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Gis application development .ppt in Title/Summary

Creative ZEN X-Fi2 Application Development Kit

Creative ZEN X-Fi2 Application Development Kit

This is an Application Development Kit (ADK) for the ZEN X-Fi2 where you are able to code your own interesting applications and customize the ZEN X-Fi2. It allows you to conveniently create and debug games and applications right from your Windows PC, before installing them into the ZEN X-Fi2 player.

  • Publisher: Creative Technology Ltd.
  • Last updated: February 27th, 2010
NI TestStand Toolkit - Large Application Development

NI TestStand Toolkit - Large Application Development

This toolkit will provide tools to help NI TestStand developers in large-scale projects. The toolkit installs two applications, the Type Differ and the Sequence File Viewer. Developers can use the Type Differ to determine and resolve differences in types between any two NI TestStand files.

  • Publisher: National Instruments
  • Last updated: November 23rd, 2011
Prithvi Development Studio

Prithvi Development Studio

Prithvi Development Studio is an open source Microsoft Windows based application development environment for Microchip PIC ™ microcontrollers. Prithvi Development Studio provides easy to use, feature rich application development environment for PIC microcontroller developers, using GCBASIC programming language.

  • Publisher: Prithvi Development Team
  • Last updated: March 13th, 2010

Gis application development .ppt in Description

Map Suite WPF Desktop Edition

Map Suite WPF Desktop Edition

Map Suite WPF Desktop Edition takes GIS application development for the Windows desktop to a whole new level, with a .NET-native control that packs the full power of Windows Presentation Foundation. With blazing fast rendering performance, powerful mapping features and support for the most popular data formats, Map Suite WPF Desktop Edition makes GIS accessible to developers of any skill.

  • Publisher: ThinkGeo LLC
  • Home page: thinkgeo.com
  • Last updated: August 24th, 2015
AvisMap GIS Engine Sample Projects

AvisMap GIS Engine Sample Projects

AvisMap GIS Engine is the basic development platform for AvisMap GIS suites, which is a new generation component GIS development platform for GIS application developers.AvisMap GIS Engine Sample Projects are a bundle of sample of different projects that you can see how they work.

  • Publisher: AvisMap GIS Technologies
  • Last updated: April 7th, 2010


DNRGPS is an Open Source update to the popular DNRGarmin application. It provides users the ability to transfer data between handheld GPS receivers and GIS application. This program integrates GIS applications (ESRI’s ArcMap, Google Earth) with GPS units. It uses a C# program that interacts with the GPS via a serial/USB port allowing GIS users to transfer Waypoints, Tracks, and Routes.



RiverTools 3.0 is a user-friendly GIS application for analysis and visualization of digital terrain, watersheds and river networks. One of RiverTools' most powerful features is its ability to rapidly extract drainage network patterns and analyze hydrologic data from very large DEMs (digital elevation models).

  • Publisher: Research Systems, Inc.
  • Home page: rivix.com
  • Last updated: December 28th, 2009
EasyEclipse Server Java

EasyEclipse Server Java

EasyEclipse Server Java, version 1.2 is a prepackaged distribution which is used for Java application development on server side such as JavaServer Pages, EJBs and Web Services. It contains all the necessary plugins, tools and essential utilities you need to start developing server side Java application code, without any additional downloads.

  • Publisher: nexB
  • Last updated: March 10th, 2008

Additional Gis application development .ppt selection

Android Studio

Android Studio

Android Studio is the official IDE for Android development, and includes everything you need to build Android apps. Take the full course to learn the basics of creating apps with Jetpack Compose, Android’s modern toolkit for developing user interfaces. As you create a series of apps, you’ll learn the basics of the Kotlin programming language and the fundamentals of app development.

PL/SQL Developer

PL/SQL Developer

Nowadays, when IT is flourishing more and more, database administrators and programmers need advanced and well-optimized tools in order to achieve their required tasks. PL/SQL Developer, an IDE that offers the tools to manipulate databases and execute scripts, was built to help guys who work in the IT industry to develop their projects

  • Publisher: Allround Automations
  • Last updated: August 2nd, 2017


Here we have the best Math program.MATLAB R2008a 7.6 is a language for technical computing that integrates computation, visualization, and programming in an easy to use environment. It can be used in, Math and computation, Algorithm development, Data acquisition, modeling, and simulation. It cah aldo be used for data analysis, etc.

  • Publisher: The MathWorks, Inc.
  • Last updated: March 11th, 2008


zApp is an programming environment for quickly developing user-customizeable and scriptable applications. Applications developed using zApp can be freely distributed without any royalty requirements. Any end user can run your binary application created by zApp. If a end user also had a developer's copy of zApp, they may customize your application to futher suit their needs.

Microsoft Windows SDK for Windows

Microsoft Windows SDK for Windows

The Microsoft® Windows® Software Development Kit (SDK) Update for Windows Vista provides documentation, samples, header files, libraries, and tools designed to help you develop Windows applications using both native (Win32) and managed (.NET Framework) technologies.

  • Publisher: Microsoft
  • Home page: www.microsoft.com
  • Last updated: September 11th, 2018


Lazarus is a Delphi compatible cross-platform IDE for Rapid Application Development. It has a graphical form designer and a variety of ready to use components to create complex graphical user interfaces. With Lazarus, you can create file browsers, image viewers, database applications, graphics editing software, games, 3D software, medical analysis software or any other type of software.

  • Publisher: Lazarus and Free Pascal Team
  • Last updated: November 18th, 2024
Code Composer Studio

Code Composer Studio

It includes an optimizing C/C++ compiler, source code editor, project build environment, debugger, profiler, and many other features. The intuitive IDE provides a single user interface taking you through each step of the application development flow. Familiar tools and interfaces allow users to get started faster than ever before.

  • Publisher: Texas Instruments Incorporated.
  • Home page: www.ti.com
  • Last updated: December 11th, 2017
Quincy 2005

Quincy 2005

Quincy is freeware open-source. It is a simple programming environment for C/C++ on Windows. It contains an editor, a compiler, a debugger, and graphics and GUI toolkits. Because of it's simple interface, Quincy is ideal for learning C or C++ programming.

  • Publisher: Codecutter.net
  • Home page: www.codecutter.net
  • Last updated: November 19th, 2011


GP-Pro EX is the development software for all Pro-face AGP3000, LT3000 and AST3000 Series HMI units as well as APL3000 and PS3000 Series IPC's. The easy to use software takes users through the development process step by step with a wide array of application development tools, expanded diagnostic features and simulation capabilities.

  • Publisher: Digital Electronics Corporation
  • Last updated: January 27th, 2012


nanoCAD - easy-to-use free CAD software providing classic interface and native .dwg support. nanoCAD has been built to deliver design and project documentation regardless of the industry or enterprise.

  • Publisher: Nanosoft
  • Home page: www.nanocad.com
  • Last updated: December 23rd, 2013