you are looking for a simple and fast PDF to Flash e-book conversion, all you need to do is follow the program’s three-step wizard-like interface. Alternatively, you can take some time to personalize the look and feel of your e-book and its playback functionality.
- Publisher: FlashBookMaker Solution
- Last updated: June 13th, 2012

Free Flip Book Maker
Free Flip Book Maker is a freeware to convert your text book to online falsh flip page ebook with the real page turning effect. If you need convert PDF to flash FlipBook, please see the full version: FlipBook Creator Support Batch Convert PDF to Adobe Flash based publications with the real page turning effect.
- Publisher: flippagemaker Software Co., Ltd.
- Home page: www.flippagemaker.com
- Last updated: May 15th, 2011

Booksmart can help you create books. Despite the complication involved in such a complex type of editing, this application can help you go through the whole process without investing so much time and effort. Fortunately, it is properly documented with tips and tutorials. Besides, a wizard takes you through all the steps necessary to make your book meet your exact needs.
- Publisher: Blurb, Inc
- Last updated: January 16th, 2017

A-PDF Scan to FlipBook
A-PDF Scan to Flipbook is powerful software which combines most of features of scanner and flash Flip Book generator. The program enables you to scan your paper books into online flash flip book with page-flipping effect. A-PDF Scan to FlipBook will provide you with all the tools you need to create a professional-looking e-book with flipping page capabilities.
- Publisher: A-PDF Solution
- Home page: www.a-pdf.com
- Last updated: April 5th, 2012

Free OpenOffice to FlipBook
Convert OpenOffice Document to Cool Flash Flip Book Turn OpenOffice (*.odt;*.odp;*.ods;*.odg;*.odb) to Digital Flash Flipbooks. Fully customize the flash page flipping eBook appearance Unlimited conversions without paying royalties. Publish online for mobile devices (iPhone, iPad, and Android devices).
- Publisher: FlipPageMaker Solution
- Home page: www.flippagemaker.com
- Last updated: June 28th, 2011
Additional Flash magic book 2 meet selection

Free Page Flip Book Maker
Free Page Flip Book Maker is a simple tool meant to help you create flipbooks, magazines, interactive catalogues, brochures, and other similar materials. It can create these materials by importing and converting files of other types. More precisely, it imports and transforms text TXT files.
- Publisher: Flip PDF Studio
- Last updated: January 8th, 2012

The MagicBook
The MagicBook is a free coloring and paint software tool for your kids. It comes in a nice-looking interface with animated bubbles and funny oversized icons. The program offers various types of brushes and pencils and different levels of difficulty, making it a truly entertaining tool for kids of all ages.
- Publisher: NirP Software
- Home page: www.nirp.co.uk
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

Magic Flare
Magic Flare is a Windows application that creates Flash text effects. MagicFlare® includes 101 different effects that you can use in texts on your web site, add a link, modify the colors, text, and size. You can also create a banner or an introductory page.
- Publisher: Epinoisis Software
- Last updated: March 10th, 2008

Magic Flash Decompiler
Magic Flash Decompiler is professional SWF decompiling software which offers a treasure trove of tools for those who want to extract elements from flash movies, edit dynamic texts and images of flash movies. You can effortlessly convert between EXE and SWF files.
- Publisher: Magic Video Software Inc.
- Last updated: November 13th, 2009

Gnomzy gets to a magic forest where he needs to overcome a lot of obstacles. The hero has a long way ahead to destroy all dark crystals containing the power of orks. Gnomzy is an entertaining and fairy-tale game.
- Publisher: MyPlayCity.com
- Home page: www.myplaycity.com
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

Photo to FlipBook
Photo to FlipBook creates Flash-based photo albums with the look and feel of a true printed book. Thus, you can easily flick through its pages just by dragging them with your mouse pointer. The program comes with a wide variety of templates that allows you to create album pages that can hold from one to nine images. The albums can be saved as an HTML page, an EXE file, or as a ZIP archive.
- Publisher: FlipPageMaker Software Co.
- Last updated: October 10th, 2011

FlipBook Creator
FlipBook Creator is a program that allows you to create Flash and HTML5 Flipbooks. You can quickly and easily create unlimited publications with 3D realistic page-flipping effect, output flipbooks (HTML5) for portable devices like iPhone, iPad or Android devices and share your flipbooks via popular social networks.
- Publisher: flippagemaker Software Co., Ltd
- Home page: www.flippagemaker.com
- Last updated: July 17th, 2014

Free Flash eBook Maker
Free Flash eBook Maker is a program that enables you to turn a common text document into a stunning flash effect. You can add beautiful colors to make plain text more eye-catching, add security to protect your document, apply free templates and themes to quickly customize your eBook.
- Publisher: flippagemaker Software Co., Ltd.
- Home page: www.flippagemaker.com
- Last updated: November 28th, 2013

Meet the Flash
E-book for Flash beginners. Every lesson is packed with a movie clip. The tutorials cover Flash essentials - creating still graphics, animations, text, and interactions.
- Publisher: Andrei Doubrovski
- Last updated: April 13th, 2008

FM PDF To Image Converter Pro
This program converts PDF files into raster images in BMP, GIF, JPG, PNG, PSD, TIFF and other special output formats in batch mode. Also it creates special output formats, such as DHTML output (for online publishing), multi-page TIFF, a special large sized grid-layout image or Flash Flip-Book format.
- Publisher: FM-PDF
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020