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Gnuplot gene expression in Title/Summary

Gene Expression - The Basics

Gene Expression - The Basics

Gene Expression - The Basics is a Java simulation with educational purposes. It deals with the topics of gene expression, DNA transcription, protein synthesis, and cells. See if you can generate and collect three types of protein, then move on to explore the factors that affect protein synthesis in a cell.

  • Publisher: University of Colorado, Department of Physics
  • Home page: phet.colorado.edu
  • Last updated: December 4th, 2012
Accelrys Gene

Accelrys Gene

The program allows you to process, analyze, annotate, and report on gene expression experiments, including the individual target genes. Core functionality is based on BioConductor, the open source and open development software project for the analysis and comprehension of genomic data, which is in turn based on R, the well-known public domain package for statistical computing and graphics.

  • Publisher: Accelrys Inc.
  • Last updated: November 11th, 2010
Python - Gnuplot

Python - Gnuplot

Gnuplot.py is a Python package that interfaces to gnuplot, the popular open-source plotting program. It allows you to use gnuplot from within Python to plot arrays of data from memory, data files, or mathematical functions. If you use Python to perform computations or as 'glue' for numerical programs, you can use this package to plot data on the fly as they are computed.

Gnuplot gene expression in Description



Integrated with GenMAPP are programs to perform a global analysis of gene expression or genomic data in the context of hundreds of pathway MAPPs and thousands of Gene Ontology Terms (MAPPFinder), import lists of genes/proteins to build new MAPPs (MAPPBuilder), and export archives of MAPPs and expression/genomic data to the web.

  • Publisher: The J. David Gladstone Institutes
  • Last updated: March 31st, 2012
Brain Explorer

Brain Explorer

The Brain Explorer is a desktop application for viewing the human brain anatomy and gene expression data in 3-D. Main Features: - Investigate probes or samples of interest in more detail with direct links back to the Allen Human Brain Atlas web page. - Explore anatomically-labeled MRI images and cortical surfaces.

  • Publisher: Allen Institute for Brain Science
  • Last updated: September 27th, 2015


Genomica is an analysis and visualization tool for genomic data, which can integrate gene expression data, DNA sequence data, and gene and experiment annotation information. By creating a module map, you can extract modules and characterize gene-expression profiles as a combination of activated and deactivated modules or gene sets.

  • Publisher: Weizmann Institute
  • Last updated: July 27th, 2011
Array Designer

Array Designer

Array Designer designs thousands of primers and probes for oligo and cDNA microarrays in seconds. It designs probes for SNP detection, microarray gene expression and gene expression profiling. With Array Designer you can study the genetic make-up of entire organisms effortlessly by detecting every gene or exon in the whole genome.

REST 2008

REST 2008

REST 2008 is a standalone software package for analyzing gene expression using real-time amplification data. The software addresses issues surrounding the measurement of uncertainty in expression ratios by introducing randomization and bootstrapping techniques.

Additional Gnuplot gene expression selection



Cytoscape is a powerful software program developed by Cytoscape Consortium in order to fulfill the needs of biology students or accomplished researchers of digging deep into this field, either by doing complex molecular interaction networks or by integrating them with state data and annotations.

  • Publisher: Cytoscape Consortium
  • Home page: www.cytoscape.org
  • Last updated: November 18th, 2024
Bio-Rad CFX Manager

Bio-Rad CFX Manager

Bio-Rad CFX Manager is a program designed for an intuitive experiment setup and data analysis with the following Bio-Rad real-time PCR detection systems: - CFX96 Touch system - CFX96 Touch Deep Well system - CFX Connect system - CFX384 Touch system. You can perform data analysis for gene expression and SNP genotyping studies.

  • Publisher: Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc.
  • Last updated: April 9th, 2013


The open source clustering software implement's the most commonly used clustering methods for gene expression data analysis. The clustering methods can be used in several ways. Cluster provides a Graphical User Interface to access to the clustering routines. It is available for Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux/Unix.

  • Publisher: Michiel de Hoon, University of Tokyo
  • Home page: bonsai.hgc.jp
  • Last updated: April 5th, 2008


Sequencher is a DNA sequence assembly and analysis utility. The app has integrated the comprehensive Cufflinks suite for in-depth transcript analysis and differential gene expression of your RNA-Seq data. Sequencher can easily generate unique visualizations of your RNA-Seq data with custom plots and charts giving you publication-ready graphics in seconds.

  • Publisher: Gene Codes Corporation
  • Home page: www.genecodes.com
  • Last updated: November 9th, 2015
CLC Main Workbench

CLC Main Workbench

CLC Main Workbench can be used for DNA, RNA, and protein sequence data analysis. It can do gene expression analysis, primer design, molecular cloning, phylogenetic analyses, etc. It also has features such as advanced RNA structure prediction and editing and integrated 3D molecule view.

  • Publisher: CLC bio, a QIAGEN Company.
  • Last updated: June 16th, 2021
Bio-Rad iQ5

Bio-Rad iQ5

Bio-Rad iQ5 is a program that supports the collection and analysis of real-time PCR data from the iQ5, redesigned MyiQ, and MyiQ2 real-time PCR detection systems. It can also analyze data files generated by earlier versions of iCycler iQ, iQ5, and MyiQ software packages.

  • Publisher: Bio-Rad Laboratories
  • Last updated: August 22nd, 2014


The SIMBA yeast site allows interactive exploration of a large scale compendium of data from diverse high throughput experiments. You can explore the behavior of your favorite gene or sets of genes, compare the activity of various functional modules in different experimental conditions or test the relations between gene expression programs, protein interactions



ArrayStar is a powerful software tool for analyzing both global gene expression experiments as well as sequence variation data across a group of samples. Use statistical tools in conjunction with the visualizations to isolate gene sets of interest and identify their biological significance. ArrayStar also offers the optional QSeq application, for RNA-Seq, ChIP-Seq, and miRNA analysis.

  • Publisher: DNASTAR
  • Last updated: July 20th, 2012


MapMan is a user-driven tool that displays large datasets (e.g. gene expression data from Arabidopsis Affymetrix arrays) onto diagrams of metabolic pathways or other processes. Main fetures: - Small BUGFIX release - BUGFIX: alignment options when editing pathways where blocked - BUGFIX: VennDIagramm4 misinterpretation of data due to typo

  • Publisher: Max Planck Institute for Molecular Plant Physiology
  • Home page: mapman.gabipd.org
  • Last updated: September 13th, 2010


The analysis workflow in DataAssist is simple and straightforward, you can import raw data from up to hundreds of plates or TaqMan Arrays, change analysis settings including selection of normalization controls and methods (single or multiple control genes).

  • Publisher: Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc
  • Home page: www.thermofisher.com
  • Last updated: August 31st, 2012