Frs fraction master.torrent in Title/Summary

FRS Fraction Master
FRS Fraction Master is an easy to use drill and practice program to help students in learning to identify and understand fractions. Practice modes include identifying, reducing, adding, subtracting, and estimating fractions. FRS Fraction Master can be used in introducing fraction skills, reinforcing lessons in the classroom, or remedial practice.
- Publisher: Fast Rabbit Software, LLC
- Last updated: November 30th, 2009

FRS Score Collector
FRS Score Collector is designed to allow a teacher or parent to collect and save or print scores from popular FRS software titles like Master the Facts Multiplication. FRS Score Collector runs on the teacher's computer and silently collects up scores from one or more student machines as quizzes and drills are completed.
- Publisher: Fast Rabbit Software, LLC
- Last updated: October 31st, 2011

FRS Classroom Game Show
FRS Classroom Game Show is a very simple application which can help teachers create quizzes for their students very easily. The program will only show the questions created with the file creator that comes with the program and the teacher must select manually which of the two groups answered correctly. Creating quizzes is really simple and the final file is saved as .txt.
- Publisher: Fast Rabbit Software, LLC
- Last updated: July 1st, 2011
Frs fraction master.torrent in Description

FRS Talking Calculator
FRS Talking Calculator is an easy to use calculator for use in elementary classrooms with several features that make it ideal for use in situations where assistive software technologies are desirable. Big buttons are easy targets for students with limited motor skills. Large type on buttons and displays make reading the calculator easier for students with vision impairment.
- Publisher: Fast Rabbit Software, LLC
- Last updated: July 21st, 2011

FRS Time Tracker Pro
For teachers: -Track the amount of time you spend grading papers each week -Document the time you spend on individual work with specific students -Create reports that show how much time your class spends on specific activities For parents, students: -Know the amount of time spent on homework each night. -Document how long students spend practicing musical instruments
- Publisher: Fast Rabbit Software, LLC
- Last updated: April 7th, 2011

FRS Paint By Numbers
FRS Paint By Numbers is a simple coloring application for kids that includes multiple drawings which are divided in small parts with different numbers, The kids must paint the image in a way that the same numbers share the same color. This will allow them to reveal the hidden image.
- Publisher: Fast Rabbit Software, LLC
- Last updated: August 9th, 2011

File Replicator Service
FRS is used to replicate files and folders in the SYSVOL file share on domain controllers and files in Distributed File System (DFS) targets. FRSDiag helps to gather snap-shot information about the service, perform automated tests against that data, and compile an overview of possible problems that may exist in the environment.
- Publisher: Microsoft Corporation
- Last updated: January 18th, 2012

Pattern-Making Calculator
Especially designed for pattern makers, Pattern-Making Calculator is useful to represent decimal fractions into simple fractions which are commonly used in the Imperial measurement system. Plus, the radius of circumferences can be calculated and much simpler operations can be done, such as additions, subtractions, divisions, etc. It also converts cm to inches and vice-versa.
- Publisher: String Codes Design
- Last updated: April 4th, 2008
Additional Frs fraction master.torrent selection

FRS Coloring Book Volume 2
FRS Coloring Book Volume 2 provides 100 fun and educational illustrations for Preschool and Kindergarten age children. The alphabet, counting, basic shapes, and even the four seasons are topics that you and the children that color the pages within will encounter.
- Publisher: Fast Rabbit Software
- Last updated: April 10th, 2011

Fraction Matcher
Match shapes and numbers to earn stars in this fractions game. Challenge yourself on any level you like. Try to collect lots of stars! The application use Java Web for easy deployment on all platforms available where Java technology can be installed.
- Publisher: University of Colorado, Department of Physics
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

Build a Fraction
Build a Fraction is a fraction game-like application which consists in building fractions from shapes and numbers to earn stars. You may challenge yourself on any level you like. The purpose is to recognize equivalent simplified and unsimplified fractions and to collect as many stars as possible.
- Publisher: University of Colorado
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 25th, 2014

FRS Clocks and Time
A very basic program designed to teach very young students how to tell the time. There are three different clock faces: Standard clock face (Arabic numerals), Classic clock face (Roman numerals) and Modern clock face (no numbers). Three questions per clock face.
- Publisher: Fast Rabbit Software, LLC
- Last updated: October 20th, 2011

Fraction Calculator
Fraction Calculator is a software application intended to perform calculations involving fractions. Just fill the entire quantities and the fractions, select the operation sign and push the equal sign to get the results. In addition, a utility called Factoriser will help you decompose a number into its factors.
- Publisher: BAC Computer Software Limited
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 11th, 2010

FRS Division Drills
FRS Division Drills provides practice with simple division, long division, and long division with remainders. Simple practice allows students to practice and develop their skills in solving division problems in their head and helps illustrate that division is the opposite of multiplication.
- Publisher: Fast Rabbit Software, LLC
- Last updated: December 3rd, 2010

WildTangent is a program that lets you access and search on the company's game library in an easy manner. You can find all types of games, such as adventure, simulation, board, multiplayer, and so on. You can browse the different game categories, or search by title or keyword.
- Publisher: WildTangent
- Home page:
- Last updated: September 6th, 2018

FRS Dot to Dot and Coloring Book Fun
FRS Dot to Dot and Coloring Book Fun is designed for students from kindergarten to second grade.100 pages of dot to dot activity and coloring book fun await in this early skills development title.Dot to dot activities include: counting, alphabet, numbers as words, counting by 2s, counting by 3s, counting by 5s, and more.
- Publisher: Fast Rabbit Software, LLC
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020

Among the endless list of free system optimization tools, UPCleaner stands out from its competitors for a number of reasons. On one hand, its compact and well-designed interface makes it both a nice-to-look-at utility and an easy-to-use one. On the other hand, it offers just the right combination of junk cleaning features and privacy protection tools to guarantee a fast and safe system use.
- Publisher: Brotsoft Technology Co.,Ltd.
- Last updated: June 15th, 2015

FRS Money Math
Learn to identify US coins, practice counting, and perform basic math operations with money in this fun and easy to use program. Exercises includes identifying heads up coins only, tails up coins only, or mixed heads/tails, totalling values of specific coins, totalling values of various coins, comparing totals (practice with greater than, less than, and equal), and more.
- Publisher: Fast Rabbit Software, LLC
- Last updated: October 20th, 2011