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Gerber export tool for autocad in Title/Summary

Import Export Tool

Import Export Tool

Import Export Tool is a software that allows you to import information from a database or to export files into an Excel format, xml format or to a local database. For Excel and Xml, you will pick needed fields, for Local DB option all fields are exported. You can also reorder fields and much more

  • Publisher: Juvander Consulting Oy
  • Last updated: November 30th, 2011
Gix Export Tool

Gix Export Tool

This extension helps GIS developers to migrate ESRI ArcView projects to the most popular Free and Open Source alternatives for Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Features: - Auto-creation of .map, .fnt (fonts) and .sym (Symbols) files for mapserver - Auto-creation of JPG file for reference map of MapServer ) - Export themes as JUMP GML

M3U Export Tool

M3U Export Tool

M3U Export Tool is a Windows program designed to solve a step in the chain of actions required to make you a cheap DJ who plays music from a USB stick. It takes a Winamp playlist (or a playlist that you saved in some other, similar music player), finds the music files, and copies them to a single location such as a folder, USB stick, portable device, or network location.

Gerber export tool for autocad in Description



EasyGerb allows you to export Gerber files while inside AutoCAD. This application is quite easy to use; simply select any object, select the output folder, and save Gerber files. You can customize the output settings, layers, PCB mode, etc. When EasyGerb has finished the conversion, a report dialog displays the count of entities converted, location of the gerber files, and warnings.

SKP4CAD 2007

SKP4CAD 2007

SKP4CAD 2007 - Export SKP is an AutoCAD 2007, 2008 and 2009 application to export AutoCAD drawing entities to SKP file (Google SketchUp). It can export SKP files from polyface meshes, polygon meshes, faces and 3d solid drawing entities. It is compatible with AutoCAD 2007, 2008 and 2009.

  • Publisher: STEFISKO
  • Last updated: November 16th, 2011


LICAD for AutoCAD is an application used to read the LICAD L3D export files into AutoCAD 3D. The exports will be generated and shown as 3D objects. LICAD for AutoCAD features support for pipe diameter, temperature of the medium, operating load, displacement, hanger configuration and more.

  • Publisher: LISEGA AG
  • Last updated: March 17th, 2015
Browz 3D

Browz 3D

This program is a quick 3D model browser for Windows 9x/2K/XP which allows to have a 3D preview of models stored in the following file formats : - 3DS - 3D Studio binary export format - ASC - 3D Studio ASCII export format - DXF - AutoCAD ASCII exchange format - LWO - LightWave binary export format - OBJ - WaveFront ASCII export format - T3D - UnrealEd ASCII brush format

  • Publisher: IstraSoft
  • Last updated: June 11th, 2008


CADlog is a light import/export utility between AutoCAD objects and CSV files. It can be used to archive DWG coordinates in CSV files, analyze and modify the geometry of your AutoCAD objects in programs like Excel or Calc, or even import geometry obtained or calculated elsewhere.

  • Publisher: LexmanCAD
  • Last updated: June 30th, 2016

Additional Gerber export tool for autocad selection

Cutting 3

Cutting 3

The CUTTING programs are intended for the optimum cut of material to the rectangular or linear details. Programs can be used in the woodworking production, the production of furniture, room of metal, cutting of glass, etc. The unique, high-speed algorithm - the basis of programs, makes it possible to rapidly produce cut with minimal offcuts.

  • Publisher: Cutting Optimization
  • Home page: www.cuttinghome.com
  • Last updated: December 13th, 2008


The DWGgateway data translation tool enables any AutoCAD software user to open and edit any DWG file. This capability may eliminate the need to upgrade the AutoCAD software to new versions simply to work on files created by users of newer AutoCAD products. In this way, the DWGgateway software tool fosters open collaboration and saves users the time and money.

  • Publisher: SolidWorks
  • Last updated: March 28th, 2012


Exportizer allows you to browse, edit, and export database to various output formats. It can work with local file databases (DB, DBF, MXB, CSV, XML, TXT, CSV), Excel files (XLS, XLSX), HTML pages, Oracle, SQL Server, Postgresql, DB2, Informix, and other databases as input.

  • Publisher: Vitaliy Levchenko
  • Home page: www.vlsoftware.net
  • Last updated: November 18th, 2024
DriveCam Event Player

DriveCam Event Player

The DriveCam Event Player is a standalone program that allows you to view DriveCam Video Event files (*.DCE file extension) outside of DriveCam Online or HindSight 20/20 software. This latest DriveCam Event Player is also equipped with an Export Tool, enabling you to convert the ”DCE” files to an ”AVI” file format so they can be viewed on most standard media players

  • Publisher: DriveCam
  • Last updated: March 24th, 2013


mBackup is a free desktop application to import, export, back and restore data to and from mSecure Password Manager for iOS and Android. mBackup enables you to import data from other password managers and CSV spreadsheets for easy data migration. mBackup also supports CSV and XML exports in an encrypted and un-encrypted formats for easy print outs or data for storage in a safety deposit box.

  • Publisher: mSeven Software
  • Last updated: November 13th, 2011
AD Bulk Export

AD Bulk Export

ADBulk Export is amazingly simple to use yet a powerful application that allows you to export as much information as you require from Active Directory relating to your Users, Contacts, Groups and Computer objects. AD Bulk Export 4 is a simple to use Active Directory Export tool.

  • Publisher: Dovestones Software
  • Last updated: July 17th, 2012
Autodesk Point Layout

Autodesk Point Layout

Point Layout construction layout software enables construction professionals to use BIM coordinate information in the field. Deliver faster, more accurate layout installation and QA/QC. Directly export/import from AutoCAD, Revit, or Navisworks Manage* for creation of as-built models. Improve office to field efficiency and productivity.

  • Publisher: Autodesk Inc.
  • Home page: www.autodesk.com
  • Last updated: May 27th, 2014
FlySpeed Data Export

FlySpeed Data Export

FlySpeed Data Export is the must-have tool to export data from your database quickly and easily. The ability to export data from almost any database using OLE DB or ODBC, and save data to the most-popular office formats makes FlySpeed Data Export a really universal data export tool.

  • Publisher: Active Database Software
  • Last updated: May 24th, 2015
SysTools Exchange Export

SysTools Exchange Export

SysTools Exchange Export allows users to export mailboxes from Exchange server to PST (Outlook). The Exchange mailbox migration tool carries the caliber to move the entire data from the mailbox to Outlook PST without damaging the content. Exchange mailbox export tool scans the whole EDB database and export them to PST format and give the process 100% perfection.

EarthLink TotalAccess

EarthLink TotalAccess

The EarthLink/TotalAccess Mailbox Export tool is used to create versions of your emails stored in the EarthLink/TotalAccess Mailbox that can be easily moved over to another email program such as Windows Live Mail on Windows Vista or Windows 7. The EarthLink/TotalAccess Mailbox stored email files in a proprietary ".dat" format that only worked with the EarthLink Mailbox program.

  • Publisher: EarthLink, Inc.
  • Last updated: March 19th, 2021