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Folder index file index program in Title/Summary

Mihov Index Maker

Mihov Index Maker

Mihov Index Maker is a program that creates a HTML file containing links to all the files in a given directory. If the files are in HTML format it automaticaly inserts the TITLE caption in the link. Now with support for subfolders!

  • Publisher: Miha Psenica
  • Home page: www.mihov.com
  • Last updated: March 8th, 2008
File & Folder Lister

File & Folder Lister

File & Folder Lister is a 100% freeware that used to print files/directories information to audio/video playlist (m3u/pls), PowerBuilder resources file (pbr), text file (txt), Excel document (xls), web page (htm/html) and MS Word document (doc).

  • Publisher: TriSun Software Limited
  • Home page: www.trisunsoft.com
  • Last updated: September 9th, 2021
File and Folder Privacy

File and Folder Privacy

File and Folder Privacy is a file/folder protection tool. It allows you to control and restrict access to any file on your system in a variety of ways. To protect files, you have to add them to a list of "protected files". When you do that, the application will ask you how you want to protect them. There are 5 different protection settings.

Folder index file index program in Description

Jar2Exe Wizard

Jar2Exe Wizard

Jar2Exe Wizard is a solution to redistribute Java applications. It simplifies the process of starting Java programs by creating executable files out of JAR archives. In this regard, it is very convenient that the resulting binary file can automatically find Java Runtime Environment on the host computer without user intervention.

  • Publisher: RegExLab.com
  • Home page: www.jar2exe.com
  • Last updated: January 27th, 2015
MP3 File Renamer

MP3 File Renamer

MP3 File Renamer is a software program intended to help you rename and organize your entire music collection in a very short time. All your MP3 files with a non-descriptive name will be automatically renamed, thus you will very easily identify them in the future. Besides that, they will be organized under a folder structure that will make it even easier for you to locate them.

  • Publisher: MP3 File Renamer, Inc.
  • Last updated: November 10th, 2008
ZSKSoft Synchronizer

ZSKSoft Synchronizer

Intellectual folder synchronizer; monitors actual changes. Efficient: supports regular folders, laptop, remote computer, FTP, etc. Clearly displays changes, their gravity, and the actions plan.

  • Publisher: ZSKSoft Lab
  • Home page: www.zsksoft.com
  • Last updated: May 2nd, 2008
NowPDF Professional

NowPDF Professional

A true affordable alternative to Adobe Acrobat® for all of your PDF document solutions. - Edit PDF files - Add and delete text, graphics, watermark - Fill in, create, save PDF Forms - Scan to PDF and type in the Form - Add clickable hyperlinks and bookmarks to a PDF file - Add and delete pages and merge multiple PDF files

  • Publisher: CTdeveloping, LLC
  • Last updated: December 25th, 2010
Private Encryptor

Private Encryptor

The latest in encryption technology to protect your sensitive data. Privacy tools include file/folder encryption, e-mail encryption, file shredder, file Backup with auto encryption, My Passwords, My Private Notes, Self Decrypting Executables.

  • Publisher: Tropical Software
  • Last updated: March 8th, 2008

Additional Folder index file index program selection

Wise JetSearch

Wise JetSearch

Wise JetSearch is a free and quick search tool. It can search files on local drives and removable drives as long as you input the file/folder name. Besides, it also supports wildcard search when you are not sure about the file/folder name.



SwiftSearch is a simple and handy application that offers a better alternative than the Windows' default file search function. It comes with a few important advantages that make it a remarkable file search solution. First of all, it's really fast. Second, it's precise. It provides accurate results regardless of what you're searching for.

  • Publisher: Mehrdad N.
  • Last updated: May 27th, 2020


UltraFinder is a search engine for your Windows PC. It lets you find any file, word, text string, or pattern on your hard drive, on your shared and network volumes, on your removable drives, or even on a remote FTP/SFTP server. UltraFinder also allows you to find and delete duplicate files.

  • Publisher: IDM Computer Solutions, Inc.
  • Home page: www.ultraedit.com
  • Last updated: December 8th, 2022
Arclab Dir2HTML

Arclab Dir2HTML

Arclab Dir2HTML is a directory to HTML converter and HTML index generator. The program allows you to index files and folders for technical documentations, add a custom link prefix for file distributions, create HTML sitemaps, index large structures and large file sizes, clean HTML5 output using CSS and utf-8, and more.

  • Publisher: Arclab Software Technologies
  • Home page: www.arclab.com
  • Last updated: June 16th, 2023


Mo-Search is a file indexing tool that helps you find data easily. Once indexing is completed, AutoIndexer maintains your Index by transparently incorporating new files, and updating details on file-modification. You can search files using word/phrase, wildcards, modified date, etc.



Listary is a powerful disk search utility intended to increase your productivity. The application indexes the contents of your disks to produce almost instant search results. Moreover, it can help you launch applications, search the web and explore projects. The tool has a minimal graphical user interface, which is limited to contextual menus, search boxes and its Options dialog box.

  • Publisher: Bopsoft
  • Home page: www.listary.com
  • Last updated: July 13th, 2022
A1 Sitemap Generator

A1 Sitemap Generator

Create text, HTML, RSS and XML sitemaps for search engines like Google and Yahoo. Rich template support for HTML sitemaps. Supports splitting and compressing XML sitemaps. Many website crawl options. View all broken and redirected links in website.

SQL Index Manager

SQL Index Manager

SQL Index Manager lets you quickly and easily find out the status of your indexes and discover which databases need maintenance. You can do maintenance through the UI, or generate a T-SQL script to run in SQL Server Management Studio. It can detect index fragmentation: get a full report on indexes across your databases, including severity of fragmentation and the reasons for it.

  • Publisher: Red Gate Software Ltd
  • Home page: www.red-gate.com
  • Last updated: February 26th, 2018


IEHistoryView allows you to manage the Internet Explorer's history index file. It shows all the addresses on a list with information like title, hits, modified date, expiration date, user name, subfolder, and low folder. You can select URLs and save, copy, delete, open a link, view the properties in an individual window, and generate horizontal or vertical HTML reports.

  • Publisher: NirSoft
  • Last updated: August 27th, 2019
Folder Lock

Folder Lock

File locking software that Encrypts your important files and lets you shred the unnecessary space consuming files. Furthermore, Clean history and create online wallets to protect banking details, ATM pin number, credit card details and more.