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Grafik eye 6000 in Title/Summary

GRAFIK Eye Designer

GRAFIK Eye Designer

GRAFIK Eye Designer by Lutron Electronics Co., Inc. is an utility that specifies Lutron dimming and switching equipment. Users are able to create flexible systems without possessing expert knowledge of Lutron dimming products. Designer is capable of generating a number of useful job reports and drawings that are exportable to many different formats.

  • Publisher: Lutron Electronics Co., Inc.
  • Last updated: April 22nd, 2008
Lutron© GRAFIK Eye® QS Single Unit Programmer

Lutron© GRAFIK Eye® QS Single Unit Programmer

The purpose of this software is for adjusting and backing up settings on one or more Lutron GRAFIK Eye QS units. The GRAFIK Eye QS PC programming tool allows users to set up virtually all of the programming on the GRAFIK Eye QS by simply typing in values from their PC.

  • Publisher: Lutron Electronics Co., Inc.
  • Home page: www.lutron.com
  • Last updated: April 27th, 2012
QS DMX Color Programming Tool

QS DMX Color Programming Tool

The DMX Color Programming Tool allows users to specify the color for each intensity of a Grafik Eye QS zone. Users can also select colors by programming a start and end point and using the interpolate function to automatically generate intermediate values for a smooth transition between colors.

  • Publisher: Lutron Electronics Co., Inc.
  • Home page: www.lutron.com
  • Last updated: July 13th, 2011

Grafik eye 6000 in Description

GPU Monitor

GPU Monitor

Considering that it's actually only a simple little gadget, many users won't expect much of GPU Monitor either. But in fact, GPU Monitor is most likely the best tool of its kind, as it's lightweight, yet very feature-rich, customizable, and comprehensive. It will provide a lot of information about the monitored GPU, including real-time data about the clock speed, usage load, temperature, etc.

  • Publisher: Igor "Igogo" Bushin
  • Last updated: November 16th, 2020
Network Scanner Utility

Network Scanner Utility

It can be used to easily and quickly import scanned images stored in the mailbox of the scanner to TWAIN interface-compatible applications operating on Windows.

  • Publisher: Fuji Xerox
  • Last updated: April 18th, 2012
MatrikonOPC Server for Omni Flow Computers

MatrikonOPC Server for Omni Flow Computers

The OPC Server for OMNI Flow Computers provides interoperable and secure connectivity to OMNI Flow 3000 and 6000 computers and your critical metering data. This OPC Server is the only industrially secure product that supports the OMNI-enhanced version of Modbus for superior functionality.

Winternacht 3D Bildschirmschoner

Winternacht 3D Bildschirmschoner

Geniessen Sie die maerchenhafte Atmosphaere einer ruhigen Winternacht mit dem faszinierenden Winter 3D-Bildschirmschoner. Umgeben von einer beruhigenden Schneeidyle werden Sie durch eine kleine Ortschaft im Wald geleitet.

  • Publisher: Astro Gemini Software DE
  • Last updated: December 6th, 2009
Winter 3D Bildschirmschoner

Winter 3D Bildschirmschoner

Erleben Sie die ruhige Atmosphaere der stillen Winternacht mit diesem hervorragenden Winter 3D Bildschirmschoner. Er transportiert Sie in eine friedliche Welt mit vereinzelten schneebedeckten Haeuschen.

  • Publisher: Astro Gemini Software DE
  • Last updated: February 20th, 2010

Additional Grafik eye 6000 selection

Eye-Fi Center

Eye-Fi Center

Eye-Fi Center consists of two parts: a small application (Eye-Fi Helper) that runs on your computer and a graphic interface application (Eye-Fi Center) that runs independently of a web browser or internet connection. Features: - Mangage and view how and where your card uploads photos and videos - Republish items to different sharing sites (e.g. upload to Flickr, then to Facebook)

  • Publisher: Eye-Fi, Inc.
  • Last updated: March 25th, 2012
Miracle Eagle Eye

Miracle Eagle Eye

Miracle Eagle Eye is a free MTK Android IMEI repair application. The program allows you to modify pin-outs, the Android (ADB) backup and the ADB ROOT. The application also supports server changes, USB debugging, various flash boxes and it has powerful unlocking capabilities.

  • Publisher: MIracle Team
  • Last updated: August 31st, 2022
Dr.eye Pro

Dr.eye Pro

Dr.Eye Pro Dict is reliable software that will help you very much in your work with translating from languages like :Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, Japanese, or Korean.

  • Publisher: Inventec
  • Home page: www.dreye.com
  • Last updated: July 14th, 2010
Red Eye Remover Pro

Red Eye Remover Pro

Red Eye Remover Pro is a program for get our photos without the common problem of the red eyes. When we open the program we can go to the Help, Tutorial, Forum or continue and go to the button next. When come to the next step can find our pc folders in the left side and in the right window we can drag and drop the file or folder that we wish to open and transform.

  • Publisher: VicMan
  • Home page: www.vicman.net
  • Last updated: February 14th, 2008
Red Eye Remover

Red Eye Remover

With Red Eye Remover we can get our photos without the horrible aspect of terror that the red eyes gives to our images. When we open the program we can see a Menu bar, one toolbar, one window for see our pictures and in the foot of the program we can see the pupil detection, the correction strength and can select the darkening box.

  • Publisher: VicMan Software
  • Home page: www.vicman.net
  • Last updated: February 20th, 2008
Dr.eye Flagship Edition

Dr.eye Flagship Edition

Dr.eye Flagship Edition offers practical functions, such as Instant Translation and Instant Dictionary. In order to meet users' customized requirement, we offers add-ons and value-added services such as Oxford multilingual dictionaries for users to lease.

  • Publisher: Inventec
  • Home page: www.dreye.com
  • Last updated: September 13th, 2016
Pet Eye Fix Guide

Pet Eye Fix Guide

Pet Eye Fix Guide is a red-eye effect remover for pet photos. It helps fix red eyes on your pet's photos and allows you to correct even fully light-struck eyes. The app corrects any color (red, white, green, yellow, blue) of shining eyes on your pet's photos. It can be used for human red eye as well.

  • Publisher: Tint Guide
  • Last updated: October 29th, 2021
Blue Eye Macro

Blue Eye Macro

Blue Eye Macro is the easiest way to create simple basic macros or even advanced bots for any game or application. Blue Eye Macro comes with its own virtual driver to allow keystrokes/mouse inputs to be sent to any kind of window, including games. Blue Eye Macro also includes its own build-in editor, in which you can select between a graphically displayed design view representation of your macro.

  • Publisher: Volize
  • Last updated: July 10th, 2011
Tobii Eye Tracking

Tobii Eye Tracking

Tobii Eye Tracking is a free-to-use application that allows you to find your favorite Eye Tracking enabled game. Main features: - Your display will automatically dim when your eyes are not detected. - Automatically sens if your are there or not. - Easy-to-use.

  • Publisher: Tobii Technology AB
  • Home page: tobiigaming.com
  • Last updated: November 25th, 2016
Eye Cloud

Eye Cloud

The software connects to Plug and Play IP-Camera and displays the live stream. Based on its functions, it appears that the software allows you to Listen, Talk, Snapshop, Record, use Hortizontal and Vertical cruise for the cameras. Basically, it's a covert surveillance software.

  • Publisher: EyeCloud
  • Last updated: September 15th, 2020