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Flow scroll scroll app 4.00.33 in Title/Summary

Logitech Flow Scroll

Logitech Flow Scroll

The Logitech Flow Scroll is a neat plug-in designed to provide a smooth scrolling experience when you browse the web using Internet Explorer 8, Internet Explorer 9, Firefox 6 and later, and Chrome 14 and later. It works only on Windows 7. It also provides support for: - Microsoft Word 2003 and later - Outlook 2007 and later.

  • Publisher: Logitech
  • Last updated: February 25th, 2012
Logitech Scroll App

Logitech Scroll App

The Logitech Scroll App is a software plugin that provides a smooth scrolling experience using Internet Explorer 8 and Internet Explorer 9 while browsing through web pages via the internet. It is Windows 7 only. If you choose to save the file, you’ll need to reconnect to the internet to run the setup at a later time.

  • Publisher: Logitech
  • Home page: www.logitech.com
  • Last updated: March 27th, 2012
Scroll Saw Pattern Printer

Scroll Saw Pattern Printer

Scroll Saw Pattern Printer is a program that allows to prepare patterns including names to be cut by a scroll saw. This program will allow users to create text patterns that, once printed, can be glued to the material that they are going to cut. Then, they can easily apply the scroll saw on the lines of the pattern, to obtain the object they want to create.

Flow scroll scroll app 4.00.33 in Description

GOM Remote

GOM Remote

GOM Remote turns your mobile device into a remote control for GOM Player and GOM Audio. By means of a desktop and a mobile app, the program connects your mobile to your PC, allowing you to handle these popular media players at a distance via WiFi or a mobile connection.

  • Publisher: Gretech Corporation
  • Last updated: August 12th, 2017
Sonic Visualiser

Sonic Visualiser

Useful for both music lovers and audio engineers, Sonic Visualiser is an open-source app that offers you a wide variety of visualization options to analyze the components of nearly any audio file and check its quality. From the standard waveform graph and spectrum view to any of the various spectrograms provided, this high-end tool unveils all the subtleties of any audio file in a snap.

PC App Store

PC App Store

Baidu has shown itself to be a force to reckon with. Not only do they have the Chinese equivalent to Google, but they also know how to make fantastic software, sadly, this time they made a fluke. Sure, the Baidu App Store is nice to look at and it has lots of programs and games on offer but the review part is substandard. Compared to their other software this one has a long way to go.

  • Publisher: Baidu, Inc.
  • Last updated: January 18th, 2021
Clever Keyboard Indicator

Clever Keyboard Indicator

The Clever Keyboard Indicator is a program which stays in your Windows system tray and displays "Caps Lock", "Num Lock" and "Scroll Lock" status, allows you to switch key status, plays a sound when the key status changed and many more.

  • Publisher: CleverComponents
  • Last updated: March 1st, 2008


Flowchart4C# - is available as an Add-in for VisualStudio.NET IDE, developers have an in-place program visualization tool which improves understandability of code. Flowchart4C# is interactive and provides features like code to flowchart synchronization, level folding, block expansion, exports diagram to Microsoft Visio, highlighting complex conditions and exit points.

  • Publisher: CodeSWAT
  • Last updated: May 11th, 2012

Additional Flow scroll scroll app 4.00.33 selection

ICE Book Reader Professional

ICE Book Reader Professional

To the many hardware-based e-book readers available, we have to add now a plethora of software reading tools that have followed an increasing demand from e-book lovers – the option to transform our laptops, smart phones, and tablets into e-book readers. ICE Book Reader Professional covers that demand while offering also something completely different – teleprompting and TTS capabilities.

  • Publisher: ICE Graphics
  • Last updated: August 29th, 2017


Create titles, professional credits, cinemalike trailers, animated itineraries and stunning videowall-Effects with 2D & 3D, sensational. By forgoing the overall complex key frames with a extreme easy handling! Plugins for most actual NLEs available!!

  • Publisher: proDAD GmbH
  • Home page: www.heroglyph.com
  • Last updated: September 30th, 2011
X-Mouse Button Control

X-Mouse Button Control

X-Mouse Button Control lets you customize mouse buttons with application specific behaviors. In games which do not natively support extended mouse buttons, you can map keys to each button. You can change the behaviour of the mouse over certain windows, e.g. make a mouse wheel change its volume when you hover over the system tray.

  • Publisher: Phillip Gibbons (Highresolution Enterprises)
  • Home page: www.highrez.co.uk
  • Last updated: July 18th, 2023


This handy app allows you to scroll the contents of any window under your mouse cursor without needing to click on that window first. In other words, with WizMouse you can use your mouse wheel over any window on your desktop without losing the focus on the one currently selected. Besides, the tool also allows you to use your mouse wheel over certain windows that do not support it by default.

Keyboard Leds

Keyboard Leds

Keyboard Leds allows you to view on the screen the status of Num, Caps, and Scroll lock keys by adding an icon on the system tray, and small on-screen semitransparent and color customizable displays. The on-screen displays can be easily placed anywhere and pop-up if any of these functions are activated.

  • Publisher: KARPOLAN
  • Last updated: September 12th, 2012


This is a piece of software that can help you read all of your favorite e-books in an interactive and animated way. You also have the possibility of quickly downloading hundreds of e-books. Create your own e-book by converting PDF files or photo collections, insert adds and upload them, so that other users can enjoy them.



KatMouse gives you access to options which help you enhance the performance of your mouse wheel. With its assistance, you can alter the mouse wheel behavior and scroll any windows directly beneath the mouse cursor. This tool lives in your System Tray from where you can configure the mouse wheel settings according to your needs and enable or disable the program's features.

  • Publisher: Eduard Hiti
  • Home page: ehiti.de
  • Last updated: April 25th, 2014


WPanorama allows you to display panoramic pictures by letting them scroll horizontally or vertically on the screen. You can use this software to view the 360 degree Swiss panorama included with the program or your own pictures in .jpg or .bmp format.

  • Publisher: Pierre-Alain Bovard
  • Home page: www.wpanorama.com
  • Last updated: November 18th, 2024
Marble Mouse Scroll Wheel

Marble Mouse Scroll Wheel

Marble Scroll is a replacement for Logitech's Autoscroll and Universal Scroll functions; neither properly emulate a real scroll wheel and both have limitations and flaws. Marble Scroll works with any mouse or trackball and does not require Logitech's SetPoint or MouseWare drivers to be installed.

  • Publisher: Simon M
  • Last updated: March 26th, 2009
Fairy Treasure

Fairy Treasure

Fairy Treasure is a brick-busting game where you will have to find a treasure hidden in a castle. As you play, you will gather parts of a magic scroll to find hidden treasures, solve puzzles to unlock secret areas and collect keys to unleash the might chain ball. The game has more than 150 levels, with lots of power-ups and three difficulty levels.

  • Publisher: GameOn
  • Last updated: May 19th, 2011