Friendly net watcher pro win7 in Title/Summary

Friendly Net Watcher
With the ability of its intuitive interface and network facility, you can monitor accesses to your computer, keep a record of all the opened and rewritten files, gather the data of the connected users, and kick out the needless connected user. You can get every details of each session like user name, IP address, operating system used by the user and so on.
- Publisher: Andrey Kilievich
- Last updated: June 3rd, 2012

Algorius Net Watcher
Algorius Net Watcher is an efficient and easy-to-use tool for file-servers and network connections monitoring. With automatic visual and sound notifications you will be always aware if somebody copies files, documents or any other information from your PC.
- Publisher: Algorius Software
- Last updated: August 2nd, 2021

Netcam Watcher Pro
Netcam Watcher Professional is the best value, easiest to use Digital Video Recorder (DVR) for Network Cameras. If you need to keep an eye on your home or business then Netcam Watcher is the answer. Works with a wide range of Network IP cameras from over 50 manufacturers. And with Netcam Watcher Remote Control you can keep an eye on things from anywhere in the world.
- Publisher: Beausoft Ltd
- Last updated: January 24th, 2014
Friendly net watcher pro win7 in Description
- Publisher: Solidlabs Technology
- Last updated: November 9th, 2009

Friendly Net Viewer
Friendly Net Viewer is a program that draws a map of all computers and devices connected to your network, and allows you to monitor them and execute different administrative tasks such as: getting computer information, viewing shared files, Ping, Trace Route, searching for network services and more.
- Publisher: Andrey Kilievich
- Last updated: January 29th, 2012

Net Explorer Pro
And you don't need to wait for entering the computer in your Entire Network! Moreover you may easily and fast search the video, music, games and other files all over the LAN. Just choose one of the categories or create a new one and click Search button.-Entire Network Scanning; -Quick access to all opened folders; -Access to hidden by $ folders; -Fast and easy multithreaded Search.
- Publisher: Solidlabs Technology
- Last updated: April 9th, 2008

Net Meter Pro
Net Meter Pro monitors your computer's internet and network bandwidth usage and displays network traffic information in realtime. You can see the network and bandwidth meter data flowing to and from your computer with dynamic real-time data graphs. View your bandwidth meter usage and internet traffic performance with Net Meter Pro's 3-d graphs and bandwidth usage visuals.
- Publisher: WizardSoft Inc.
- Last updated: June 29th, 2012

Titan Folder Watcher
Titan Folder Watcher is a combination of Windows® .NET components that are able to watch specified drive folders and executes automated commands when file changes occur. Folders that are configured for watching are called watcher tasks and a single Titan Folder Watcher can be configured for an unlimited (limited only by computer resources) number of tasks.
- Publisher: Titan Consulting Group, Inc.
- Last updated: November 18th, 2009
Additional Friendly net watcher pro win7 selection

Net.Ex Pro
Maximize your web browsing efficiency and upgrade to Net.Ex Pro Ultra Edition now! Get the Ultra Internet Experience, Get Net.Ex Pro Ultra Edition for only $19.95 USD.
- Publisher:
- Last updated: September 22nd, 2020

BT Watcher Pro
BT Watcher detects when you leave office and automatically lock computer. Program determines if you are present by testing connection with your bluetooth enabled mobile phone. Immediately after installation you can assign your mobile with BT Watcher, and you can forget about locking screen: BT Watcher will do it every time you will leave the computer's nearby.
- Publisher: Zu-Fi Software
- Last updated: October 30th, 2017

.NET Reflector
Red Gate has now integrated Reflector into the flow of debugging which was usually quite time consuming. Adding Reflector Pro to Visual Studio is going to save me time, and if it saves me more than a few hours over the next year or two, it will more than pay for itself.
- Publisher: Red Gate Software Ltd
- Home page:
- Last updated: August 10th, 2023

netKar PRO
netKar PRO is a PC based racing car simulator with realistic physics. It's aimed to offer an enviroment where gamers can learn about racing, car handling, behaviour on a racing track, car setup and data telemetry analysis.A multiplayer engine will bring the driver straight into the action recreating the thrilling experience of a car race.
- Publisher: Kunos Simulazioni
- Home page:
- Last updated: September 11th, 2011

BTM Pro (Net+)
BTM Pro (Net+) package consists of three Italian card games: Briscola Pro (Net+), Tressette Pro (Net+) and Madrasso Pro (Net+).(Briskula, Treseta, Trijumf). You can play ordinary or double type of Briscola. And also Tressette with or without declarations. Triumph is Croatian variant of Madrasso. Cards are one player against the computer, or network game (2 players, or 4 players in 2 pairs) over TCP/IP protocol. You have to know the cards rules before playing it. They have nice animation. You can select option for playing computer versus computer with open cards which is useful for the learning process or for estimating the computer player strength. Cards have also the learn mode. You can choose between English or Croatian language. In additon to LAN, BTM supports also Internet. If you want you can, optionally, separately download and install 'BTM Decks' for BTM v4.00 or later, 9 additional decks.
- Publisher: Drazen Beljan
- Last updated: May 9th, 2008

TextMe Pro
TextMe Pro is a simple application that allows you to convert .mp3 (.mp3 files means audio speeches not mp3 songs) to text files. The app reads only .mp3 format. To use this application you need to create an account. The program has an easy to use user friendly interface.
- Publisher: TextMe, Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: April 29th, 2015

FabFilter Pro-R
FabFilter Pro-R is a high-end reverb plug-in for Windows users. It takes a musical approach to reverb, offering user-friendly controls like brightness, character, and distance to achieve the reverb sound you are looking for. It features six-band Post EQ to equalize the final reverb sound, real-time spectrum analyzer that also visualizes the decay time at different frequencies, and more.
- Publisher: FabFilter
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 20th, 2024

EasyNetMonitor Pro is a program for monitoring computers in your local network and any internet hosts. It features: email notifications (your computer name should be in English letters only), sound notifications, ping options, desktop indicator, event log viewer, statistics for each host, test (emulator) mode, localization, and more.
- Publisher: NiceKit
- Home page:
- Last updated: June 16th, 2023

NetCharts Pro
NetCharts Pro is the solution for Java developers to deliver dynamic, interactive charts and graphs within applications, web-browsers, or internet enabled devices.Now, with NetCharts Pro v7.0, Java developers can create HTML5 compliant web applications today.
- Publisher: Visual Mining, Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: September 24th, 2010

Net Monitor for Employees Pro
The Net Monitor for Employees is employee monitoring software that allows you to see screens of remote computers or show your screen to employee. This activity monitoring software allows you to take full control of your employee remote computers.
- Publisher: Employee Monitoring
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024