Grand chase auto clicker in Title/Summary

Grand Chase
Grand Chase is a free online fighting game. The game has character and quest elements from RPGs, but the button bashing and combat is that of an arcade fighting game. The 2D environments blend nicely with the game-play and it does make a good combination. This game is not for everyone but it's free, so you can try it without problems.
- Publisher: KOG
- Home page:
- Last updated: August 11th, 2012

Auto Clicker and Auto Typer in 1
This program was designed to be an auto typer and auto clicker for RuneScape. It also has a calculator and update button. Open up the auto clicker from the menu. Set a speed that you want to click in seconds and milliseconds. Click start and wait about 5 seconds.
- Publisher: Gary's Hood
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 18th, 2012

Auto Clicker Typer
Auto Clicker Typer is a program that will record your mouse and keyboard activity so that you can reproduce it later. The scripts recorded can be replayed at any time, thus automating a series of actions. Every action, included the cursor movement, will be registered, and you will see them appearing in the main window, one per line. You can save the script in a file and use it whenever your want.
- Publisher: A Software Plus
- Home page:
- Last updated: June 4th, 2009
Grand chase auto clicker in Description

Ghost Mouse Auto Clicker
Ghost Mouse Auto Clicker is a neat and handy application that lets you record the mouse actions, create mouse macros, and automate all kinds of repetitive operations that you would otherwise have to perform manually, in a tedious and annoying manner.
- Publisher: Advanced Mouse Auto Clicker ltd.
- Home page:
- Last updated: April 8th, 2016

Auto Clicker by Shocker
Auto clickers have the ability to simulate left or right clicks. This type of programs comes in handy especially to video game players who often require high-speed repetitive clicking to complete certain objectives. Auto Clicker by Shocker is such a program.
- Publisher: ShockingSoft
- Home page:
- Last updated: June 20th, 2014

GTA London 1969
As the name implies, the game takes place in London in the year 1969. The player once again enters the role of a criminal looking to work his or her way up the career ladder of organized crime. The temporal setting has been exploited through a number of cultural and historical references, including the appearance of a James Bond-like character and the usage of more or less authentic slang.
- Publisher: Rockstar
- Last updated: May 7th, 2008

ClixSense Auto Clicker
Using this software you can EARN without interacting much on the site, just install and run it, login to its built in browser, then let the software do its Job. Features: + Auto Ad Clicker. + Auto Clicker on the Clix Grid. + Auto Refresh Option on the inputted Time Interval. + and the Best of ALL, ITS FREE FOR ALL (EVEN FOR EXISTING CLIXSENSE USER) without ANY LIMITATION!
- Publisher: Jhai Salvador
- Last updated: December 3rd, 2011

GS Auto Clicker
GS Auto Clicker is a useful tool to automatically click mouse instead of hand. If you click mouse frequently when you are playing game or working, this application can release your finger and save your time. You will simply need to press one specific HotKey, and GS Auto Clicker will then help you finish clicking.
- Publisher: AutomaticSolution Software.
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024
Additional Grand chase auto clicker selection

Grand Theft Auto: Episodes From Liberty City
The Story is set around Antonio "Toni" Cipriani who returns to Liberty City after a four year hiding after killing a made man. Toni is introduced to Vincenzo Cilli, Salvatore Leone's current Caporegime, and Vincenzo is tasked to give Toni some work. Toni dislikes Vincenzo, as Vincenzo acts like his "daddy" and keeps pushing him around.
- Publisher: Rockstar
- Last updated: October 14th, 2010

Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
As Vice City was developed after Grand Theft Auto III, the game follows a very similar design, but with several improvements in comparison to its predecessor. It is quite free, characteristic of all Grand Theft Auto, although the missions must be completed to go further in the story and unlock other areas of the city.
- Publisher: Rockstar Games
- Home page:
- Last updated: June 2nd, 2010

Grand Theft Auto V
Grand Theft Auto V is a first person action adventure game where you can explore world of Los Santos and Blaine County and make robberies. The present story is that of a young street hustler, a retired bank robber and a terrifying psychopath who must pull off a series of dangerous heists to survive in this ruthless city.
- Publisher: Rockstar North
- Home page:
- Last updated: April 28th, 2022

Grand Theft Auto
Wonder through the streets while building your empire. This is the first installment in the GTA world where players get to experience what it's like to become a mobster that can control the city and its aspects like organized crime, car theft, gambling, etc.
- Publisher: DMA Design Ltd.
- Home page:
- Last updated: October 15th, 2010

Free Mouse Auto Clicker
Free Mouse Auto Clickeris a software that can free you from repeat mouse click work. It's simple but enough for normal use. It features a simple and easy to use interface, it supports left \ right mouse button and single \ double click, also supports start hotkey and stop hotkey.
- Publisher: Advanced Mouse Auto Clicker ltd.
- Home page:
- Last updated: August 27th, 2019

Cok Free Auto Clicker
Cok Free Auto Clicker is a simple, small and neat tool that allows you to set mouse clicks to be simulated and performed automatically on any place on your screen and at any time interval you prefer. It lets you set the mouse clicks to be performed as often as one every 0.01 seconds, to up to one every 10 seconds.
- Publisher: Cok Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 22nd, 2013

Super Mouse Auto Clicker
Super Mouse Auto Clicker is a program that can be used to auto click mouse at defined location. It helps you refresh a web browser, open many instances of another program and it has support for repeating single click actions at specified intervals and any location on the screen.
- Publisher: AMAC Ltd
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 13th, 2016

Advanced Mouse Auto Clicker
Advanced Mouse Auto Clicker can be used to automate mouse-clicks at specified intervals and any location on the screen. It lets you specify the X-Y point, mouse button (left, right, middle), single or double click, time interval between clicks, and number of repetitions.
- Publisher: Advanced Mouse Auto Clicker Co.
- Home page:
- Last updated: August 27th, 2019

Grand Theft Auto London
Grand Theft Auto: London, 1969 is a mission pack for Grand Theft Auto, and the second game in the series. London, 1969 was released on 31 March 1999. Bulleted List of Features New missions for the classic crime-spree game Set in swinging London circa 1969 Excellent graphics and music Requires GTA disc to play For 1 player More than 40 cars Unique map design
- Publisher: Rockstar Games, Inc.
- Last updated: March 9th, 2008

Auto Clicker Asoftech
Auto Clicker Asoftech can be used to automate mouse clicks and movements. It lets you select the X and Y coordinates by pointing your mouse at the required position on the screen. You can specify the type of click (right, left, double, click-hold, release), interval (milliseconds) after the click, etc. Any number of clicks can be added to a named list of actions.
- Publisher: Asoftech
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024