Full text search tool in Title/Summary

Text Filterer
Text Filterer is an advanced full text search utility for Windows. You can instantly search for single words, partial words, word combinations or exact phrases within hierarchically organized collections of documents. Search results can be additionally narrowed by conditions imposed on document name, location, date/time, size, title, author, subject.
- Publisher: Edwardsoft
- Home page: www.edwardsoft.com
- Last updated: February 7th, 2012

Web Page Search Tool
Web Page Search Tool is a search tool that can search a web sites source code (HTML) for any kind of text. If a match is found it notifies of the event and creates a link or directly opens Internet Explorer to the web site. Features: - Searches the specified web page for the specified text - If a match is found notifies of the event - New parameter to alert when a match is not found
- Publisher: rhythmengineering
- Home page: www.rhythmengineering.com
- Last updated: May 6th, 2010

SearchSelected Search Tool
Select text in a document or website and then search for it with favorite search engine and CTRL+SHIFT+C. No more having to copy the text, open a web browser, go to Google (or similar), paste text into search box, and hit enter. Just highlight and press a key combo. Easy! Switch search engines with a click of the mouse.
- Publisher: Nicole Miller
- Last updated: October 18th, 2009
Full text search tool in Description

The program consists of three entities:7s Indexer - a tool to create search indexes; 7sDoc - a file search utility; 7s Search Engine - a COM component that is intended to add search functionality to your Intranet web server or any application that requires full-text search.
- Publisher: SVA-software
- Home page: 7s.backupforall.com
- Last updated: January 11th, 2012

i*write has been designed from the ground up as the journal writing tool for professionals. It runs on operating systems from Windows 98 to Windows XP and beyond and has very strong navigation capabilities and industrial-strength full-text search.
- Publisher: Right Mind Logic
- Last updated: April 5th, 2008

Full-text search engine library written in Java. Builds a search index on Java objects, having a text content, and performs a quick search via this index. Search results are sorted by relevance to your query.
- Publisher: SVA-software
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020

Subject Search Pad
SSPad is a bundle of a text editor that builds automatic file summaries, and a file classification utility that allows you to search in, categorize and find similar files stored in multiple data storage formats (MS Office, HTML, PDF, RTF, TXT, etc.).
- Publisher: Kryloff Technologies, Inc.
- Last updated: October 13th, 2009

Epub Reader for Windows
For those looking for a simple and easy-to-use reading tool for their favorite e-books in the EPUB format, Epub Reader for Windows is an option to consider. This uncomplicated tool not only offers you a straightforward solution to reading your EPUB books on your PC, but also the possibility of converting them into either PDF files or JPEG images with a single click of your mouse.
- Publisher: HANSoft
- Home page: www.epubforwindows.com
- Last updated: November 28th, 2013
Additional Full text search tool selection

The program has a full dictionary and thesaurus for American, British, Canadian, Australian, Indian, and global English. WordWeb is fully functional and free if you satisfy the licensing terms. One-click lookup in almost any Windows program. Contains hundreds of thousands of definitions and synonyms.
- Publisher: WordWeb Software
- Home page: www.wordwebsoftware.com
- Last updated: January 10th, 2025

Nokia Lifeblog
Nokia Lifeblog helps the user to create a photo album with the pictures taken with mobile phone or any other means. This software will organize all the pictures on the computer and mobile phone (cellular) for viewing, editing, sharing and search purposes. You can move pictures from and to PC and mobile phone (both ways) and make changes to the images that will be kept in a safe place.
- Publisher: Nokia
- Home page: www.nokia.com
- Last updated: September 3rd, 2011

WebZIP is an offline browser application for Windows computers. Offline browsers were significantly more popular a couple of years ago than they are now, mainly because of the increased penetration of high-speed Internet services. However, WebZIP still offers some ways to justify having one of these.
- Publisher: Spidersoft Pty Ltd
- Last updated: April 20th, 2008

CintaNotes lets you take and manage notes with ease. The application runs from the system tray and responds to hotkeys. It has a very straightforward multilanguage interface, so it’s appropriate for any kind of user. However, if you still have any doubts, you can consult the online user guide.
- Publisher: Cinta Software
- Home page: cintanotes.com
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

Examine32 Text Search
Examine32 Text Search is a fast and versatile text search utility for Windows. You can search Microsoft Word, Excel, rich text format (RTF), WordPerfect, PDF (Acrobat files), HTML (web pages), XML, StarOffice, OpenOffice and Lotus Symphony files, search files within ZIP archives and return a list of findings with file details, the selection highlighted in context, and line number.
- Publisher: Aquila Software
- Last updated: August 30th, 2013

MOBILedit Forensic with Search Tool
MOBILedit Forensic with Search Tool is a program that allows you to find evidence fast from hundreds of phones with a powerful searching language. It turns all bytes retrieved from phone into a text format structured in fields such as contacts, messages, applications, files.
- Publisher: COMPELSON Labs
- Last updated: April 30th, 2015

Concise Oxford English Dictionary
The Concise Oxford English Dictionary with DEPReader Palm Dictionary Software
- Publisher: Oxford University Press
- Last updated: August 31st, 2022

GDocsDrive is a fully functional Google Drive client app for Windows. It lets you edit Google Drive files easily; unlike the official Google Drive client, GDocsDrive is disk-free. Each file is downloaded for editing and all changes are automatically uploaded to the cloud every time you save. Integrated full-text search engine makes finding content easier.
- Publisher: Cloud Drive, Inc.
- Home page: www.gdocsdrive.com
- Last updated: February 18th, 2012

It is an application designed for scanning documents with cameras, document cameras, autofocus webcams, smartphones, and scanners. TopOCR's OCR text output can be saved in PDF, HTML, TXT, RTF formats, or converted to eBook formats. It also has a text to speech system that gives you total control over converting your documents into high quality speech.
- Publisher: TopSoft, Inc.
- Last updated: February 28th, 2013

Art Plus EasyNoter PRO
ArtPlus EasyNoter PRO is a personal information manager. It can help you organize your notes and addresses, keep diary, use reminder function and organize photographs within built in Photo Album. Full text search capabilities make notes retrieval a breeze while web and e-mail connectivity makes them even more useful.
- Publisher: Art Plus Marketing & Publishing
- Home page: www.artplus.hr
- Last updated: March 14th, 2016