Free computer keyboard worksheets in Title/Summary

Use Computer Keyboard As MIDI Musical Instruments Software
This software offers a solution to users who want to use a keyboard to play musical instruments. When you push keys, the corresponding notes will be played through your speakers.
- Publisher: Sobolsoft
- Home page:
- Last updated: July 2nd, 2014

Free Vitual Keyboard
Free Virtual Keyboard is an excellent aid for those who cannot use a standard computer keyboard, or for those who want to make the most of their touchscreen. It displays a standard qwerty keyboard with or without some extra set of keys, such as the function keys or the arrow keys.
- Publisher: Comfort Software Group
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 17th, 2012

Free Virtual Keyboard
This program is exactly what its name implies: a virtual keyboard for Windows that helps you type on a PC with touchscreen. The tool features a straightforward interface which can be resized however you like and you have the ability to adjust its transparency level according to your needs.
- Publisher: Comfort Software Group.
- Last updated: April 17th, 2020
Free computer keyboard worksheets in Description

Remote Keyboard Server
Features: - Type text faster - With Remote Keyboard you can quickly enter text with your computer keyboard. - Fast Switching to fall back input method - To make things easy we have included a button that allows fast switching to another input method when you can no longer connect to your computer. You can choose which input method to fall back to.
- Publisher: Emblem Entertainment Pty Ltd
- Last updated: October 15th, 2014

Play the piano with either your mouse or your computers keyboard. To play with your computer keyboard click the 'activate keyboard control button' on the right side of the piano (the button looks like a computer keyboard). The notes are all accurate. The sheet music is converted to a sequence of letters you type on the computer keyboard and it will play the actual song
- Publisher: ButtonBeats
- Last updated: March 9th, 2012

PAC Mate Viewer
PMViewer is free software, used in conjunction with Microsoft's Remote Display Control program, that allows teachers, parents, and other sighted people to see the PAC Mate user interface on a computer monitor. With PMViewer, you can use a mouse, computer keyboard, or the PAC Mate keyboard to navigate menus, dialogs, and even enter text on the PAC Mate "screen."
- Publisher: Freedom Scientific
- Last updated: October 31st, 2011

Toddler Keys
Toddler Keys 0.97.0 is a program to protect computers from little kids. This utility locks the computer keyboard, CD drive doors and power-off button (only in Windows XP). When Toddler Keys is installed, it will sit on your system tray until you activate it.
- Publisher: D. Schaeffer
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 2nd, 2008

Turn your mobile to an instant messenger. Send SMS to mobile phones from your computer and receive SMS sent to your mobile on your PC. SMS-chat with your buddies using your computer and cell phone just like if you really are online.
- Publisher: SannySoft
- Home page:
- Last updated: April 3rd, 2008
Additional Free computer keyboard worksheets selection

Phone Screen Sharing
Phone Screen Sharing is a free program that allows you to share your Android phone screen on your desktop computer. You can write a word document on the PC, get a text message, jump to the phone screen (on your computer), view and reply to the text message using you computer keyboard and mouse.
- Publisher: RSupport
- Home page:
- Last updated: August 4th, 2013

Secunia PSI
Secunia PSI 3.0 is a free computer security solution that identifies vulnerabilities in non-Microsoft (third-party) programs which can expose PCs to attacks. Simply put, it is scanning software which identifies programs in need of security updates to safeguard the data on your PC against cybercriminals.
- Publisher: Secunia
- Last updated: March 15th, 2016

Everyone Piano
Everyone Piano is a computer keyboard simulating piano software, it can use the general computer keyboard to play the world famous piano music. With powerful timbre database, Everyone Piano's tone is lifelike and real-time. Even on onboard sound card, Everyone Piano can reach real-time musical performance, meantime it also simulates the pedal of the piano.
- Publisher: EveryonePiano
- Home page:
- Last updated: June 16th, 2023

Piano Electrónico
Electronic Piano 2.5 from Maurício Antunes Oliveira is an easy-to-use, freeware application to virtually convert your computer into a keyboard allowing you to play musical notes, chords and drums. The interface can be greatly improved, just a tip for future versions. Very hard to play piano from the computer keyboard and it’s very natural since they weren’t designed to do that.
- Publisher: Maurício Antunes Oliveira
- Home page:
- Last updated: April 14th, 2016

Keyboard Lock Status
Easily view the status of your cordless keyboard's* Caps Lock, Num Lock and Scroll Lock keys with this gadget. Designed for use with any Logitech cordless keyboard. For using this software Logitech SetPoint software is not required. By pressing one button your computer keyboard will be locked.
- Publisher: Logitech
- Last updated: July 2nd, 2008

Electronic Piano
Electronic Piano is a freeware program that allows the user to play Musical Notes, Chords and Drums using the computer keyboard. Main features: - 128 Musical Instruments (General MIDI Standard). - Drums47 Drums sounds. - ChordsPlay 12 types of Chords by pressing a single key. - GuitarChords can be played simulating the 6 strings of a Guitar.
- Publisher: Maurيcio Antunes Oliveira
- Home page:
- Last updated: July 14th, 2015

Chicken Invaders 3 - Revenge of the Yolk
Intergalactic chickens invaded Earth, seeking revenge for the oppression of their earthly brethren. They came out of nowhere, and everywhere. It was only you who managed to repel the invasion, and saved humanity from an eternity of servitude.Then, things got serious. The intergalactic chickens assaulted the solar system and tried make sure that every planet was inhabited exclusively by chickens.
- Publisher: InterAction studios
- Last updated: November 15th, 2016

MIDI-OX is a free application that is designed to help us manage our MIDI files/devices. This program gives us the opportunity to generate, record, convert, and compare MIDI data, monitor MIDI port activities, pass data stream from one device to another one, play notes using our computer keyboard, send/receive Sysex files, edit the received data, stop WScript and so on.
- Publisher: MIDIOX Computing
- Home page:
- Last updated: July 29th, 2010

Keyboard Music
Keyboard Music is a software, which allows you to use your computer keyboard to play musical instruments
- Publisher: Xu Yi
- Last updated: March 6th, 2008

Little Piano
This application emulates the sounds of a piano using your sound card and your computer's keyboard. The program can be used to produce not only piano sounds, but also those of a clavinet, a marimba, a vibraphone, and many other instruments. This way, you can create an entire song using only the features of the program.
- Publisher: Gabriel Fernandez
- Home page:
- Last updated: June 16th, 2023