Foxpro find replace tool in Title/Summary

FoxPro Find and Replace Software
Replace content in FoxPro database tables. Select one or more tables in which to make the replacement.
- Publisher: Sobolsoft
- Home page:
- Last updated: June 4th, 2014

Find and Replace Tool for Excel
Find and Replace Tool For Excel is a program that allows you to find and replace items or you can import from Excel or CSV file. You can define search location like Header, Footer, Built in Properties and Hyper link address if you want to replace at specific location only. It gives you a report after completion of task so you know where it made changes and on which files.
- Publisher: Find and Replace Tool Developer
- Home page:
- Last updated: June 27th, 2014

Find and Replace Tool for Word
Find and Replace Tool for Word works in the same way as internal find and replace feature of Microsoft Word, but using this application, you can make changes to hundreds of documents at a time. The program shows a report which after completion of replacement, states how many changes made and on which file.
- Publisher: Find and Replace Tool Developer
- Last updated: March 19th, 2015
Foxpro find replace tool in Description

Logic Builder SDK
Features: -Event-driven state machine -Supported mode-types: Exclusive, Concurrent, No default child. -Multiple trees. -Events with arguments. -Mode-trees info stored as binary or "C" file. -Data-driven multilingual code generator. -Excel toolbar (GUI). -Find & Replace tool with auto-backup. -Trace in Excel. -Advanced Win32 Graphics Library (primitives for Win32 simulations).
- Publisher: Timur Software
- Last updated: December 20th, 2009

Word Find and Replace Standard
Word Find and Replace is smart tool for finding and replacing the particular word or phrase using accurate search criteria. It works on user requirement specification. Its batch find replace mode used for finding and replacing using word list.
- Publisher: WindowIndia
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020

Powerpoint Find and Replace Professional
PowerPoint Find and Replace tool for solving the purpose of finding and replacing in PPTs using accurate search criteria. It follows user requirement for accurate search and replacement. User can add or delete the multiple file from selected list.
- Publisher: WindowIndia
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020

Excel Find and Replace Professional
Excel Find and Replace tool for solving the purpose of finding and replacing in excel files using accurate search criteria. It follows user requirement for accurate search and replacement. User can add or delete the multiple file from selected list.
- Publisher: WindowIndia
- Last updated: September 17th, 2013

Word Find and Replace Professional
Find & replace multiple phrases and words in multiple word documents through this professional software. It also allows various sorts of formatting like adding Super & Subscript,changing back and forecolor,adjusting upper and lowercase,bold,italic.
- Publisher: Window India
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 14th, 2016
Additional Foxpro find replace tool selection

PDF Text Replace Tool
Alter Multiple PDF Files. PDF Text Replace Tool allows you to change or delete text in PDF files. Select one or thousands of files and alter them with one click. Choose one or multiple pages, and even a part of the page to look for the text to replace.
- Publisher: Ivan Komlev
- Last updated: December 1st, 2010

Word Search and Replace Tool
Word Search and Replace Tool is a fast and reliable software tool adept at finding and replacing words and phrases in word documents.Main features: - Support different formats like DOCX, DOC or RTF. - Provides backup facility to avoid loss of original files. - Find and replace in multiple word documents. - Find and replace special characters.
- Publisher: theskysoft
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020

Excel Search and Replace Tool
Excel Search and Replace Tool is an efficient tool adept at finding and replacing multiple words in multiple excel files at one go. The tool is fast and reliable and is compatible with different windows platforms like- Windows XP/Vista/2007/2008.
- Publisher: The Sky Soft
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020

Find & Replace It!
Find & Replace It! is a powerful search and replace utility. It allows performing very complex batch-replacement inside text files of any size. It supports regular expression syntax and dozens of encodings.
- Publisher: DProg
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020

Multi Find Replace Buddy
Multi Find Replace Buddy will scan specified files for specified text and replace it with new text. Up to 20000 Find and Replace values can be stored in the software. Simple Click replace and scans the specified files and makes copies of them and puts the new copies into an output directory. It will also print files as it runs.
- Publisher: vsisystems
- Last updated: January 5th, 2010

Simpli-File Find, Replace and Insert
Need to organize files? Do you have files that you need to Find, Replace or Insert text into easily? This might be the perfect program for you. Simpli-File Find, Replace and Insert is the easiest way to change text in multiple files! It's easy!
- Publisher: Batch Technologies
- Last updated: March 28th, 2008

ISM Office
ISM Office is the perfect multilingual office automation solution for Indian language word processing and data processing, on-line communication. Main Features: -Macros for Open Office, Libreoffice and MS-Word like find-replace, keyboard shortcut, converter, spellchecker, synonym dictionary, official language dictionary, mail merge now also available in UNICODE
- Publisher: Centre for Development of Advanced Computing
- Last updated: August 9th, 2023

Imtech Find & Replace Live Writer Plugin
The Find & Replace Plugin supports plain search as well as Regular Expressions. Furthermore you can do a replace on the Preview (F11 View) or the Source (SHIFT+F11 View). Build your SharePoint structure online Visualize and deploy in minutes. Increase SharePoint Performance and Cut Costs by Optimizing Storage.
- Publisher: Waldek Mastykarz
- Last updated: May 10th, 2008

Batch Word Find Replace
Advance Word Find & Replace software is an useful tool to FIND and REPLACE multiple words & Phrases in multiple MS Word 2000, 2003, 2007, 2010 doc/docx/rtf files, you can also format backcolor, forecolor, bold, italic, underline and strikethrough, Double Strikethrough, Subscript, Superscript, All Caps, Small Caps, Hide, Headers & Footersany.
- Publisher: TechnoCom
- Last updated: April 6th, 2012

Advance Word Find & Replace
Advance Word Find & Replace software is a useful tool to FIND and REPLACE multiple words & Phrases in multiple MS Word 2000, 2003, 2007, 2010 doc/docx/rtf files, you can also format backcolor, forecolor, bold, italic, underline and strikethrough, Double Strikethrough, Subscript, Superscript, All Caps.
- Publisher: TechnoCom Solutions
- Home page: