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Fsx 757 paint kit in Title/Summary

Paint Kit for First Step for FSX

Paint Kit for First Step for FSX

With our pleasures, we release the paintkits for our dear customers. We would highly appreicate if you could bear the following in your mind when you use these paintkits. Only for your personal enjoyment. You may distribute your repainted texture freely, but with principle of self-responsibility. Files shall not contain any files other than the texture.

  • Publisher: AeroSim Co.,Ltd.
  • Home page: www.aerosim.co.jp
  • Last updated: May 7th, 2009
'757 Freighter Captain' Expansion Model

'757 Freighter Captain' Expansion Model

Outstanding visual quality and realism • Designed according to FSX standards • DirectX 9/10 compatible • 2 animated Cargo Loaders • 15 animated cargo containers on the main deck • 15 animated cargo containers on the lower deck • 2 Load Manager Control Panels • Wing Flex • Hundreds of Custom Animations:

  • Publisher: © 1999-2007 Captain Sim
  • Last updated: May 23rd, 2009
Just Flight - 757 Jetliner Freemium

Just Flight - 757 Jetliner Freemium

757 Jetliner has been created by Just Flight's own in-house development team and features an accurate and detailed model of the non-winglet version of the 757-200 in a British Airways livery with Rolls-Royce engines and a custom sound set. A comprehensive manual including flight tutorial and FMC guide is also included.

  • Publisher: Just Flight
  • Last updated: November 9th, 2011

Fsx 757 paint kit in Description

CLS 200-300 HD

CLS 200-300 HD

It's an add-on for Microsoft Flight Simulator X game. The package contains a comprehensive set of 57 High-Definition (HD) liveries on 24 different models that include the Passenger and Cargo version with three different engine types along with different flight models for the different versions.

Fly The Boeing 787 Dreamliner for FSX

Fly The Boeing 787 Dreamliner for FSX

Fly The Boeing 787 Dreamliner in this amazing package built and modeled for the flying enthusiasts around the world. Experience the real flight in a Boeing 787 capable of carrying around three hundred passengers around the world. The Boeing 787 Dreamliner for FSX 1.0 lets you satisfy your flying passion with the highly detailed graphics and different liveries included to fly the aircraft.

  • Publisher: Abacus Software
  • Last updated: October 21st, 2009
Platinum Collection PBY-5A Catalina for FSX

Platinum Collection PBY-5A Catalina for FSX

This superb PBY-5A Catalina from the Platinum Collection has four colorful liveries and a paint kit for those who want to addtheir favorites. We invite you to take the Catalina out for a free test flight to enjoy the view in this classic aircraft from a bygone era.

  • Publisher: Abacus Software
  • Last updated: December 2nd, 2009
Fly The Airbus Fleet for FS2004

Fly The Airbus Fleet for FS2004

Fly The Airbus Fleet for FS2004 1.0 is a software jumbo jet simulation program featuring six virtual airbuses that users of the Microsoft Flight Simulator FS2004 can add to their virtual flight simulator programs. The program includes six life like models of airbuses in the colors of Air India, Air France, Virgin Atlantic, Air Canada, and British Airways liveries

  • Publisher: Abacus Software
  • Last updated: April 6th, 2008
Area51 - Boeing 787 Dreamliner

Area51 - Boeing 787 Dreamliner

Boeing has around four hundred new airliners capable to provide more fuel efficient and faster transportation for the major airliners in the world. You can now choose to fly the Boeing 787 sim designed for the FS2004. The Boeing 787 Dreamliner for FS2004 has the flight with different liveries designed from the original and a few more virtual ones to fly with.

  • Publisher: Abacus Software
  • Last updated: January 25th, 2010

Additional Fsx 757 paint kit selection

Abacus PBY-5A Catalina for FSX

Abacus PBY-5A Catalina for FSX

The PBY Catalina has a long history of service to the military, mostly with the US Navy. During World War II, the PBY was often equipped with bombs, torpedoes, depth charges and machine guns and used as for anti-submarine warfare, reconnaissance, search and rescue and supply transport..

  • Publisher: Abacus Software
  • Last updated: January 17th, 2009


ABLUESKY - ERJ135 is a free software application that includes a very nice light jet. This package contains the default learjet 45 panel, it has 9 Textures including an easy to use paint kit and allows you to experience a realistic flying of this aircraft.

  • Publisher: Rolandas Jakimavicius,ABlueSky, Inc.
  • Last updated: September 9th, 2010
757-300 Expansion Model

757-300 Expansion Model

Highly Detailed Exterior Models are available in the following 4 variations: - 757-300 RR - 757-300 RR with winglets - 757-300 PW - 757-300 PW with winglets Key Features: - Outstanding visual quality and realism - Designed according to FSX standards - DirectX 9/10 compatible - Stewardess model (various airline uniforms) - Wing Flex

  • Publisher: Captain Sim
  • Last updated: February 29th, 2012


Paint.NET is free photo editing program with support for layers, unlimited undo, special effects and a wide variety of useful and powerful tools. The program comes with effects such as blurring, sharpening, red-eye removal, distortion, noise and embossing, allowing you to enhance your images.

  • Publisher: dotPDN LLC and Rick Brewster
  • Home page: www.getpaint.net
  • Last updated: March 19th, 2024
CaptainSim 757-200 PRO

CaptainSim 757-200 PRO

CaptainSim 757-200 PRO contains 4 highly detailed and accurate Boeing 757-200 Models.This product has unparalleled visual quality and realism, it is designed according to FSX standards,it has High resolution textures of 45 Liveries, exclusive visual Effects and more

Tux Paint

Tux Paint

If you are looking for a drawing tool created specially for kids, then Tux Paint is an excellent option. I'm sure that with this amazing drawing tool, your kids will get a lot fun creating their own drawings, but it's not the only thing your kids will get. With Tux Paint, your kids will be introduced to some basic design concepts, like applying blur or smudge effects to their drawings.

  • Publisher: New Breed Software
  • Home page: www.tuxpaint.org
  • Last updated: December 15th, 2024
Corel Paint Shop Pro

Corel Paint Shop Pro

Corel Paint Shop Pro is a complete graphics package that enables the user to process, enhance, convert, print and save every digital image. It allows to acquire digital images from cameras, scanners or a file. Then you can work over the images, using the program´s tools.

  • Publisher: Corel Corporation
  • Last updated: October 27th, 2011
CodeMeter Runtime Kit

CodeMeter Runtime Kit

CodeMeter is a mobile all-rounder and an expert of security. The Runtime Kit deploys all the necessary files and provides a simple interface to configure all the devices. It also installs the licenses for the development kits, connects to the web administration are and displays info about the latest events.

  • Publisher: WIBU-SYSTEMS AG
  • Home page: www.wibu.com
  • Last updated: December 25th, 2023
Simhangar RWD-8 PWS FSX & P3D

Simhangar RWD-8 PWS FSX & P3D

Simhangar RWD-8 PWS FSX & P3D is a free addon for Microsoft Flight Simulator and P3D. This addo add RWD-8pws airplane to your game. The plane is carrying paint scheme from CWL Dêblin (flying school). The original 3D model was built for the War over Poland mod built on the Targetware sim engine.

  • Publisher: Simhangar Team, Lukasz Kubacki, Michal Puto
  • Home page: www.rikoooo.com
  • Last updated: June 23rd, 2015
Mitsubishi T-2 FSX SP2 P3D

Mitsubishi T-2 FSX SP2 P3D

FSX SP-2 Mitsubishi T-2 was Japan's first native designed supersonic aircraft. Based on the European Jaguar, which Japan had wanted to buy, the T-2 served as an advanced trainer and enabled Japanese industry to put to use the knowledge and skills acquired from years of license manufacture of Western types. This model has two paint schemes, front seat VC, full animations and 2048x2048 textures.