Fluidsim 4.5 portable in Title/Summary

FluidSim is capable of simulating a vast number of different cylinders and valves. The combination of all part designs and functional types would lead to displaying many thousands of symbols. Therefore you will find, alongside some common part designs in the component library, configurable and representative components.
- Publisher: Art Systems Software Ltd
- Home page: www.fluidsim.de
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

FluidSIM Hydraulics
FluidSIM Hydraulics is a teaching tool for simulating hydraulics basics and runs using Microsoft Windows. It can be used in combination with the Festo Didactic GmbH&Co.KG training hardware, but also independently. FluidSIM was developed as a joint venture between the University of Paderborn, Festo Didactic GmbH & Co.KG and art Systems Software GmBH, Paderborn
- Publisher: Art Systems Software GmbH, Festo Didactic GmbH & Co. KG
- Home page: www.art-systems.com
- Last updated: November 14th, 2009

FluidSIM 5
FluidSIM 5 is a circuit diagram design and simulation program for pneumatics, hydraulics and for electrical engineering. Dive into the world of real-time simulations with your apprentices, specialists or students and celebrate successful learning at all levels.
- Publisher: Festo Didactic GmbH & Co. KG
- Last updated: August 25th, 2016
Fluidsim 4.5 portable in Description

All of the programme functions interact smoothly, combining different media forms and sources of knowledge in an easily accessible fashion. FluidSIM unites an intuitive circuit diagram editor with detailed descriptions of all components, component photos, sectional view animations and video sequences.paration thereof and as a self-study programme.
- Publisher: Festo
- Home page: www.fluidsim.de
- Last updated: May 22nd, 2017

EasyPort ActiveX Control
Through EasyPort ActiveX Control, the ActiveX control establishes data links between EasyPort and the following Festo Didactic software: EzOPC, CIROS®, FluidSIM®, EasyVeep® and the FluidLab® applications. For generation of own applications the ActiveX control acts as a programming interface to EasyPort.
- Publisher: Festo didactic
- Last updated: November 19th, 2009

FluidDraw S5
FluidDraw S5 is an application for creating pneumatic circuit diagrams. The program provides the standard circuit symbols and all of the components contained in the Festo product catalog along with their part numbers and technical details. It also supports DXF files and circuit diagrams created with older FluidDraw versions and the FluidSIM pneumatic simulator.
- Publisher: Art Systems Software GmbH, Festo AG & Co.
- Home page: www.art-systems.com
- Last updated: April 21st, 2015

SSuite Dual View Portable
Dual View Portable is designed to be a portable video phone for use within Local Area Networks{LAN}. This communication's app is an ideal replacement for internet chat and video connections in companies, home networks, and student campuses.
- Publisher: SSuite Office Software
- Home page: www.ssuiteoffice.com
- Last updated: December 4th, 2014

The CeRegEditor is a registry editor for any device (PDA) based on WindowsCE, PocketPC2003 and WindowsMobile(WM5, WM6) system. It runs on desktop PC but operates on a mobile device. With this feature user is able to user a normal keyboard, mouse and big - even 21' PC's monitor.
- Publisher: mdSoft
- Last updated: July 30th, 2008
Additional Fluidsim 4.5 portable selection

Windows Portable Device Enabling Kit for MTP - ToolsVersion 7R2
The Windows 7 Portable Device Enabling Kit is designed to assist portable device manufacturers in the development of device firmware that is compatible with the protocols that Windows supports and the concept of device services that is introduced in Windows 7.
- Publisher: Microsoft Corporation
- Home page: msdn.microsoft.com
- Last updated: December 25th, 2013

MetaProducts Portable Download Manager
Portable Download Manager is a Windows download manager application that makes it easy to download video/audio streams and files from Internet sites at the maximum available speed. Download resume is supported. Multiple channels technology significantly reduces download time.
- Publisher: MetaProducts corp.
- Last updated: September 22nd, 2020

Portable Start Menu
This program can be used to organize the shortcuts of portable applications in a USB drive. It can check whether an application has been changed, before execution. The program can be copied to USB drives, and run on other PCs. It doesn't install any file or registry key on the running computer, making it safe to use.
- Publisher: Aignesberger Software
- Home page: www.aignes.com
- Last updated: April 21st, 2021

SterJo Portable Firewall PRO
SterJo Portable Firewall PRO is a innovative security program designed to prevent intruders from accessing your network even if it is run from a USB drive. This way you protect your computer from any kind of unauthorized access that could damage your system. SterJo Portable Firewall is a very convenient way of keeping your PC from any hacks or breaches even without installing the software.
- Publisher: SterJo Software
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020

Xming portable PuTTY
Xming- Portable PuTTY is the portable version of one of the most popular telnet and ssh clients. SSH and Telnet are two ways of logging into a multi-user computer from a remote computer over the network. Multi user-operating systems provide a command user interface from where the users can give commands to remote computer systems in a network.
- Publisher: Colin Harrison
- Home page: www.StraightRunning.com
- Last updated: May 26th, 2017

Portable Bookmarks
Portable Bookmarks is a portable bookmark organizer for a USB flash drive. It allows the user to bookmark pages from the Web and keep track of Internet finds on any computer. You'll be able to bookmark using the floating Drop Trap widget without the need to step out of the browser.
- Publisher: Resort Labs
- Last updated: September 16th, 2011

VLC media player
VLC is a free and open source cross-platform multimedia player and framework that plays most multimedia files as well as DVDs, Audio CDs, VCDs, and various streaming protocols. Plays everything - files, discs, webcams, devices, and streams. Plays most codecs with no codec packs needed - MPEG-2, MPEG-4, H.264, MKV, WebM, WMV, MP3...
- Publisher: VideoLAN
- Home page: www.videolan.org
- Last updated: January 10th, 2025

Portable Communication Manager
Portable Communication Manager is developed by Unitech America Inc.and is an application that links the portable terminal to a host PC. PTComm Manager will enable the interchange of data and files between your portable and host PC with ease and speed.
- Publisher: Unitech America Inc.
- Last updated: December 7th, 2008

Z80 Portable Emulation Package
This is the portable source code for teh Z80 and 6502 emulation cores. They are used in projects, such as fMSX, MasterGear, ColEm, Speccy, and iNES, as well as by other people: - Z88DK cross-development kit for Z80-based systems by Dominic Morris. - 80x86-optimized Z80 core and other projects by Marcel de Kogel.
- Publisher: Marat Fayzullin
- Home page: fms.komkon.org
- Last updated: February 23rd, 2010

Firefox Portable
Mozilla Firefox, Portable Edition is the popular Mozilla Firefox web browser bundled with a PortableApps.com Launcher as a portable app, so you can take your bookmarks, extensions and saved passwords with you. It has lots of great features including popup-blocking, tabbed-browsing, integrated search, improved privacy features, automatic updating and more.
- Publisher: Portableapps
- Home page: portableapps.com
- Last updated: January 7th, 2011