Graphviz petri nets in Title/Summary

Petri Nets Simulator
Application allows you to create, analyse and simulate the following types of Petri nets: PT nets, nets with indywidual tokens and constant arc labels and nets with indywidual tokens and variable arc labels. Its advantages are: intuitive edition of Petri nets, bilingual user interface (english and polish) and integration with the analyzer INA.
- Publisher: Witas
- Last updated: February 26th, 2018

Petri .NET Simulator
Petri .NET Simulator is an application that can be used for the drawing and simulation of Petri nets. The application has been designed for modelling and simulation of flexible manufacturing systems but it can be used for other discrete event systems as well.
- Publisher: Goran Genter
- Last updated: April 24th, 2015

CPN Tools
CPN Tools is a tool for editing, simulating, and analyzing Colored Petri nets. The tool features incremental syntax checking and code generation, which take place while a net is being constructed. A fast simulator efficiently handles untimed and timed nets.
- Publisher: cpntools
- Home page:
- Last updated: April 7th, 2015
Graphviz petri nets in Description

Yasper is a tool for modeling and simulating stepwise processes.Yasper was designed to make it easy to model and simulate typical workflow processes.Yasper uses extended Petri nets as its modeling technique. Petri nets describe a process by means of transitions (steps in the process) and places (conditions that hold before and after steps).
- Publisher: ASPT
- Home page:
- Last updated: June 2nd, 2011

Stella4D expands on Great Stella to include four-dimensional polytopes, known as polychora. See 3D cross-sections animating in real-time, see complete polychora projected into 3D and try 4D rotation, and view 3D nets and vertex figures of 4D polytopes.
- Publisher: Robert Webb
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020
- Publisher: AT&T Research Labs
- Home page:
- Last updated: December 8th, 2021

In order to test and troubleshoot networks we need tools that allow us to generate network traffic and analyze the network's throughput performance. This is true for both wired and wireless networks. We focus strictly on 802.11 (WiFi) networks because analysis tools are relatively scarce or, when available, tend to be rather expensive and overly complex to use.
- Publisher: Nuts About Nets, LLC
- Last updated: November 9th, 2010

Absolut Chess
Absolut Chess (AC) is a funny and complete chess for all players. It allows battles in computers nets (LANs and Internet) where your opponent plays remotely with you, or front-to-front battles, where the two players combat in a single computer. When the choice is to face the machine, AC presents 3 levels of difficulties that will prepare you to future fights.
- Publisher: Overlans Systems
- Home page:
- Last updated: July 25th, 2008
Additional Graphviz petri nets selection

FMC-Visio Stencils
The FMC Stencils are templates and extensions to existing general purpose drawing applications like Visio or OpenOffice Drawing. This offers basic tool support for creating Fundamental Modeling Concpets (FMC) diagrams like Block diagrams, Petri nets and Entity-Relation diagrams (ERD).
- Publisher: Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: April 25th, 2012

Shapes and Nets
Shapes and Nets gives a practical application for traditional geometrical concepts, and helps to improve the ability to recognise, visualise, represent, and transform 2D and 3D shapes. Most of us take geometry for granted, but using Shapes and Nets will help children apply their spatial awareness and knowledge of the properties of shapes and space to the real world.
- Publisher: aspexSoftware
- Home page:
- Last updated: July 20th, 2012

DipTrace is an advanced PCB design software application that consists of 4 modules: PCB Layout with high-speed autorouter and 3D viewer/STEP export, Schematic Capture, Component and Pattern Editors that allow you to design custom component libraries.
- Publisher: Novarm, Ltd.
- Home page:
- Last updated: October 24th, 2012

GeoStru Texture
GeoStru Texture offer you a suite of screens divided into lithological categories: land incoherent, cohesive lands, rocks and other, and vector textures. With GeoStru Texture you can, thanks to an editor of the nets raster and vector textures, add, and customize them to suit your needs.
- Publisher: Geostru Software
- Last updated: March 19th, 2012

If you are interested in Model Railroading, but you don't have a Layout, then BAHN can help. Even of you do have a Layout, it is often useful to model changes before you make them. With this program several hundred kilometers of track and over 1000 trains (simultaneous running) can be modeled on the PC, even in a laptop.
- Publisher: Jan Bochmann, Dresden, DE
- Home page:
- Last updated: April 30th, 2015

Electro Master
You have to connect all broken chains of power line in time. You have done it but consumption station is off that is why the chain is broken. You have to switch it on by pushing red buttons and gathering tools of activation.
- Publisher: Switlle
- Last updated: January 12th, 2010

JellyFish Light
JellyFish is a neural net based backgammon program that plays at a very high level. On the highest playing level it matches the best humans in the world, and on the very fast level 5 a top human will hardly win more than 55% of the time. Also, its use of the doubling cube is outstanding.
- Publisher: JellyFish AS
- Last updated: March 9th, 2008

FabLab ModelMaker
It enables you to design a 3D model on the computer screen using simple geometric shapes and print them as nets for making into a paper model. Alternatively the printed geometric nets can be processed by a Silhouette fabricator, which scores, perforates, and cuts the net to form fold lines and trim it which is then used is then used to build the model.
- Publisher: Aspex Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: July 22nd, 2013

Dark Strokes: Sins of the Fathers Collector's Edition
Dark Strokes: Sins of the Fathers Collector's Edition is a mystery hidden object game. You will help Ethan Black to rescue his girlfriend, Clair, from the Faceless Ones. His father, Judge Black, wrote a letter in which he urged his son to meet him in a far town. Both of you travelled by train, that had a terrible accident. It seems that only Ethan and Clair survived the collision.
- Publisher: Big Fish Games, Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 6th, 2012

Creation Master 08
The Creation Master lets you change nearly everything in FIFA 08.Things like stadiums including grass, nets and crowd,referees and referee kits,sponsor,Includes .CMP patch creator/loader,tournaments and leagues,manager and staff pictures and much more
- Publisher: FIFA MASTER
- Home page:
- Last updated: December 13th, 2010