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Gnu prolog portable in Title/Summary

GNU Prolog

GNU Prolog

GNU Prolog accepts Prolog+constraint programs and produces native binaries (like gcc does from a C source). The obtained executable is then stand-alone. The size of this executable can be quite small since GNU Prolog can avoid to link the code of most unused built-in predicates. The performances of GNU Prolog are very encouraging

  • Publisher: Daniel Diaz
  • Home page: www.gprolog.org
  • Last updated: October 16th, 2013
SICStus Prolog

SICStus Prolog

SICStus Prolog provides constraint programming with several constraint solvers. This technology has been successfully used in commercial applications as well as in research projects. SICStus Prolog has integrated support for developing web based applications.

  • Publisher: SICS
  • Home page: www.sics.se
  • Last updated: May 29th, 2011
GNU shtool

GNU shtool

GNU shtool is a compilation of small but very stable and portable shell scripts into a single shell tool. The compiled shtool program is intended to be used inside the source tree of other free software packages. There it can overtake various (usually non-portable) tasks related to the building and installation of such a package.

  • Publisher: Ralf S. Engelschall
  • Home page: www.gnu.org
  • Last updated: February 19th, 2015

Gnu prolog portable in Description

Amzi! Prolog + Logic Server

Amzi! Prolog + Logic Server

The LSAPI enables the host language to query Prolog logic bases, and also allows Prolog to call extended predicates implemented in the host language. So, the host language can call Prolog for it's reasoning capabilities, and the Prolog code can reason over information taken directly from the host language.

  • Publisher: Amzi! inc.
  • Home page: www.amzi.com
  • Last updated: December 23rd, 2011
Visual Prolog

Visual Prolog

If you ever thought of developing your own application, the Prolog Development Center offers you a comprehensive software program that allows you to fully control the details of your project, such as environment, variables, parameters and other settings. The program is called Visual Prolog, and it's based on the logic programming language Prolog.

  • Publisher: Prolog Development Center A/S
  • Home page: www.visual-prolog.com
  • Last updated: August 27th, 2019


Welcome to B-Prolog, a versatile and efficient constraint logic programming (CLP) system.B-Prolog is a Prolog system with extensions for programming concurrency, constraints, and interactive graphics. The system is based on a significantly refined WAM, called TOAM, that facilitates software emulation.

  • Publisher: Afany Software
  • Last updated: July 16th, 2012


SWI-Prolog offers a comprehensive free Prolog environment. Since its start in 1987, SWI-Prolog development has been driven by the needs of real world applications. SWI-Prolog is widely used in research and education as well as commercial applications.



PySWIP is an open source Python - SWI-Prolog bridge enabling to query SWI-Prolog in your Python programs. It features an (incomplete) SWI-Prolog foreign language interface, a utility class that makes it easy querying with Prolog and also a Pythonic interface.

  • Publisher: Yuce Tekol
  • Home page: code.google.com
  • Last updated: February 20th, 2015

Additional Gnu prolog portable selection



Based on the LZ77 algorithm, both LZMA and LZMA2 compression techniques provide an excellent data compression ratio. 7-Zip uses these compression methods to create archives in the 7z format protected with AES-256 encryption, though it supports any compression, conversion, and encryption method.

  • Publisher: Igor Pavlov
  • Home page: www.7-zip.org
  • Last updated: December 15th, 2024
R for Windows

R for Windows

R for Windows is a GUI where you can write code to perform graphical and statistical analysis on data sets. You can save your written and compiled code in form of scripts which can be run any system that has this program installed. This program also has manuals to help you learn how to use it.

  • Publisher: The R Foundation
  • Last updated: December 27th, 2024
GNU Privacy Guard

GNU Privacy Guard

GnuPG is a complete and free implementation of the OpenPGP standard as defined by RFC4880 (also known as PGP). The program allows to encrypt and sign your data and communication, features a versatile key management system as well as access modules for all kinds of public key directories.

  • Publisher: Free Software Foundation
  • Home page: www.gnupg.org
  • Last updated: May 31st, 2018
GNU Aspell

GNU Aspell

GNU Aspell is a command-line spell checking utility. It is intended for advanced users, or, most commonly, integrated transparently with some other application. It is very likely that you already use it without even realizing. There are dictionaries available for a wide range of languages.

  • Publisher: Kevin Atkinson
  • Last updated: February 13th, 2012
GNU Octave

GNU Octave

GNU Octave is a scientific programming language that allows users to write code in a mathematics-oriented syntax with the purpose of building software for instrument control, mechanics, or bioinformatics. Built as an alternative to MATLAB, Octave can be run in GUI mode, as a console, or invoked as part of a shell script.

  • Publisher: Charles S. Wilson
  • Home page: www.gnu.org
  • Last updated: March 27th, 2020
Windows Portable Device Enabling Kit for MTP - ToolsVersion 7R2

Windows Portable Device Enabling Kit for MTP - ToolsVersion 7R2

The Windows 7 Portable Device Enabling Kit is designed to assist portable device manufacturers in the development of device firmware that is compatible with the protocols that Windows supports and the concept of device services that is introduced in Windows 7.

  • Publisher: Microsoft Corporation
  • Home page: msdn.microsoft.com
  • Last updated: December 25th, 2013
GNU Solfege

GNU Solfege

GNU Solfege is an ear training program written to help you train intervals, chords, scales and rhythms. It is free software and part of the GNU Project. The program is indented to help music students with their ear training. Some of the existing exercises: Recognise melodic and harmonic intervals, Compare interval sizes, Sing the intervals the computer asks for, Identify chords.

  • Publisher: Tom Cato Amundsen
  • Home page: www.solfege.org
  • Last updated: September 8th, 2013


An advantage of our implementation of System.Windows.Forms is that we don't try to wrap up third party widget sets like Gtk, Qt, Wine, etc. Instead, we provide a basic drawing layer and then render the controls ourselves. The approach is similar to Java Swing, in that all controls are implemented in pure C#.

  • Publisher: dotGNU
  • Home page: www.dotgnu.org
  • Last updated: March 18th, 2008
MetaProducts Portable Download Manager

MetaProducts Portable Download Manager

Portable Download Manager is a Windows download manager application that makes it easy to download video/audio streams and files from Internet sites at the maximum available speed. Download resume is supported. Multiple channels technology significantly reduces download time.

  • Publisher: MetaProducts corp.
  • Last updated: September 22nd, 2020
GNU Tools for ARM Embedded Processors

GNU Tools for ARM Embedded Processors

GNU Tools for ARM Embedded Processors is a pre-built GNU toolchain from ARM Cortex-M & Cortex-R processors (Cortex-M0/M0 /M3/M4, Cortex-R4/R5). ARM is maintaining a GNU toolchain with a GCC source branch and it releases binaries pre-built and tested from the ARM embedded branch.

  • Publisher: ARM Holdings
  • Home page: launchpad.net
  • Last updated: October 6th, 2015