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Focus booster license in Title/Summary

Focus Booster

Focus Booster

Based on the pomodoro technique, Focus Booster will empower you to maintain focus and manage distractions. It uses simple dashboard reporting to visualize progress and rhythm to help further improve your productivity. You can quickly generate invoices or reports from CSV exports to share with clients and managers.

Helicon Focus

Helicon Focus

Helicon Focus uses focus stacking technique to improve your captured digital images. Take several shots at different focus distances instead of just one, and Helicon Focus will combine the stack into a fully focused image. Processing of images with 16 bit precision preserves all the hues and details, exceeding dynamic range of camera sensors.

License4J License Manager

License4J License Manager

License4J License Manager can generate license text, floating license text and license keys. The program stores all products, templates, licenses, and settings in a database. The database can be on a local embedded Derby database or on database servers: MySQL, PostgreSQL, and Microsoft SQL Server.

Focus booster license in Description



Obtain or upgrade your amateur radio licence using this complete training package. Create tests from the official ARRL question pools. Browse the question pools. Read in-depth explanations of each question. FCC Part 97 rules included.

  • Publisher: Nu-Ware
  • Last updated: May 26th, 2020
Evolane Tcl Engine

Evolane Tcl Engine

eTcl provides the abstraction level to allow you to focus on your code, not on the underlying operating system specificities. Sockets, menus, high-level widgets, powerful theme engine, image handling are just bricks you can plug together to build complex and cross-platform applications in less lines of code. eTcl enable rapid application development and prototyping for mobile devices.

  • Publisher: Evolane
  • Last updated: September 26th, 2008
PDF Focus .Net

PDF Focus .Net

.Net library for converting PDF documents to Word, RTF, HTML, XML, Text and Images, JPEG, PNG, and multipage-TIFF. Entirely created in C# and can be used in any .Net app: WinForms C#, WPF, VB.Net, Silverlight, and ASP.Net.

  • Publisher: Sautin Software
  • Last updated: August 19th, 2020
Cloud System Booster

Cloud System Booster

Cloud System Booster is a powerful system optimization and maintenance suite that helps you keep your computer in top shape. Running the cleaning and optimization utilities that Cloud System Booster includes, from time to time, will ensure that the performance level of your system doesn't only remain of a satisfactory status, but actually gets a notable boost.

  • Publisher: Anvisoft
  • Last updated: April 12th, 2015
Network Booster

Network Booster

Network Booster is a powerful FREE utility designed specifically for Mac. With Network Booster you're only minutes away from a faster, better browsing experience!

  • Publisher: iBoostUp
  • Last updated: July 9th, 2018

Additional Focus booster license selection

Driver Booster

Driver Booster

Driver Booster 8 is one of the most popular driver update tools for worldwide users.

  • Publisher: IObit
  • Home page: www.iobit.com
  • Last updated: January 9th, 2025
360 Total Security

360 Total Security

Integrating award winning antivirus engines from 360 Cloud Scan Engine, 360 QVMII AI Engine, QEX and Kunpeng to provide you with the ultimate in Virus detection and protection capabilities. Cloud technology detects latest Ransomware variants in realtime. Intelligent behavior monitoring to identify any document hijacking. Automatically backup your documents before they are tampered with.

  • Publisher: 360 Security Center
  • Last updated: October 16th, 2024
Autodesk Network License Manager

Autodesk Network License Manager

These downloads include the FLEXlm Licensing Server Tools software for use with license servers running on Windows XP, Mac OS X, Linux, IRIX, HPUX or SUN Solaris. For each operating system, the download package contains the following components: - lmgrd - License Server Daemo - sgiawd - License Server Vendor Daemon - lmutil - General Licensing Utility

Razer Game Booster

Razer Game Booster

This Razer Cortex feature manages and stops non-essential processes/apps (i.e. business apps, background helpers) when gaming, freeing up valuable resources and RAM for a smoother experience. GAME BOOSTER automatically kicks in the moment you launch a game, whether it’s from a gaming platform or your desktop. When you’re done gaming, it auto-restores your PC back to its previous state.

  • Publisher: Razer Inc.
  • Home page: www.razer.com
  • Last updated: July 30th, 2024
Letasoft Sound Booster

Letasoft Sound Booster

Letasoft Sound Booster can amplify sound of Windows applications including media players, games, browsers, and Skype. Sound from any application can be amplified up to 500%. It gives you a simple pop-up slider in the system-tray for easily changing the volume level.

  • Publisher: Letasoft LLC
  • Home page: www.letasoft.com
  • Last updated: April 28th, 2022
Bentley IEG License Service

Bentley IEG License Service

Bentley IEG License Service is the central license service routines used by the Bentley Integrated Engineering products such as STAAD.Pro, RAM Structural System, RAM Concept and AutoPipe.Any Bentley product that requires the use of this service will display this installation as a pre-requsite requirement.

  • Publisher: Bentley Systems Inc.
  • Last updated: March 31st, 2012
Wise Game Booster

Wise Game Booster

Wise Game Booster is a free and professional utility to offer you a peak game-playing experience with one click.

Bass Treble Booster

Bass Treble Booster

Bass Treble Booster will help you equalize your favorite music. The user interface design makes this application easy to use. You will find fifteen scrollable knobs, each representing a different frequency band. Moving these knobs will boost or cut bass or treble sounds accordingly. Finally, you will be able to make the changes permanent by creating new audio files.

  • Publisher: MyPcSoft.com
  • Last updated: March 9th, 2011
Advanced Registry Optimizer

Advanced Registry Optimizer

This program analyzes your system's registry, detecting all its possible errors, and then it proceeds to fix them in a quick and easy manner. The program has an attractive interface that will guide you step by step through the whole process. Also, you can schedule automatic registry cleaning.

  • Publisher: Sammsoft
  • Last updated: October 9th, 2012
PC Booster

PC Booster

PC Booster is a program that makes your computer faster and stable in few minutes. PC Booster is designed for quick acceleration so you can enjoy the faster boot ups and more productivity with a faster accelerated system. PC Booster gives you a cleaner PC system, faster boot up and much more

  • Publisher: inKline Global
  • Last updated: February 13th, 2010