German airfields fs2004 in Title/Summary

Aerosoft's - German Airfields 2
Aerosoft's - German Airfields 2 is a flight simulator. Not only does this scenery give you 15 new high detailed airports, it also will give you a large area to explore. From the major cities Kiel and Hamburg to the complete detailed coastline. From flying passengers to Helgoland to SAR mission from the major base at Kiel airport.
- Publisher: aerosoft
- Last updated: August 17th, 2008

Aerosoft's - German Airfields 9 - Nordbayern
Take off in your small aircraft and explore the Northern Bavarian landscape. The 14 VFR airfields are highly detailed and located in a beautiful landscape. Fly and enjoy!You can also approach one of the two regional airports (Hof/Plauen and Bayreuth) which offer instrument approaches in case the weather turns for the worst.
- Publisher: aerosoft
- Last updated: October 21st, 2008

Aerosofts - German Airfields FREE - Wasserkuppe
The Wasserkuppe airfield is reputedly the birth place of gliding and well know by glider pilots world wide and a favorite destination for GA trips. This free version is based on the FS2004 version and LimeSim updated it and made it merge perfectly with the other German scenery Aerosofts sell. It`s a great demo for the kind of scenery that makes Germany the best covered country in FSX.
- Publisher: aerosoft
- Last updated: May 28th, 2013
German airfields fs2004 in Description

aerosoft's - German Airports 2 X - FS2004
German Airports 2 X is a new software that creates new dimensions in the German Airport scenery, the software has included add-ons of the following airports; Cologne/Bonn, Hannover, Dortmund, Munster/ Osnabruck, and Leipzig/Halle. German Airport sceneries show the airport as it is today with no modifications.
- Publisher: aerosoft
- Last updated: November 20th, 2010

aerosoft's - German Airports 3 - 2012 (FSX)
The German Airports Team are again setting new standards in terms of quality, realism, and friendly frame rates with their complete overhaul of the German Airports 3 package. All airports are developed according to their actual status with all buildings.
- Publisher: aerosoft
- Last updated: May 23rd, 2012

VLC North Island Airfield Pack
This airfield pack contains 20 airfields in the North Island upgraded with better data and objects from the default FSX library and the VLC object library. These airfields are separate from the 'Complete' airfields below so it is safe to install both types.
- Publisher: VectorLandClass
- Last updated: June 12th, 2013

aerosoft's - German Airports 2-Leipzig X
Aerosoft's - German Airports 2-Leipzig X 1.0 is German airport scenery for FSX and FS2004 which features Leipzig/Halle airport. The add-on depicts the Leipzig/Halle airport which gives a detailed scene of the real airport. It consists of lighting systems, buildings, taxiways and runways. All these have been restructured keeping into mind the real-time airport.
- Publisher: aerosoft
- Home page:
- Last updated: August 17th, 2010

VFR-Airfields Traffic
Alot of Tools for AI-Traffic exist on the flightsimulation market. Unfortunately most of them do not support small airfields. Only a few of them have AI-Traffic with the standard FS installation. This has Integrated AI-Traffic for VFR-Airfields. Besides programmed taxiways and runways for AI the airplanes are painted in typical European colors and identifications.
- Publisher: CR-Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: June 28th, 2011
Additional German airfields fs2004 selection

Aerosoft's - DHC-6 Twin Otter X
The De Havilland Canada DHC-6 Twin Otter is one of the most versitile aircraft ever designed. Still Canada's most successful commercial aircraft program with more than 800 built, the Twin Otter remains popular for its rugged construction and useful STOL performance.
- Publisher: aerosoft
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 12th, 2013

German Truck Simulator
German Truck Simulator is an attractive PC game where you drive trucks to deliver cargo between major German cities. Your mission is to deliver the cargo safely and on time. With each completed job, you will gain more experience and eventually, you will have the opportunity to open your personal cargo transportation company.
- Publisher: SCS Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: September 8th, 2010

Premier Collection P-61 Black Widow for FS2004
For World War II, only one US plane was specifically designed to fight during the dark of night - the P-61B Black Widow. It proved to be successful against both the German Luftwaffe and the Imperial Japanese. The P-61B is ready to fly with either your version of Flight Simulator.
- Publisher: Abacus Software
- Last updated: July 3rd, 2010

aerosoft's - German Airports 3 - Luebeck X
Luebeck Airport is close to Hamburg (and Lübeck of course) and like so many smaller airports it has been revived from a slumbering existence by the growth of the low costs airlines who need the smaller and cheaper airports to operate as they do. Luebeck Airport now is growing fast and has serious expansion plans.
- Publisher: Aerosoft USA, Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 20th, 2012

The New English-German Dictionary
It offers a fast and reliable manner of finding translations of words and specific terms while also providing extremely useful examples of context usage for that word or term. That ensures that you'll clearly and correctly understand the proper meaning of that term, and you'll also be able to learn how to properly use it in conversations.
- Publisher: Rüdiger Werner & Kalyan Koora
- Home page:
- Last updated: October 10th, 2010

Gaberoff Koral Free German Dictionary
The present version contains German-Bulgarian resources comprising 120 000 words in entries and phrases taken from the best-selling dictionary compiled by Ludmila Ivanova. Is very useful and easy to use. Learn German with Gaberoff Koral Free German Dictionary.
- Publisher: KoralSoft Company
- Last updated: March 18th, 2008

FS Recorder for FS2004
FS Recorder is an add-on module for Microsoft Flight Simulator available for FS2004 and FSX. It allows recording and playbacking of flights, similar as the instant replay and video recorder built into FS. The recorded flights can be played back either using the user's aircraft or as AI traffic, which allows you to fly formations with yourself.
- Publisher: Matthias Neusinger
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 22nd, 2013

Learn German
Learn tons of German vocabulary. Impress your friends with your quickly growing knowledge of German words, working your way up from basic expressions to bigger challenges for a total of more than 5000 words.
- Publisher: TaipanSoftware
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 5th, 2008

Boeing Stratoliner for FSX or FS2004
FSX Boeing 307 Stratoliner ver 1.1. The Boeing 307 was the first pressurized airliner. Because of the war, only 10 were built, initially for Pan American and TWA (and a special version for Howard Hughes). Five versions are included here, in PanAm and TWA colours as well as Airnautic and Aigle Azur.
- Publisher: Jens B. Kristensen
- Last updated: January 31st, 2012

Declan's German FlashCards
Declan's German FlashCards is a fully configurable audio-based German vocabulary flash-card program. The program has been designed to help students learn a large number of German words as quickly as possible in a systematic but fun and simple way. The program incorporates an audio feature that uses a native speaker's voice recordings of a word's pronunciation to aid the learning process.
- Publisher: Declan Software, Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: July 12th, 2012