Fluid properties calculator in Title/Summary

Knight Hawk Supply Fluid Power Calculator
Knight Hawk Supply Fluid Power Calculator is a very nice, interesting and easy to use software. It has allot of features. It is an easy tool for those who like mathematics, geometry. With this software you habe the possibility to calculate many things.
- Publisher: Knight Hawk Supply, Inc.
- Last updated: December 2nd, 2009

Prode Properties
Prode Properties permits to calculate the properties of a pure fluid or a mixture, solve two phase (vapor-liquid) three phases (vapor-liquid-liquid) and a limited number of multiphase (vapor-liquid-solid) separations, solves distillation columns, multiphase flow, prints the phase envelope , phase diagram, calculates critical points, cricondentherm, cricondenbar, heating / cooling curves etc.
- Publisher: Prode, via Spalato 2 Milano 20124 Italia
- Home page: www.prode.com
- Last updated: June 16th, 2021

Genetron Properties
Genetron Properties is a program that can be used to calculate the state points of fluid or mixture and also to perform cycle calculations. The application provides a flexible user interface that enables you to enter input data with validation error notifications.
- Publisher: Honeywell Internation, Inc.
- Last updated: April 5th, 2013
Fluid properties calculator in Description

Chempak Viewer
A powerful, easy-to-use interface, Chempak Viewer lets you access the Chempak Property Database as a stand-alone application. Select any of the over 700 fluids contained in the database or assemble non-reacting mixtures on a mass or mole basis. Fluid or mixture properties may be calculated for any combination of the available input parameters, either as a single point input or a range of inputs.
- Publisher: Applied Flow Technology
- Last updated: October 4th, 2011

PVT Pro is a professional application, user-friendly software for Windows to model the phase behavior and properties of reservoir fluids designed. The module of asphaltenes unique modeling of this software is a powerful tool for predicting the precipitation of asphaltenes.
- Publisher: MAPSA E&P
- Last updated: October 31st, 2011

Guentner Product Calculator 2008
The Guentner Product Calculator 2008 is the design program for all serial units and coils of the company Güntner.The "view" menu contains information concerning units and calculations: By selecting this menu item, data on fluid properties, spare parts lists, bid texts, and information concerning sound pressure level distribution will appear.
- Publisher: Güntner Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd
- Last updated: April 7th, 2008

Esteam Demo
Some function descriptions:* Inputs or outputs * Pressure * Temperature * Enthalpy * Entropy * Steam quality * Outputs only * Dynamic viscosity * Thermal conductivity * Specific volume * Specific heat * Steam turbine expansion line characteristics * Available energy from upstream pressure and enthalpy, and downstream pressure
- Publisher: Encotech, Inc.
- Last updated: March 25th, 2010

VLE Flash
VLEFlash is the ideal tool for professionals in the natural gas / petroleum industry. You can now easily calculate fluid properties, and use the results to size equipment and find dew points .Works great with a standard gas analysis. Now you can use the results of the program to: - Find Dew Points from your gas analysis
- Publisher: FlowPhase Inc.
- Last updated: November 16th, 2011
Additional Fluid properties calculator selection

Pipe Properties
The program will report: * Pipe Outside Diameter * Inside Diameter * Wall Thickness * Inside CS Area * Traverse Metal Area * Moment of Inertia * Section Modulus * Radius of Gyration * Outside Surface Area * Inside Surface Area * Weight
- Publisher: flowmeterdirectory.com
- Last updated: September 28th, 2010

With this interesting application you can:- Create Piper diagram, Stiff diagram, Ternary, and 8 other plot types - Instant unit conversion -- shift effortlessly among units - Check water analyses for internal consistency - Manage water data in a spreadsheet
- Publisher: AqQA, LLC
- Home page: www.rockware.com
- Last updated: June 29th, 2008

Section properties calculator, stress analysis, shape database customization. Get torsion properties, cracked section properties, concrete section capacities and interaction diagrams. ShapeBuilder shines in a number of areas: * Integrates with the IES Shape & Material database systems * Exports custom shapes to VisualAnalysis
- Publisher: IES
- Last updated: September 23rd, 2012

Data Doctor-Length and Area Convertor
Data Doctor-Length and Area Convertor is a software utility that convert area in to/from square meter inches yards centimeter acres feet and calculate the price of your property. The calculator program with advanced features useful for real estate and rapidly converts area from one unit to another area of land.
- Publisher: Pro Data Doctor Pvt. Ltd.
- Home page: www.stestate.com
- Last updated: March 8th, 2008

Is the ideal tool for professionals in the natural gas & petroleum industry. You can now easily calculate fluid properties, and use the results to size equipment and find dew points in accordance with API 14.1 (June 2001)! Works great with a standard gas analysis
- Publisher: Flow Phase Inc.

Robbco Pump Selector is a powerful pump sizing/selection program. Using Robbco Pump Selector, users can quickly search across Robbco Pumps centrifugal pump catalog to identify the "best pump" for the required application. Selections are based on a number of user inputs such as system design point, fluid properties, motor sizing, and NPSH calculations.
- Publisher: Engineered Software, Inc.
- Last updated: April 7th, 2015

Flowel makes sizing orifice plates, nozzles, and venturis easier than ever. Flowel requires MicrosoftT Windows MET, NTT, 2000T, XPT, or XP Pro. Flowel is part of a total flow element solution that includes training, technical support, and ISO 9000 validation documentation. Flowel provides the latest calculation methods, an optional fluid properties package and an intuitive interface.
- Publisher: Emerson Process Management
- Last updated: November 8th, 2009

ProPhyPlus software performs fast, interactive, fluid phase equilibria and fluid properties directly from its own user-friendly graphical interface. ProPhyPlus is specifically for users who prefer an easy-to-use graphical user interface to set up and run their calculations.
- Publisher: ProSim
- Home page: www.prosim.net
- Last updated: July 15th, 2016

You can be confident that you will get the right number when you are using Flowel as your sizing software package.-Attain the most accurate design calculations-Generate specification sheets-Track costs and print out job reports-Solve sizing problems for a variety of devices and fluids-Store and retrieve custom tags
- Publisher: Emerson

Pumping power calculator
Pumping power calculator is a free program that enables you to calculate the fluid pumping power. The Pumping power calculator will accept input in SI and Metric measurement units and will calculate the following: 1) Pump hydraulic power 2) Shaft power 3) Motor power
- Publisher: WeBBusterZ Engineering Software
- Home page: www.webbusterz.com
- Last updated: December 10th, 2009