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Gprs keep alive in Title/Summary

GPRS Keep Alive

GPRS Keep Alive

GPRS Keep Alive is a small program that will run in background and ping up to five configurable hosts on a predefined time interval thus effectively preventing disconnection of some cellular modems. The program can be configured to detect connections and auto start.

  • Publisher: Wizcode LLC
  • Last updated: May 25th, 2008
Spb GPRS Monitor

Spb GPRS Monitor

Der Spb GPRS Monitor ist eine komplette L

TELL GPRS Adapter Mini

TELL GPRS Adapter Mini

TELL GPRS Adapter Mini is a program that enables you to configure the GPRS Adapter Mini device. It allows you to to interface to a GPRS network an alarm system that can report to security monitoring station through PSTN telephone line. It also allows the adaption of alarm control panels which use PSTN phone line to GPRS network.

  • Publisher: T.E.L.L. Software
  • Last updated: April 28th, 2015

Gprs keep alive in Description

Alive Organizer

Alive Organizer

Scheduler, Address Book, PIM in One

  • Publisher: Vitolab Software
  • Last updated: April 2nd, 2011
Alive File Encryption

Alive File Encryption

Secure single files as well as full directory structures with a password.

Dnn Keep Alive

Dnn Keep Alive

The DNN Keep Alive lets you TRULY keep your new DotNetNuke web site alive and running so that it loads fast for everyone.With the DNN Keep Alive, if there are any errors, it will simply reload it every minute for you until it is alive. Just type in the URL to your DotNetNuke portal KeepAlive.aspx file, and press enter.

  • Publisher: Renegade Minds
  • Last updated: December 7th, 2009
Iris Dialler Configuration

Iris Dialler Configuration

Iris Dialler Configuration range of alarm dialers allow users to migrate intruder alarm systems away from traditional PSTN communications to IP based and/or wireless networks, without the need to upgrade or replace the alarm system. The IRIS dialer range is unique in offering a quick and cost effective way to interface any existing alarm system.

  • Publisher: Chiron Security Communications Limited
  • Home page: www.chironsc.com
  • Last updated: March 30th, 2012
researchdesignlab.com GSM GPRS Utility

researchdesignlab.com GSM GPRS Utility

GSM GPRS Utility is a program designed for the GSM Sim 900A Modem. The Modem is coming with an RS232 interface, which allows you to connect your PC as well as a microcontroller with the RS232 Chip (MAX232). The program provides bulk SMS sending, AT command testing terminal, step-by-step GPRS setup, and sample codes.

Additional Gprs keep alive selection

Alive MP3 WAV Converter

Alive MP3 WAV Converter

This application allows you to convert your Mp3 files to WAV files. It is really simple and easy to use. With this excellent program you can also convert MP1, MP2, g721, g726, WMA, OGG and VOX formats. Using Alive MP3 WAV Converter 3.9 you will be able to finish the conversions in batches.

  • Publisher: AliveMedia, Inc.
  • Home page: www.alivemedia.net
  • Last updated: November 11th, 2008
Aaron Crane: Paintings Come Alive

Aaron Crane: Paintings Come Alive

Aaron Crane: Paintings Come Alive is a typical hidden object puzzle game in which your mission is to find clues, items, and missing objects which help you progress through the game and eventually elucidate the main mystery depicted by the game’s story line.

  • Publisher: Big Fish Games
  • Last updated: February 22nd, 2012
Alive WMA MP3 Recorder

Alive WMA MP3 Recorder

Alive WMA MP3 Recorder is a useful program that allows you to record audio from different sources and save the resulting file into many different output formats like WAV, OGG, WMA, MP3 and VOX. By doing this, you will be able to listen to them in almost every audio, media and portable device.

Servers Alive

Servers Alive

Servers Alive is an end-to-end network monitoring tool: from a simple ping to more complex SNMP checks, web URLs to Windows performance monitoring. Alerts can be sent to teams or people, that way you can adapt the address to which the alert is sent based on the person's schedule. You'll get the alert when you're on-call, and not on other days.

  • Publisher: Woodstone bvba
  • Home page: www.woodstone.nu
  • Last updated: March 14th, 2022


Keep-Alive is designed to be a non-intrusive application that will patiently wait for a Toontown window to show up. Once one or more Toontown windows have been loaded, Keep-Alive goes to work. This program also has a feature that is called "Golf Line. To enable this feature, right-click on the icon that is located in the System Tray then choose "Golf Line".

  • Publisher: Binary Engineers
  • Last updated: May 17th, 2013
Alive MP3 CD Burner

Alive MP3 CD Burner

Alive MP3 CD Burner - allows you to burn your own audio CDs from MP3, WAV or OGG files, quickly and easily!

Art Alive

Art Alive

Art Alive is a new and fun to play animation game. A free game where you can make art on a table. A fun game and easy to use that your kids must have it.Art Alive is completely free game from SEGAbandonware . You may play it as much as you like without paying a single buck.

Alive Task Manager

Alive Task Manager

Alive Task Manager is a genuine electronic task scheduler, which can be used to create new tasks, view the task schedule for an arbitrary date, remind about specific events, repeat tasks, etc.

  • Publisher: Vitolab Software
  • Last updated: August 27th, 2010
Alive CD Ripper

Alive CD Ripper

Extract audio CDs into MP3, WAV, WMA, OGG files format on-the-fly.

CDR Analyzer - Gprs Gb Analyzer

CDR Analyzer - Gprs Gb Analyzer

The Gb Analyzer is the answer to all your questions about your GPRS network. It is the perfect tool for analysis of the Quality of Service, trouble shooting, reporting, traffic analysis and analysis of roaming activities. The Gb Analyzer can give you any details about routing area update, PDP activation, traffic, roamers or failures in the network.

  • Publisher: Netcare International
  • Last updated: October 9th, 2012