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Gauss ti-nspire in Title/Summary

GAUSS Engine

GAUSS Engine

Add the speed and power of GAUSS to applications written in C, C++, Java, VB or other development environments that support C language API. The GAUSS Engine is a dynamically linked library for compiling and executing GAUSS programs from another application. Data can be passed back and forth between the GAUSS Engine workspace and the application.

  • Publisher: Aptech Systems, Inc.
  • Last updated: May 22nd, 2012


Displays lines and surfaces defined algebraically in 3D space in many forms, including z=f(x,y), cylindrical polar coordinates, and parametric definitions with one and two parameters. View controls move the viewpoint through 3D space.

  • Publisher: Walter Milner
  • Last updated: April 10th, 2012
Gauss SPC

Gauss SPC

GausSPC is a complete solution that provides everything from automatic data acquisition to generation of multi-language reports. All in a single package. GausSPC can link to other applications either through the Clipboard or text files. Import your CMM measurements as well as the measured features parameters from the PC-DMIS.

  • Publisher: RLS d.o.o.

Gauss ti-nspire in Description



In areas where the geological structures are approximately two-dimensional (2D), conventional 2D electrical imaging surveys have been successfully used. The main limitation of such surveys is probably the assumption of a 2D structure. In areas with complex structures, there is no substitute for a fully 3D survey.

  • Publisher: geoelectrical
  • Last updated: March 31st, 2012
Symbolic Tools

Symbolic Tools

Symbolic Tools has the ability to augment the numeric and graphical capabilities of GAUSS with additional types of mathematical functionality based on symbolic computations. These include: Symbolic Algebra, Linear Algebra, Language Extension, and Precision.

  • Publisher: Econotron Software, Inc.
  • Home page: www.econotron.com
  • Last updated: November 18th, 2011


DatumPro is the most comprehensive and accurate co-ordinate conversion package available, handling thousands of coordinate systems, including Gauss Kruger, UTM, and Lambert Conic grids With over 600 datum conversions and over 450 Grid Projections, and hundreds of specific TM and Lambert conic conformal grids and all the latest EPSG transformations.

  • Publisher: Geomatix Ltd
  • Last updated: December 8th, 2010


Math Center Level 2 consists of Scientific Calculator, Graphing Calculator 2D Numeric, Graphing Calculator 2D Parametric, and Graphing Calculator 2D Polar. Math Center Level 2 can be used for various Windows versions including: Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows 2000, Windows Server 2003, Windows XP and Vista

  • Publisher: Tvalx
  • Last updated: November 5th, 2012


InfoMate is a complete survey computation, fieldwork reduction, data capture and translation environment, aimed at Local Government, Land Surveyors, Municipalities and the GIS community. InfoMate provides tools for the fast and efficient capture of spatial and attribute data. This data is processed, maintained and presented as topologically sound, spatially referenced information.

  • Publisher: Compuplot
  • Last updated: October 2nd, 2015

Additional Gauss ti-nspire selection



GaussView is the most advanced and powerful graphical interface available for Gaussian. With GaussView, you can import or build the molecular structures that interest you, set up, launch, monitor and control Gaussian calculations, and retrieve and view the results, all without ever leaving the application.

  • Publisher: gaussian.com
  • Home page: www.gaussian.com
  • Last updated: February 11th, 2019
TI-Nspire™ CAS Teacher Software

TI-Nspire™ CAS Teacher Software

This software helps educators save time and present important concepts. The TI-SmartView™ emulator's virtual TI-Nspire CX handheld delivers full color. The virtual TI-Nspire handhelds with Touchpad or Clickpad display high-resolution grayscale. Integrate the software and built-in TI-SmartView emulator with technology already in your classroom to extend original investment for new uses.

  • Publisher: Texas Instruments Incorporated
  • Home page: education.ti.com
  • Last updated: July 24th, 2014
PHOTOMOD GeoCalculator

PHOTOMOD GeoCalculator

PHOTOMOD GeoCalculator is the software for points coordinates transformation, included in the PHOTOMOD system, as well as a stand-alone free application.Its installation package includes databases of reference systems used in the world and in Russia (approximately 1500 reference systems).

  • Publisher: Racurs
  • Home page: www.racurs.ru
  • Last updated: November 21st, 2012
Eye4Software Coordinate Calculator

Eye4Software Coordinate Calculator

Eye4Software Coordinate Calculator can convert coordinates from one coordinate system to another. It can also be used to convert coordinates between different horizontal map datums. This program has the ability to convert a set of GPS coordinates from a CSV file.

  • Publisher: Eye4Software B.V.
  • Last updated: April 25th, 2018
TI-Nspire CAS Student Software

TI-Nspire CAS Student Software

TI-Nspire CAS Student Software is a powerful computer software with a Computer Algebra System (CAS) that satisfies math and science curriculum needs from middle school through college. Symbolically solve equations, factor and expand variable expressions, complete the square, find antiderivatives, compute limits, find exact solutions in irrational form and more.

  • Publisher: Texas Instruments
  • Home page: education.ti.com
  • Last updated: July 2nd, 2015


OxEdittm is an easy to use, yet powerful text editor. Its support for syntax highlighting, column editing, and running external tools make it especially useful for developing and running Ox programs. OxEdit facilitates the use of modules from the editor, by providing a menu option to add predefined modules.

  • Publisher: Jurgen A Doornik
  • Home page: www.doornik.com
  • Last updated: May 7th, 2011


GaussSum is a GUI application that can analyse the output of ADF, GAMESS (US), GAMESS-UK, Gaussian, Jaguar and PC GAMESS to extract and calculate useful information. This includes the progress of the SCF cycles, geometry optimisation, UV-Vis/IR/Raman spectra, MO levels, MO contributions and more.

  • Publisher: Noel O'Boyle
  • Home page: gausssum.sf.net
  • Last updated: May 29th, 2014


Res2dinvx32 is a 2D resistivity and IP inversion software. The program uses the smoothness-constrained Gauss-Newton least-squares inversion technique (Sasaki 1992) to produce a 2D model of the subsurface from the apparent resistivity data. It is completely automatic and the user does not even have to supply a starting model.



T-TECTO is a computer program which enables fast and simple paleostress and kinematic analysis of heterogeneous and homogeneous fault-slip data using the Gauss method. The program is based on the classical philosophy of fault-slip data inversion which involves the concept of the best-fitting stress tensor.

  • Publisher: Jure Žalohar
  • Last updated: May 2nd, 2010


RES3DINVx32/x64 is a 3D resistivity and IP inversion software. The RES3DINVx32/x64 programs use the smoothness-constrained Gauss-Newton least-squares inversion technique to produce a 3D model of the subsurface from the apparent resistivity data alone. It supports parallel calculations that significantly reduces the inversion time.