Growth analyser in Title/Summary

Growth Analyser
Growth Analyser contains teaching and analysis tools in combination with an electronic patient record system.Growth Analyser is intended to support paediatricians and clinical researchers with the registration and analysis of growth and development data of their patients, using the best reference standards and analysis tools available, presented in an easy to use format.
- Publisher: Dutch Growth Foundation
- Last updated: September 16th, 2010

Growth Predictor
Growth Predictor provides a set of models for predicting the growth of the organisms as a function of environmental factors, including temperature, pH and water activity. Some models also include an additional, fourth factor, such as the concentration of carbon dioxide or acetic acid. No survival or death models are included in the current version of Growth Predictor.
- Publisher: IFR
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 22nd, 2010

Investment Growth RateCalculator
Find how fast your money is growing. This calculator evaluates real interest rate based on all the individual investments and final balance. It includes account management with reminders, multiple currency, and consolidated balance in any currency.
- Publisher: Vidyasoft Applications
- Last updated: October 27th, 2009
Growth analyser in Description

Roulette Analyser
The Roulette Analyser software program utilizes a user-friendly interface to guide you in your online Roulette bets. The Roulette Analyser runs eight of the best Roulette algorithms to determine you best bet.
- Publisher: Ezesoftware
- Home page:
- Last updated: April 13th, 2008

Market Analyser
The Market Analyser is a professional market scanning and analysis program. The Market Analyser has a robust scanning feature, which aims to help you identify trading opportunities among the global markets, a selected Watch List, or an individual stock.
- Publisher: Market Data Services
- Last updated: April 12th, 2012

PROMAX TS Analyser
The TS Analyser software for Windows PC is specifically designed to detect errors in DVB transmissions in accordance with TR 101 290 guidelines, for example in equipment and systems tests, in software development … And also for learning purposes, where it can be a useful tool to understand how digital television systems work.
- Publisher: PROMAX Electronica S.L
- Home page:
- Last updated: December 26th, 2017

HealthWatch Pro
HealthWatch Pro can be used to process and manage health data, including height, weight, waist, head circumference, arm circumference, sub-scapular skin-fold, blood pressure, etc. It can show and print all growth charts published by CDC, and automatically add patient's information on growth charts.
- Publisher: BV Tech Inc.
- Last updated: November 16th, 2015

In order to assess the risk of mould growth under transient ambient conditions, a novel biohygrothermal method has been developed which is based on comparing the measured or simulated transient ambient conditions with the growth conditions needed by the fungi usually encountered in buildings.
- Publisher: FHG-IBP, Holzkirchen
- Last updated: July 19th, 2010
Additional Growth analyser selection

Visual Analyser
Visual Analyser is very powerful software developed by Alfredo Accattatis. Visual Analyser is a complete professional real time software, transform your PC in a complete set of measurement instruments; no new hardware necessary (you can use the Sound Card of your PC) or you can use a specific external hardware
- Publisher: Alfredo Accattatis
- Last updated: July 22nd, 2010

AU Property Analyser
Property Analyser is a cutting edge online tool that allows real estate investors to determine whether an investment property is financially viable in just a few minutes.You'll analyse, calculate and compare immediate equity, added value, depreciation, after tax cash flow and capital growth on any property and then receive a detailed report.
- Publisher: Australian Real Estate Investor
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 22nd, 2011

Trend Analyser
Trend Analyser is a software tool for analysis and documentation of archives of measured data. TrendAnalyzer runs under Windows 2000/XP/Vista and Windows7. ACCESS Databases, EXCEL sheets, (csv-formatted) text files and all data sources with installed ODBC drivers are evaluated.
- Publisher: ICS GmbH
- Last updated: March 30th, 2012
- Publisher: Alfredo Accattatis
- Last updated: February 22nd, 2010

Visual Lottery Analyser
Visual Lottery Analyser is a state-of-the-art lottery analysis program. The program works with almost all lottery games in the world! It supports Pick, Keno and any standard lottery game, including games with additional Powerball - Bonus numbers. You can also analyze games manually and visually.
- Publisher: Sprintbit Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: October 31st, 2022

LogTag Analyser
LogTag® Analyzer provides an easy-to-use, powerful platform for configuring any LogTag® recorder product before deployment and for data analysis when the recorder is retrieved. Optional automatic download of data when a new LogTag® is inserted into an interface, with quick-reconfiguration using same parameters.
- Publisher: LogTag Recorders Limited
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 23rd, 2015

Serial Analyser MSB
Serial Analyser MSB is a RS232 and RS485 analyzer that allows you calculate data sequences and compute/validate checksums. The program shows the tri-state signal behind the data, it allows you to easily look for jitters, transmission errors and wrong data formats.
- Publisher: IFTOOLS GmbH
- Last updated: June 24th, 2014

KeyTag Analyser
KeyTag Analyser is a program that will automatically download and display any readings or statistics stored inside the KeyTag. You can configure KeyTags for recording, retrieve the recorded readings, display and analyse the data and configure the available options.
- Publisher: KeyLog Recorders
- Last updated: September 8th, 2014

Property Investment Analyser
The Property Investment Analysis (PIA) program is a tool for investors. This software can compute cash flow projections for up to 40 years and has facilities for changing more than 100 variables including property price, rent, capital growth, inflation, deposit, loan type, etc.
- Publisher: Somersoft

Colour Contrast Analyser
The Colour Contrast Analyser (CCA) helps you determine the legibility of text and the contrast of visual elements, such as graphical controls and visual indicators. This tool provides two useful core functionalities: a pass/fail assessment against WCAG 2.0 color contrast success criteria and a simulation of certain visual conditions, including dichromatic color-blindness and cataracts.
- Publisher: The Paciello Group
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024