Garmin comma separated format in Title/Summary

Create Comma Separated List Software
This software offers a solution to users who want to create CSV files from source files in any format. Source files can be separated by any character or characters, such as enter or space.
- Publisher: Sobolsoft
- Last updated: February 3rd, 2010

Put Email Addresses Into One Comma-Delimited Line Software
Combine email addresses on multiple lines to create one comma-separated line.
- Publisher: Sobolsoft
- Home page:
- Last updated: February 5th, 2014

The DBF to CSV program allows you to convert your dbf files to csv (comma-separated value) format.Generally, you can use any delimiter, such as TAB, semicolon etc. The program supports dBase III, dBase IV, FoxPro, VFP and dBase Level 7 formats
- Publisher: WhiteTown Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 17th, 2009
Garmin comma separated format in Description

HH2Read is a program designed for setting up and retrieving data from the HH2 Moisture Meter. Readings are saved to a file on your PC, in a comma separated format. This can be viewed and graphed by loading it into Excel or similar spreadsheet packages. It also displays memory, battery and linearisation tables status.
- Publisher: Delta-T Devices Ltd
- Last updated: February 5th, 2015

LogConverter can be used to show the track stored in TomTom Navigator, ALK CoPilot, Navman SmartST and Delorme Blue Logger log files by converting them to a format suitable for display in a mapping program on a PC. The tracks can also be converted to a TomTom POI overlay for display in Navigator on a PocketPC.
- Publisher: Richard Davies
- Last updated: December 10th, 2009

ACtoCDF - Convert your AOL address Book
Summary of the ACtoCDF process: - Add the 'Generic / Text Only' printer to your Windows PC. Complete instructions included. - Run AOL 8 or AOL 9 on your PC (not web mail) - Using the AOL address book print function, print your address entries to the printer file. - Using the 'printed' file as the input to ACtoCDF, convert your data to a Comma Delimited File (comma separated values).
- Publisher: At Work Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 29th, 2011

Online Database Converter
Online DataBase Converter allows you to convert your DBF files to popular formats like SQL, XML, HTML, XLS, and more. You can convert from: DBF to CSV (Comma-separated values), DBF to SQL (SQL script), DBF to XML (Extensible Markup Language), DBF to HTML (HyperText Markup Language), DBF to XLS (Excel database), DBF to MDB (Access database), DBF to PDB (Palm database), and more.
- Publisher: WhiteTown Software
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020

Multi-DB Querier
Database SQL tool, which allows running SQL queries on multiple databases with similar structure. Result of SELECT queries can be exported to file (TXT, CSV, DBF, XML, HTML, RTF, XLS). Command line is supported.
- Publisher: Vitaliy Levchenko
- Home page:
- Last updated: December 16th, 2009
Additional Garmin comma separated format selection

Able2Extract Professional
Able2Extract Professional lets you create, convert, edit, and sign PDF documents. PDF files can be converted into MS Word, PowerPoint, Excel, AutoCAD, Publisher, and OpenOffice, LibreOffice, and image formats. During conversion to image, you can image select specific settings such as DPI, image resolution, GIF animation speed, and JPEG quality.
- Publisher: Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: July 18th, 2023

Dbfview is an application that allows users to create, edit, view, and print DBF-format databases. This program is compatible with the Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows 9x, Windows NT, as well as the Windows 2000 operating systems. The user-friendly interface enables users to better organize the databases that they create, so as to easily access information later on.
- Publisher: DbfView
- Home page:
- Last updated: September 29th, 2011

3D Route Builder
3D Route Builder is a powerful GPS editor for fine grain control over paths directly in Google Earth. These can then be either built from scratch or based on existing KML/KMZ, GPX or Garmin Training Center TCX. They can then be retraced at scalable real time speed.
- Publisher: Hybrid GeoTools
- Last updated: July 26th, 2012

docXConverter 3.1 is a powerful but easy to use application that enables you to open and use files saved in Word 2007 format docx, in AppleWorks and ClarisWorks format cwk and in Excel 2007 format xlsx. It doesn't matter if the programs installed on your computer can open docx, cwk and xlsx files, the program will still manage to open and used the mentioned formats.
- Publisher: Panergy LTD.
- Last updated: November 4th, 2011

CSVed is a program that allows you to manipulate any CSV file, delimited with any separator. The contents of the CSV file are visible in a listview. You can edit, add, insert, delete, and move the items in that listview. Also, you can delete and add columns and rearrange the column order.
- Publisher: Sam Francke
- Last updated: July 18th, 2023

Statistix is a powerful statistical analysis program you can use to quickly analyze your data. Main features: - Powerful transformations procedure for modifying and creating variables using algebraic expressions. - Import/export Excel files and text files.
- Publisher: Analytical Software
- Last updated: July 9th, 2014

FTBasicMMO provides memory management for the FT-817, FT-847, FT-857 and FT-897 transceivers including the D and ND versions and radios that have been modified to change the frequency coverage. The program can be used to keep a backup of the memories and all of the radio's settings which can be reloaded in the event of a radio reset being required.
- Publisher: G.R. Freeth
- Last updated: April 23rd, 2012

Ping Tester
Ping Tester easily and effortlessly allows you to perform ping checks for one specific IP or a group of IP addresses. You can add individual IP addresses, groups of them and even URLs. Probably its handier feature is the “Schedule for IP scanning”. This function allows for periodic checks of a given set of IPs.
- Publisher: AutoBAUP Corp.
- Home page:
- Last updated: April 21st, 2008

Advanced CSV Converter
Advanced CSV Converter allows you convert CSV files to DBF, Excel spreadsheet (XLS, XLSX), TXT, SQL, XML, Fixed Text, RTF, and other formats. It features a simple interface where you can open the source CSV file, filter the required data columns, and export it to the required format.
- Publisher: HiBase Group
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

The application allows you to convert PDF files to Excel, CSV, etc. PDF2XL enables you to do the following: - Convert long PDF files by applying a “Single Page Structure” to multiple pages – By re-applying a single “page structure”, PDF2XL allows you to convert PDF files of any size.
- Publisher: Cogniview Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024