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Gas ideal y gas real.swf in Title/Summary

Ideal Gas in 3D

Ideal Gas in 3D

You can see ideal gas molecules in 3D if you use "Ideal Gas in 3D". It can help you to understand molecules motion, Boyle's law, Charles law and Maxwell distribution.

  • Publisher: Nasanbat Namsrai
  • Last updated: March 23rd, 2008
Fobos GAS

Fobos GAS

Fobos GAS is a very useful , easy to use software, for checking your automobile's gas injection system. It has a very friendly interface. You have options for tuning, diagnostics, schematic and configuration. You also have a special section for error events.

  • Publisher: Fobos
  • Last updated: April 4th, 2012
Gas Calculator

Gas Calculator

This application will allow you to calculate how much gas would cost for a given distance divided amongst a certain number of individuals. You can also use this application to see how much gas you might expect to spend for a given distance. Great for planning a trip or analyzing costs for a long commute.

  • Publisher: Jabirnet
  • Last updated: November 6th, 2009

Gas ideal y gas real.swf in Description



This program provides Psychrometric properties of air given two properties as input values at a known altitude (or atmospheric pressure). The properties are determined using the ideal gas law for the behavior of air. Once the properties are determined, the point is indicated on the Psychrometric chart.

  • Publisher: Archon Engineering,PC
  • Last updated: January 13th, 2010
Gas Man Anesthesia Simulator

Gas Man Anesthesia Simulator

Gas Man® is a unique computer tool for teaching, simulating and experimenting with anesthesia uptake and distribution. It combines an award-winning tutorial text with powerful, easy-to-use software. Each concept taught by Gas Man is fully documented and further explained in the tutorial.

  • Publisher: Med Man Simulations, Inc.
  • Home page: www.gasmanweb.com
  • Last updated: May 27th, 2020
Heatcraft HDPsyChart

Heatcraft HDPsyChart

Traditionally, psychrometric charts were used on its paper versions with all its limitations. Heatcraft HDPsyChart brings this tool to the digital age. You’ll be able to zoom in the chart, you’ll be able to state several points of interest knowing all its characteristics, and what’s more interesting, you’ll be able to connect several points into a thermodynamic process.

Gas Equilibrium

Gas Equilibrium

Using NO2 and HI equilibrium reactions your students will easily investigate the physical and chemical factors which influence gas equilibrium. Gas Equilibrium is designed for use with both junior and senior science students. 17 experiments in the form of blackline masters can be saved at any stage. Graphs show Concentration Curves and Reaction Rates.

  • Publisher: Newbyte Educational Software
  • Home page: www.newbyte.com
  • Last updated: April 19th, 2010
Niko Home Control Energy

Niko Home Control Energy

Niko Home Control Energy software gives you an overview of electricity, gas, and water consumption. You can view both the current consumption and the history review of consumption and yield. An IP module is required to log the measuring data. For monitoring the water and gas consumption, a pulse counter is to be installed.

  • Publisher: Niko NV
  • Last updated: January 25th, 2016

Additional Gas ideal y gas real.swf selection

Stag 200 Easy

Stag 200 Easy

Stag 200 Easy is a program designed to work with the microprocessor-based gas injection controller. It allows you to monitor and control gas injection on the basis of sequential or non-sequential petrol injection. It is equipped with internal sequential petrol injection emulator.

  • Publisher: AC S.A.
  • Home page: www.stag-ac.com
  • Last updated: December 23rd, 2016


Fine NGAS is a workstation for natural gas installations which automatically performs the necessary calculations directly from the drawings, producing all the case study results such as calculation issue, technical descriptions, full-scale drawings, and bills of materials.

  • Publisher: 4M
  • Last updated: March 29th, 2018
Oscar-N SAS

Oscar-N SAS

This program makes it possible to adjust parameters of fuel supply system in very large scale. Besides the correction due the vacuum in the intake manifold, installer can adjust gas dosage regarding to RPM level, gas temperature and gas pressure. It is also possible to adjust mixture dosage for each cylinder separately and possibility of preheating the gas injectors before changeover.

  • Publisher: EuropeGas
  • Last updated: February 21st, 2014
GreenGas Aero

GreenGas Aero

GreenGas Aero that enables users to control the Green Gas AERO 4 cyl/4 cyl OBD systems. The application enables you to calculate quickly and accurately the necessary gas ratio and to react immediately to all changes and conditions of the engine operations.

  • Publisher: Autronic s.r.l.
  • Last updated: March 11th, 2015
Ansur VT Gas Flow Analyzer Plug-In

Ansur VT Gas Flow Analyzer Plug-In

This application is a plug-in for Ansur Executive. Ansur VTGasFlowAnalyzer Plug-In is a product facilitating automatic test and inspection of ventilators in conjunction with the Fluke Biomedical VT Plus HF Gas Flow Analyzer, VT Mobile Gas Flow Analyzer and VT305 Gas Flow Analyzer.



GasSimLite is fully functioning freeware based on GasSim which is designed to help landfill operators submit their Pollution Inventory responses to the Environment Agency. The main screen shows a cartoon, which guides you along the process of defining the source term, the gas management options, details of the contaminant transport pathways (from the source to the various receptors).

  • Publisher: Golder Associates
  • Last updated: December 22nd, 2017


The OdaLog is a portable gas detector specifically designed for the wastewater industry. This device uses IrDA (Infrared Data Association) technology to communicate between the logger and the OdaStat-G software. OdaStat-G lets you read data from OdaLog and update its software.

  • Publisher: App-Tek International
  • Last updated: January 31st, 2016


PastoDeco is a decompression planner for air, nitrox, trimix, heliox, heliair scuba dives either in OC Open circuit and CCR Closed Circuit Rebreather. You can make calculation regarding: - Gas consumption ( SAC Rate ) at descent, ascent, bottom, deco stops - Max Partial pressures (pO2 at bottom, pO2 at deco, pN2 ) - Tank switch time.

Single Module Data Viewer

Single Module Data Viewer

The SM-2001U and SM-2003U single module calibration stations provide charging, calibration, bump testing, and calibration and bump test records for the GX-2001 and GX-2003 gas detectors. They are designed to save the records to a USB flash drive. The Single Module Data Viewer Software can be used to retrieve calibration and bump test data files from these USB flash drives.

Commandos Strike Force

Commandos Strike Force

A first person shooter, inspired by the best selling WWII “Commandos” game series, and featuring three new characters. Undertake action, infiltration and stealth missions, engaging the enemy with a diverse arsenal of weapons and utilising intricate tactics. Fight behind enemy lines in France.

  • Publisher: Pyro Studios
  • Last updated: August 25th, 2008