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Game numbers square field in Title/Summary

Russian Square

Russian Square

This is an enhanced version of convenientional Tetris game. It supports single player mode and double player mode. The double player mode can be further divided into cooperation mode and duel mode.

  • Publisher: Shanghai Bell
  • Last updated: September 22nd, 2020
Mystery Square

Mystery Square

This game is based on an old scrabble type game called Keyword. You are given a number of tiles and your goal is to create words using your tiles. Can play solo offline for practice. Needs the Tams11 Lobby to play online against other players.

  • Publisher: Tamera A Shaw-McGuire
  • Home page: www.tams11.com
  • Last updated: November 11th, 2014
Every Day Genius Square Logic

Every Day Genius Square Logic

Everyday Genius: SquareLogic is similar to number-based logic games such as Sudoku, but you'd best buckle up 'cause this ain't your daddy's Sudoku. It is a logic-based puzzle game involving colored cages and numbers. The game includes over 20,000 puzzles in 18 different styles, ranging from first-grade easy to astrophysicist hard.

Game numbers square field in Description

Ultimate Tic-Tac-Toe

Ultimate Tic-Tac-Toe

Ultimate Tic-Tac-Toe is an advanced form of Tic-Tac-Toe, where each square in the 3 x 3 board contains a smaller Tic-Tac-Toe game. In order to put your X in a square on the grid, you must win the mini-board game that square contains. But there is an additional complication: you don’t get to pick which board in the 3 x 3 grid you get to play on. That is determined by your opponent’s previous move.

  • Publisher: Jeffrey Ellis
  • Home page: jeffreyellis.org
  • Last updated: November 26th, 2014


IL2-JoyControl is a utility for joysticks configuration. This utility is similar IL-2 Stick, but have any interesting and useful differencies: - You can set curves values above 100. - Red and green "square" (similar IL2 joy settings) for all axes in HOTAS partition. You can see deviation joystics axe (red square) and rudder in game (green square) with calculation sensivities curves.

DakStats Soccer Sports Software

DakStats Soccer Sports Software

DakStats Soccer Sports allows you to keep accurate statistics of a full soccer season. These include data about each of the games, about each player’s performance, tactics used, location information, officials, and many more. It allows you to configure your own teams, select the right players for each game, and keep precise statistics of all their actions in the field.

  • Publisher: Daktronics
  • Last updated: May 4th, 2012


Valgetal is an addictive & educational game especially created to strengthen mathematics skills in the four basic operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. This is a Tetris-style game with colorful graphics and clear instructions. Besides, the user interface can be used into five languages.

  • Publisher: Rinze Joustra Software
  • Home page: www.valgetal.com
  • Last updated: September 21st, 2008
FreeCell Wizard

FreeCell Wizard

FreeCell Wizard is a solitaire game that includes the popular game FreeCell and 15 other similar games. It features lush graphics, large easy-to-read cards, sound, and in-depth statistics.

Additional Game numbers square field selection

Word Game Deluxe

Word Game Deluxe

The rules of this game are very simple: you should find on the game board all the words that are displayed to the left of it. To mark each found word, you need to click its first letter on the game board and then drag the displayed oval over the word to the last letter. The program contains three types of games – quest, sprint and relaxing games.



Dreamworld's Open: MiniGolf is a nice mini-golf game for all ages. Like in any golf game, the objective is to get the ball inside the hole. The game includes five different campaigns with particular characteristics and increasing difficulty. The game is really easy to play: you just move your mouse up and down to adjust the power of your stroke and left or right to adjust the direction.

  • Publisher: Meridian'93
  • Last updated: September 6th, 2011
FRS Paint By Numbers

FRS Paint By Numbers

FRS Paint By Numbers is a simple coloring application for kids that includes multiple drawings which are divided in small parts with different numbers, The kids must paint the image in a way that the same numbers share the same color. This will allow them to reveal the hidden image.

  • Publisher: Fast Rabbit Software, LLC
  • Last updated: August 9th, 2011


Filler is an exciting puzzle game for whole family or personal fun. This game is splendid antistress and antidepressant game. You can use it as development and very interesting game for your children.

  • Publisher: TameStorm Games
  • Home page: www.tamestorm.com
  • Last updated: May 21st, 2010
Sudoku Banzai

Sudoku Banzai

Sudoku banzai is a free online Sudoku game with 4x4, 9x9 and 16x16 grids with a single solution. You can play for free 1 grid per day without registering. Sudoku is derived from the Latin square and the problem of the 36 officers of the Swiss mathematician Leonhard Euler

  • Publisher: TLK Games
  • Home page: www.tlkgames.com
  • Last updated: January 28th, 2009
Mike's Cards

Mike's Cards

Mike's Cards is a set of card games which provides you with over 150 games. This excellent suite contains casino games, contemporary games, kid’s games, one pack games and two pack games. It provides you with unlimited undo/redo option, game statistics, multiple user profiles, special effects and large graphics.

  • Publisher: Mike Sedore
  • Last updated: October 19th, 2009


Clickris is arcade-style puzzle game for Windows.The goal of game is to get as much points as you can by removing stones from game field. You can remove groups by clicking on them of stones with the same picture, but not on isolated stones.

  • Publisher: SoftAKGames
  • Last updated: May 26th, 2020
1-abc.net Powerpuzzle

1-abc.net Powerpuzzle

1-abc.net Powerpuzzle is a completely free software game which you can download from the developer's website. You can play it as many times as you wish to, copy and distribute freely. It takes less than a second to download, and installing it is just as easy. This software is a classic numbers game.

  • Publisher: 1-abc.net
  • Home page: www.1-abc.net
  • Last updated: April 7th, 2012
HD PowerBall Lotto Keeper

HD PowerBall Lotto Keeper

Track your PowerBall investments, download results, and check your winnings all in just a few clicks. Free upgrades for life.

  • Publisher: HighDesert Software
Sudoku Portable

Sudoku Portable

Sudoku Portable is a an addictive puzzle game originally created in France over 100 years ago. It features a 9x9 grid containing 9 3x3 grids. Within this you arrange the numbers 1 through 9. But, each number can only appear once in each of the 9 3x3 grids. And it can only appear once in each row and on each column. It's a simple concept, but it can get addictive quickly.

  • Publisher: Rare Ideas, LLC
  • Home page: portableapps.com
  • Last updated: October 8th, 2020