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Garena plus password reveal in Title/Summary

Password Reveal

Password Reveal

Password Reveal 2.0 is a nice application for when your memory tricks you. Sometimes, we tend to use our browser's built-in feature that remembers our passwords for us. However, we not always write those passwords down to remember them. This application will reveal those passwords for you. I don't really know how this application does what it does, but it works.

  • Publisher: Camtech 2000
  • Home page: camtech2000.net
  • Last updated: May 9th, 2008
Password Reveal Pro

Password Reveal Pro

Programs that remember our passwords are pretty handy. The Window opens showing the asterisks (****) covering the password, we click Ok and we're in. But what happens if we forget that password and need it again for something.

  • Publisher: Camtech 2000
  • Home page: Camtech2000.net
  • Last updated: May 13th, 2008


The platform for gamers to play, connect, explore, and more. Send messages instantly to your friends. Professional or amateur, Garena builds stages for gamers to pursue their passion for competitive gaming. Users can connect via Garena Platform to connect with their fellow gamers, get the latest news and updates around the gaming community

  • Publisher: Garena Online
  • Home page: intl.garena.com
  • Last updated: December 4th, 2020

Garena plus password reveal in Description

Garena Live

Garena Live

This is a Windows-based software for multimedia broadcasting based on peer to peer (P2P) system which implements search and data transfer protocols above the Internet Protocol (IP) ideal for watching online videos from Garena games. It has a friendly user window. Internet download bandwith must be above 300kb.

  • Publisher: Garena Computing, Inc.
  • Last updated: August 9th, 2008


Windows and other windows based softwares provides a convenient storage of password that we use frequently, such as FTP, ISP Passwords. You often tend to forget these password beacuase you no longer have to enter these password manually, What are you to do when you need to know one of the saved passwords, that is hiding behind a row of asterisks. This is where ShowPassword 1.0 comes into play.

  • Publisher: LatestSoft
  • Last updated: March 15th, 2008
Password Spectator

Password Spectator

Password Spectator is a general-purpose password recovery tool. It is not like most other applications, but it can effectively recover some passwords. This application can reveal the characters below some password fields, where the letters that you type are replaced by asterisks.

  • Publisher: ReFog Software
  • Last updated: February 17th, 2008
Nucleus Kernel Access Password Recovery

Nucleus Kernel Access Password Recovery

Nucleus Kernel Access Password Recovery is a small utility to recover the lost password from any Microsoft Access starting from 97 to XP immediately. The recovered password can be copied to the Windows clipboard with one click. The program has an easy user interface.

IE Password Revealer

IE Password Revealer

IE Password Revealer does exactly that – it reveals the passwords behind the asterisks in Internet Explorer log-in pages. It can “batch-reveal” all your hidden passwords, as long as all log-in pages are active at the time of clicking on the “Reveal Passwords” button. Then, the program will offer you the possibility of saving all the passwords as a convenient TXT file for future use.

  • Publisher: WellTek Software & DECS
  • Last updated: September 11th, 2012

Additional Garena plus password reveal selection

Facebook Password Extractor

Facebook Password Extractor

This application reveals the Facebook passwords stored by common web browsers such as Google Chrome, Opera, Safari, Internet Explorer or Firefox. It is a very simple, small and lightweight tool that can be used by anyone without any problems, including complete beginners.

Password Recovery Bundle 2014

Password Recovery Bundle 2014

Password Recovery Bundle 2014 is meant to help you recover lost and forgotten passwords or product keys from a large variety of programs. It can either retrieve the passwords or completely reset them, and it supports a lot of applications, including instant messengers, email clients, etc.

  • Publisher: Top Password Software, Inc.
  • Last updated: April 8th, 2014
Asterisk Password Decryptor

Asterisk Password Decryptor

Asterisk Password Decryptor is a powerful tool to recover lost or forgotten passwords. It allows you to reveal the hidden passwords on password dialog boxes and web pages that are hidden by the row of asterisk. You can simply drag the icon to any password box to find the real password hidden by the asterisks.

  • Publisher: KRyLack Software
  • Home page: www.krylack.com
  • Last updated: April 4th, 2012
Asterisks Password Viewer

Asterisks Password Viewer

Asterisks Password Viewer lets you see the actual password hidden behind the asterisks. It works on programs like Microsoft Outlook / Outlook Express, The BAT!, and other e-mail clients, FTP clients like CuteFTP, FlashFXP, etc. This program is quite easy to use; simply drag the magnifying glass over the password box to reveal the text.

  • Publisher: Keylack Software, Inc.
  • Home page: www.keylack.com
  • Last updated: July 9th, 2018
Asterisk Password Spy

Asterisk Password Spy

Most applications do not display real password in the login box for security reasons; instead, they show the asterisks (*****). Asterisk Password Spy can reveal the passwords written behind asterisks in any Windows program. Simply drag the 'search icon' to any password box to see the real password.

007 Password Recovery

007 Password Recovery

Users that enter oftenly in email clients and other programs requiring a password for login in, don't need to remember those passwords since Windows stores those for login operations (in programs such as FTP or email). Because of the security rules Windows applies, when entering a password, the input box only shows asterisks. Same as when Windows fills in automatically the password input box.

  • Publisher: IOPUS Security & Internet Software
  • Last updated: March 31st, 2008
SterJo Password Unmask

SterJo Password Unmask

SterJo Password Unmask can reveal/unmask password text boxes containing hidden characters ('*****'). This program is quite easy to use; simply run the application and open the window where the password is hidden with asterisk ('*****') characters. Click "unmask" button and you will see how the asterisks are converted into letters instantly.

Dialup Password Recovery

Dialup Password Recovery

he program displays (recovers) logins and passwords for LAN, Internet and network access (including modem connections, ISDN lines, virtual private networks), and works with Windows 7, Vista, 2008, XP, 2003, NT, 2000, 98. The passwords can be recovered even when you have deleted all IE history files. All passwords are recovered instantly, regardless of the length of passwords.

  • Publisher: Top Password Software, Inc.
  • Last updated: February 19th, 2010


ISeePass is a browser bookmarklet designed for one specific objective: reveal passwords concealed behind asterisks. With just one click, this Javascript bookmarklet can instantly show you any password that is displayed as asterisks or dots in login fields. Being a bookmarklet, ISeePass works on any web browser.

  • Publisher: Tecdrop
  • Home page: www.tecdrop.com
  • Last updated: November 14th, 2014
Proactive System Password Recovery

Proactive System Password Recovery

Proactive System Password Recovery is a tool that proves to be useful whenever you forget various passwords. It is a program that includes a lot of advanced features and beginners might find it difficult to use. The application is able to recover the logon password for various Windows versions, but you need to be logged on.

  • Publisher: ElcomSoft Co. Ltd.
  • Home page: www.elcomsoft.com
  • Last updated: May 26th, 2020