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Free xml learning environment in Title/Summary

Free XML Editor

Free XML Editor

Free XML Editor is a free program which allows you to edit XML files. With this program, you can access and develop web pages that are coded using XML. Free XML Editor features: easy to use interface, you can edit one or many files in the same time, etc.

Free XML Formatter

Free XML Formatter

As the name suggests, the Free XML Formatter allows users to format their XML files so as to make them readable and usable. There are a number of editing options available and hence, it can prove to be very handy for all software professionals. It is a simple to use app which makes it an ideal choice for novices.

  • Publisher: Media Freeware
  • Last updated: September 21st, 2017
Free E-Learning Suite

Free E-Learning Suite

Create online training courses with quizzes and surveys directly in PowerPoint, using Free E-Learning Suite by iSpring. Moreover, Free E-Learning Suite is powerful and very simple to use that makes it accessible to all kind of users beginners and professionals.

Free xml learning environment in Description

Syntext Serna Free

Syntext Serna Free

Serna Free XML editor is an easy-to-use open source WYSIWYG XML editor for those who wish to smoothly adopt the XML technology. Indeed, Serna Free is the most powerful among free and open source XML editors for WYSIWYG authoring. Most people will find Serna Free XML content editor easy to use as it hides all the complexities of the underlying XML technology.

  • Publisher: Syntext
  • Last updated: December 26th, 2011


As a virtual learning environment based on the social constructionist theory, Moodle has been developed to potentiate interaction among the learners. The user can be assigned several roles, restricting the access levels accordingly. It includes several features that account for most course actions. It is highly customizable by themes and plugins.

  • Publisher: Proyecto Huascarn
  • Last updated: July 13th, 2022
Liquid XML Studio

Liquid XML Studio

Liquid XML Studio is a professional application that allows you to create and edit XML documents. Main features: - XML sample builder. - XSD documentation generation - XML Dependancy viewer. - XSD refactoring tools. - XML Code Generation using Liquid XML Data Binder.

Learn ReportBuilder

Learn ReportBuilder

Learning ReportBuilder is a complete learning system designed to teach end users how to build a range of reports. This system includes a 125-page PDF file, a stand-alone application complete with a database, and a help file. The PDF file is comprised of a series of tutorials that step end users through the process of building reports as simple as a table listing and as complex as crosstabs.

  • Publisher: Digital Metaphors
  • Last updated: April 23rd, 2014
XML Converter Standard Edition

XML Converter Standard Edition

XML Converter Standard Edition 6.0 is data converting software which helps to create data transformation. The software could connect to any database that provides an ODBC connection interface. The program also features XML View, XML Tree, XML Grid, and XML Script modes for final XML output editing.

  • Publisher: RustemSoft
  • Last updated: May 26th, 2020

Additional Free xml learning environment selection

Microsoft Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition

Microsoft Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition

Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition: a free software development environment that uses the facilities of the Visual Basic language along with the included facilities for developing Microsoft.NET applicationes as well as stand alone software. Easy to learn and to use, step by step guides the developers to create tested, compiled and debuged applications for Windows and Windows.NET environments.

  • Publisher: Microsoft
  • Home page: www.microsoft.com
  • Last updated: February 27th, 2008
Microsoft Mouse Mischief

Microsoft Mouse Mischief

Mouse Mischief is a free program that integrates into Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 and Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007, letting you insert questions, polls and drawing activity slides into your lessons. The program allows you to actively engage your students creating a collaborative learning environment.

  • Publisher: Microsoft Corporation
  • Last updated: February 22nd, 2012


Teachers and students can use multimedia screens, virtual instruments, sound, and animation to create, test, and safely repair circuits. Real-time 3D graphics and lifelike 3D components will captivate your students as they build circuits in the real 3D world. Edison also comes with over 100 experiments and problems that teachers and students can use immediately.

  • Publisher: DesignSoft Inc
  • Last updated: August 27th, 2011
Faronics Insight

Faronics Insight

Faronics Insight is an effective classroom management tool that helps teachers create a better learning experience while helping IT professionals manage and support multiple labs with ease. You can assist, monitor, and communicate with an entire class from one central computer; deliver an interactive lesson that keeps students engaged; and more.

  • Publisher: Faronics Corporation
  • Last updated: December 8th, 2022


Interlex is a vocabulary builder for learning foreign words and phrases. Features include: 4 testing modes; multiple translations; intelligent response evaluation; powerful editor; automatic keyboard & font selection; vocabulary files in 6 languages.

  • Publisher: Andrew Quilley
  • Home page: www.vocab.co.uk
  • Last updated: March 16th, 2008


AltovaXML is a FREE XML standards processor that includes the Altova XSLT 1.0 and XSLT 2.0 engine, XQuery engine, and XML validator. Now developers can use the same processors found in Altova XMLSpy 2008 within their own applications, free of charge.

  • Publisher: Altova, Inc.
  • Last updated: September 11th, 2018
Clean Slate

Clean Slate

Clean Slate is designed to protect public access computers from malicious or inexperienced users. While not restricting users’ activities, Clean Slate will scour drives back to their original state upon reboot or log off. Clean Slate takes only minutes to install and needs no attention, ever, for most installations.

  • Publisher: Fortres Grand
  • Last updated: April 17th, 2020
Terrapin Logo

Terrapin Logo

Terrapin Logo includes all the features that make Logo a powerful and fun learning environment along with many exciting new ones that extend Logo's capability and make it easier to use. In addition, Terrapin Logo offers multiple turtles, multiple graphics windows and millions of colors.

Multi-choice quiz generator

Multi-choice quiz generator

This program allows anyone to generate their own Flash-based multiple-choice quizzes. The use of Flash means that the quizzes can be used on any webpage, learning environment, intranet or just a single computer.This software has been created to provide teachers with a really simple way of creating engaging eLearning exercises.

Liquid XML Studio 2014

Liquid XML Studio 2014

Liquid XML Studio 2014 is an advanced graphical XML development environment. You can visualize and edit an abstracted view of your XML schema (XSD) using an intuitive user interface and validate your XSD against the W3C standards. You can also author, validate and debug your XSLT stylesheet, set breakpoints within the XSLT source, watch variables and analyse the call stack.

  • Publisher: Liquid Technologies Limited
  • Last updated: July 18th, 2014