Global profit technologies capital in Title/Summary

JS Global Capital Limited-Trade Cast
JS Global Capital Limited-Trade Cast is a program that enables you to create your own trading, banking, charting and social profile. It provides real time market Information including market summary, indices, and top stock quotes. You can also take orders in both online/offline environment, cancel and edit pending orders.
- Publisher: CATALYST IT Solutions (Pvt.) Limited.
- Last updated: February 27th, 2015

Jackpot Capital
Jackpot Capital is a software application that offers hundreds of table games and slots. Jackpot Capital is frequently adding new promotions and offers to increase your gaming pleasure. Jackpot Capital offers weekly Bonus Specials, exclusively for VIP customers.
- Publisher: RealTimeGaming Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: September 10th, 2013

Capital Market Solution
Capital Market Solution is one of the fastest growing market makers worldwide, and has offices in different parts of the world. It offers you the possibility to manage your investments in a very easy mode. You can be provided instantly with the latest quotations.
- Publisher: Capital Market Solution LLC.
- Last updated: April 24th, 2012
Global profit technologies capital in Description

OddStorm is the fastest sports arbitrage software for betting on sports results and win no matter the outcome. It supports navigation that leads you directly to the betting event page and you just need enter the amount and click 'bet'.
- Publisher: OddStorm Ltd.
- Home page:
- Last updated: August 30th, 2021

FTX Global Iceland Demo (ON VERSION)
FTX Global Iceland (ON VERSION) is an add-on designed for your flight simulator that adds more openLC EU folders and vector/mesh and acts like an openLC update. It also provides the complete Iceland country, it includes all 3 FTX Global layers, night lighting and photorealistic Reykjavik capital.
- Publisher: Orbx Simulation Systems Pty Ltd
- Last updated: March 30th, 2015

Financial analysis and investment software that combines traditional technical indicators with state-of-the-art neural network and genetic algorithm technologies to create remarkably effective trading models for stocks, futures and forex.
- Publisher: NeuroDimension, Inc.
- Last updated: July 19th, 2006

Rtrans is a software product, developed by Lyra Software team in order to optimize the transportation activities in a way to respond to the current business reality. The system has been developed with the latest technologies and gives the users the opportunity to work with the newest software applications which make their work faster and more effective.
- Publisher: Lyra Sowtware Ltd.
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 5th, 2014

Info Central
InfoCentral for Java was originally aimed at "fully meeting the data management needs of churches, schools, and non-profit organizations." However, as research and planning progressed, the developers realized that the infrastructure technologies needed to accomplish their goals were simply not available.
- Publisher: Chris Gebhardt
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 20th, 2012
Additional Global profit technologies capital selection

Hitachi Backup
Hitachi Backup offers integrated local and cloud backup that makes it easy to protect, access, view, share and store your digital life. You can share any file you want with Hitachi Backup by emailing your friends and family a link that allows them to easily view or even download a particular file. With this program you can also restore and backup your files.
- Publisher: Hitachi Global Storage Technologies
- Last updated: July 2nd, 2011

OGT-Diagnostic Tool
OGT Diagnostic Tool is a failure analysis tool for Ultrastar 10K300, Ultrastar 15K73 and DK32xx disk drives. For these drives, OGT Diagnostic Tool replaces the Drive Fitness Test. It automatically performs necessary diagnostic testing and failure analysis. It is compatible only with Windows OS.
- Publisher: Hitachi Global Storage Technologies
- Last updated: April 5th, 2008

ECMTUNE is an easy-to-use ECM reprogramming system for both professionals and novices alike. ECMTUNE also includes full diagnostic functions as well, including reading and clearing trouble codes for all modules within the vehicle. With this app you can perform non-invasive flash reprogramming of the Engine Control Module through the vehicle OBD connector.
- Publisher: Global Automotive Technologies
- Last updated: August 5th, 2016

FXGM Profit
The PROfit platform is an advanced trading platform, developed to satisfy your needs and requirements. The platform offers experienced users the most advanced and professional tools. Beginners can benefit from its easy-to-use and fully customizable features.
- Publisher: FX Global Markets
- Last updated: January 19th, 2017

Total Video Player by EffectMatrix Inc.
Total Video Player is a media player supporting 3GЗ, MP4, H264, FLV and all other popular video and audio formats (Mp3, Wma, Ogg, Mpeg-1,Mpeg-2, etc.) as well as DVDs, CD Audio and Swf Flash Files. There is no need to install any video codecs with this small size's tool to play almost any media formats. Absolutely free, very powerful.
- Publisher: EffectMatrix Inc.
- Last updated: September 11th, 2012

Net Meter
Net Meter is a program that monitors the network traffic on your computer. It supports multiple network connections at once and provides reports about your network traffic. The main window displays a small graphic of your download and upload speed. Before you start using the program, you should select the connections that you want to monitor.
- Publisher: Hoo Technologies
- Home page:
- Last updated: June 11th, 2008

Remote Desktop Manager
Remote Desktop Manager lets you configure and manage multiple remote connections, and share them between users. You can launch remote connections and easily switch between machines, using this tool. Remote Desktop Manager also includes a secure password vault useful for saving credentials and speeding up the connection process with credential injection.
- Publisher: Devolutions inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

NestPlus is a program that allows the user to use a bouquet of investment services, trading advice, news or any other services of their choice. It allows you to view advanced intraday and historical charts on the website itself without the need to have a separate application. This tool can also tell you whether you should be buying/selling/holding a stock.
- Publisher: Omnesys Technologies Ltd
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 18th, 2015

GO-Global for Windows is a cross platform solution that delivers centralized Windows applications to virtually any location, platform and operating system as though the applications were running locally. It eliminates the time and expense normally needed to rewrite existing Windows applications for the Web.
- Publisher: GraphOn Corporation
- Home page:
- Last updated: August 26th, 2014

Panda Global Protection
Panda Global Protection protects all your data regardless of the device or operating systems used. It provides protection against viruses and other threats for every device (PC, Mac, Android: smartphones and tablets) and prevents identity theft while you are surfing.
- Publisher: Panda Security
- Last updated: April 20th, 2018