Form auto filler portable in Title/Summary
- Publisher: Oksima
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 4th, 2010

Drag-Drop Form
Drag-Drop Form is a Portable, Password Manager and Form-Auto-Fill tool. Drag-Drop Form encrypts your login URL, your username, password and other information such as credit-card number, E-Mail address, phone number and the words and sentences you use frequently.
- Publisher: freefolderhider
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 21st, 2009

VeryPDF Form Filler
PDF Form Filler - Fill PDF Forms, Save PDF Forms, PDF Form Filling, Edit PDF Forms, Fill PDF forms with PDF Form Filler. VeryPDF PDF Form Filler allows you to fill interactive PDF forms without the need for Adobe Acrobat, free download.
- Publisher: Inc
- Last updated: May 16th, 2008
Form auto filler portable in Description

Auto C
Auto C is used to create user interfaces in the C programming language. Create the skeleton for a generic SDK C Windows application by drawing controls on a form. Use a toolbox, properties box and property pages in a visual-style WYSIWYG environment.
- Publisher: Wade Schuette
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 5th, 2015

Form Auto Fill offers lots of advanced options to make your work easier. Form Auto Fill saves your time by automatically filling web forms with your information. Just fill the necessary information once and Form Auto Fill will enter this data into web forms for you.
- Publisher:
- Last updated: March 19th, 2021

MozBackup is a small utility that helps you back up in a single file all your profile information belonging to the Mozilla family of tools. The program can read the profile info from applications such as Mozilla Firefox, Thunderbird, Sunbird, SeaMonkey, and Netscape. The backup file will contain info such as bookmarks, browser histories, e-mails, contacts, form auto-fill info, and passwords.
- Publisher: Pavel Cvrcek
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

History Killer Pro
History Killer Pro is a versatile software tool capable of analyzing and cleaning key areas of your system to remove sensitive data from it. Besides protecting your private information, it also helps you to keep a lighter system by recovering disk space. It performs a secure data deletion, so that nobody else can recover them later by any method. You can choose what to clean and what not to.
- Publisher: Anuloid
- Last updated: September 19th, 2012

Orca Browser
Orca Browser is an extremely fast and user friendly web browser, designed to add more functions on to the latest version of Firefox. Not only does Orca Browser contains all the features, such as security, low memory usage, spell-checker, built-in download manager, etc. from a typical Gecko based browser.
- Publisher: Avant Force
- Last updated: May 20th, 2021
Additional Form auto filler portable selection

Avant Browser
Avant is a multi-processing browser featured with Private Browsing, Anti-Freezing, Low CPU Usage, No Memory Leak, Web Form Auto-Filler, Online Bookmarks, Mouse Gestures, AD/Popup Blocker, Full Screen/Desktop Mode, Flash Filter, RSS Reader...
- Publisher: Avant Force
- Home page:
- Last updated: July 2nd, 2020

Avant Browser Ultimate
Avant is a multi-processing tri-core browser featured with Private Browsing, Anti-Freezing, Low CPU Usage, No Memory Leak, Web Form Auto-Filler, Online Bookmarks, Mouse Gestures, AD/Popup Blocker,Flash Filter, RSS Reader...
- Publisher: Avant Force
- Home page:
- Last updated: April 17th, 2020

Form Auto Fill is an application for automatic form filler and password manager. Form Auto Fill is developed for a wide range of users who want to simplify logon and filling can import forms information from files in CSV format so you can easily import information from any program e.g. Excel, Word, etc. that allows saving data in CSV format and much more
- Publisher: MoRUN
- Last updated: August 23rd, 2022

FormMax Filler
Form Filler is another winner in the list of high end applications developed by Cute PDF. Form Filler helps users in filling up AFM forms with ease of writing or editing with high level of accuracy. While this tool can manage to edit FormMax created forms, it protects the design from any type of modification.
- Publisher: Acro Software Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: April 9th, 2008

Amigabit Privacy Cleaner
Amigabit Privacy Cleaner is designed to protect your privacy and personal information by cleaning all your tracks on computer and Internet.
- Publisher: Amigabit
- Last updated: August 2nd, 2022

Meldium Browser Extension
Meldium is a powerful password & account manager for teams. Instead of sharing spreadsheets of passwords, your team can access all their web apps from one home screen. The service is free for teams of up to 5 people. Head to to try out the free 14 day trial.
- Publisher: Meldium
- Home page:
- Last updated: June 30th, 2015

AutoFiller is very simple and easy to use utility. You have to create the new identity, fill up the necessary information once and save it. Now whenever you have to fill any form online, AutoFiller will fill up all the forms at a single mouse click and submit it directly.
- Publisher: Max PC Secure
- Last updated: January 6th, 2010

PTP PC Share Register Plus
PC Share Register Plus is a combined register of company statutory records that enables you to electronically complete the administration associated with a company secretary’s responsibilities, including the formation of new companies. You can compile and print fully completed forms on plain paper, including stock transfer forms, share certificates, dividend warrants and lists, etc.
- Publisher: IRIS Software Group Ltd
- Last updated: August 31st, 2016

FormTool Filler
FormTool Filler, a data management system that allows you to quickly fill out forms right from your own PC, a real timesaver if you need to fill out forms on a regular basis.FormTool Filler maintains a database of information about the user and automatically fills in information that has been provided on previous forms, reducing errors and saving you time and money.
- Publisher: Findex
- Last updated: November 29th, 2008

XLEcom Webmaster
Features: -Integrated Site Search -Expandable / Collapsible Item Descriptions -Multiple Price Option Add-to-Cart Forms / Bulk Transfer of Form -Auto-Sensing Behavior - identifies Plain text versus Scripting code -Database sheet Cell drop-down selection lists
- Publisher: XLEcom