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Flashget v2.0 no ads patcher in Title/Summary

FlashGet-mini Ads Free

FlashGet-mini Ads Free

FlashGet-mini Ads Free

FM Patcher

FM Patcher

FM Patcher is a small application that lets you change Photoshop .8bf plugins that were created with older versions of FilterMeister in order to make them work under Windows Vista. Normally developers just need to recompile their plugins with the latest FilterMeister release to make them Vista-compatible, but unfortunately some developers abandoned their plugins.

Tango Patcher (Applications)

Tango Patcher (Applications)

This is the application portion of the old Super Turbo Tango Patcher. It should work fine on its original XP, as well as Vista, and even X64. Most behaviors and caveats are unchanged from the 2600 System patcher, although they may diverge more, in the future. Migration from previous releases integrated with the system patcher is handled automatically.

Flashget v2.0 no ads patcher in Description



dUP 2 is a freeware patch generator which can build a small standalone patcher executable for Microsoft Windows systems. Main Features : - multiple file patcher - programmable patch procedure - offset patcher - search and replace patcher - text patcher - registry patcher - loader generator - attach files to patcher - get filepaths from registry - and many more.

  • Publisher: diablo2oo2
  • Last updated: August 18th, 2015


FlashCheck is an extra add-on for FlashGet program that enlarges its capabily. It is a very handy application that can be used for many purposes. FlashCheck allows you to send an e-mail containing a certain URL linking you to some file on the other computer, so that this file can be downloaded with the FlashGet program.

  • Publisher: Trend Media Corporation Ltd.
  • Home page: www.flashget.com
  • Last updated: March 9th, 2008


Client patcher is a software application designed for patching kRO or Sakray data files. However, Client patcher is not limited by only patching kRO or Sakray clients. With a few modifications you can make this patcher program for your own private server.

  • Publisher: Sonerkoksal
  • Last updated: May 30th, 2012
Shutdown Lock

Shutdown Lock

The easy way to hibernate-enable any software application.

  • Publisher: X-Ray Application Software.
  • Last updated: April 6th, 2008
Broadband Scheduler

Broadband Scheduler

It helps the user to set the time when the computer will automatically enable the Broadband (Internet) connection and start downloading by using other download applications like uTorrent, BitTorrent, FlashGet.Users can set to open (start) the download applications like uTorrent, BitTorrent, FlashGet and other download manger software at the time of enabling the connection.

  • Publisher: Dijin Augustine
  • Last updated: June 6th, 2010

Additional Flashget v2.0 no ads patcher selection

ChrisPC Free Ads Blocker

ChrisPC Free Ads Blocker

ChrisPC Free Ads Blocker is a small but powerful free software that will block all ads while you surf the Internet. You'll be able to finally enjoy your internet browsing time without annoying banners and with no ads while you try to watch a video on YouTube, Dailymotion, Vimeo, Veoh, MyVideo.de, Flickr, Metacafe, etc.

Bing Ads Editor

Bing Ads Editor

You can save time by managing your Bing Ads campaigns in an easy-to-use desktop application. With Bing Ads Editor, you can edit campaigns offline and then publish the changes at your convenience when you are back online. You can use Bing Ads Editor to manage your accounts in bulk, from the campaign level down to the individual ad level.

XP Theme Source Patcher

XP Theme Source Patcher

The XP Theme Source Patcher application was designed to improve the Graphical interface of Windows XP. Some 370+ files have resources that this application replaces and/or modifies, and another 100+ files are simply replaced. Images, animations and icons that have been extracted from Vista are included in the Green XPtsp theme package.

  • Publisher: phpBB Headquarters
  • Last updated: January 19th, 2012
Wise Ads Block

Wise Ads Block

Wise Ads Block is an extension for the Google Chrome browser that blocks ads in videos on popular sites like ex.ua, megogo.net, youtube.com. Using this extension, you don't have to wait until the unwanted flow of information will cease to hinder you get the information you need.

ADS Scanner

ADS Scanner

ADS Scanner is a very simple program which detects and removes Alternate Data Streams from your computer. Why is this necessary? Well, because most hijackers are now using ADS to hide their files and from there take command of your pc. So, avoid any risks by downloading ADS Scanner completely free of charge.

  • Publisher: Pointstone Software, LLC
  • Home page: www.pointstone.com
  • Last updated: May 26th, 2020
ADS MetaTrader Terminal

ADS MetaTrader Terminal

ADS MetaTrader Terminal is a platform that allows you to buy and sell commodities, currencies, CFD stocks and indices. You can use the built-in indicators to perform complex chart analysis, stay in touch with the latest economic news and manage your transactions.

  • Publisher: MetaQuotes Software Corp.
  • Last updated: December 10th, 2014
Microsoft Bing Ads Editor

Microsoft Bing Ads Editor

With Microsoft Bing Ads Editor, you edit campaigns offline and then publish changes at your convenience when you are back online. You can use Microsoft Bing Ads Editor to manage your accounts in bulk, from the campaign level down to the individual ad level.

  • Publisher: Microsoft Corporation
  • Last updated: September 21st, 2022


the best download manager without any adware or spyware.

  • Publisher: Trend Media Corporation
  • Home page: www.flashget.com
  • Last updated: January 20th, 2009
Video Ads Blocker

Video Ads Blocker

A huge disadvantage of surfing the Internet is an enormous amount of annoying information that we actually don’t need. Such information detracts the attention and prevents from finding things that we actually are looking for. Striking example of such annoying information is video ads. Video Ads Blocker is a small application that was developed to save Internet users from it.

  • Publisher: SynergeticSoft
  • Last updated: March 1st, 2008
Ads Submitter

Ads Submitter

Ads Submitter is a neat application that allows you to submit your ads to more than 210 classified ads sites. The operation is very simple, just import your ads information and click a button to submit. You will save hours / days of manual submissions. In return you will get hundreds of incoming links.

  • Publisher: 12promo Software
  • Last updated: April 12th, 2013