Gsm data communication in Title/Summary

HSComm INSYS GSM / GSM Small is a free software application that allows you to configure the INSYS switch cabinet products. You can set out the parameters for your basic settings, including the monitoring of the devices, you can set the alarm parameters and much more
- Publisher: INSYS Microelectronics GmbH
- Home page:
- Last updated: April 27th, 2012

HSComm GSM is the configuration software for the INSYS GSM.HSComm versions for INSYS ISDN, INSYS Modems and INSYS Ethernet are available separately. Setting for the serial interface of the PC on which the configuration software HSComm runs. Available baud rates: -300 Baud -600 Baud -1200 Baud -2400 Baud -4800 Baud -9600 Baud -14400 Baud -19200 Baud -38400 Baud
- Publisher: INSYS Microelectronics GmbH
- Home page:
- Last updated: April 24th, 2012

Gsm Guard
GSM Guard allows you to control remote sites and objects equipped with security alarms, controllers, or surveillance systems that send alerts about specific events or issues via GSM, SMS, or GPRS.
- Publisher: AGG Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020
Gsm data communication in Description

Extron Electronics - DataViewer
DataViewer is an enhanced terminal emulation program that facilitates analysis of RS-232, USB, and TCP/IP communication with Extron devices. The software allows users to send commands to a device and view the device's responses in ASCII or hexadecimal format. Command and response logs can be saved in text or HTML format.
- Publisher: Extron
- Last updated: March 10th, 2011

Winfluid enables the programming and activation of measuring equipment as well as the downloading of data. It also deals with all levels to flow conversions. Last but not least, WinFluid automatically controls data retrieval and storage (GSM data loggers).
- Publisher: Hydreka
- Last updated: October 6th, 2015

LANCOM LANCAPI and LANCOM CAPI Fax Modem- ISDN fax and data communication for LANCOM routers with ISDN interface- LANCOM LANCAPI: free version of the widespread CAPI interface including the dial-up network support (NDISWAN) for data communication via ISDN- LANCOM CAPI fax modem: send and receive faxes via network
- Publisher: LANCOM Systems GmbH
- Last updated: May 15th, 2013

ZKOnline SDK
ZK SDK is a communication protocol SDK development program that provides an interface for data communication with offline fingerprint devices, access control devices, and RFID card devices. It can be used to conveniently manage user information and fingerprints, download attendance records, operation records, user information, and fingerprint templates, set devices, and configure access control.
- Publisher: ZK Technology FZCO
- Last updated: March 17th, 2015

ClassPad Manager
ClassPad Manager is the ultimate math education tool for ClassPad 330. This software allows you to view and edit the data in list format, showing data groups and surrounding data. This software also allows data communication with a personal computer, it is designed and engineered for easy operations and more
- Last updated: January 20th, 2012
Additional Gsm data communication selection

LedshowTW 2015
LedshowTW is an application specially designed for LED graphic and text controller. This professional LED text controller editing software provides powerful materials editors, efficient data communication, active animation stunt selection, text editors, table editors, and more.
- Publisher: ONBON
- Last updated: April 3rd, 2015

COM Port Toolkit
COM Port Toolkit is a protocol, data and timing analyzer designed specifically to help isolate problems with serial (RS-232, 422, 485) data communication control networks. You can use this program for implementing, debugging or reverse-engineering serial protocol.
- Publisher: Michael Golikov
- Last updated: October 18th, 2012

MekongTV Desktop
MekongTV Desktop is a simple application that lets you use the MekongTV service in order to watch Cambodian television stations like TVK, TV3, TV5 Cambodia, BayonTV, MekongTV 2, ApsaraTV, MekongTV Music, and so on. MekongTV Desktop is very easy-to-use.
- Publisher: Angkor Data Communication Group Co., Ltd.
- Home page:
- Last updated: October 15th, 2011

PC200W is a free starter software package designed for first-time users or users with simple data communication needs; it provides basic tools (clock set, program download, monitor data, retrieve data, etc.). PC200W supports direct connections between a PC and datalogger (no telecommunications or scheduled data-collection support).
- Publisher: Campbell Scientific, Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: October 24th, 2015

Casio ClassPad Manager
Features: -Computer Algebra System -Laplace Transforms/ Fourier Transforms -Differential Equation Application -Financial Function -e-Activity function -eActivity copy and paste into a word processor for editing. -Geometric Graphing -Spreadsheet Application -Data communication with ClassPad series
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 27th, 2012

GPS Plus
The three-axes GPS PLUS activity sensor can provide an extensive amount of high-frequency activity data. It allows you to: - graphically display activity data as three-dimensional plot (actogram), - calculate means and medians for hourly, daily, monthly, etc. activity,
- Publisher: VECTRONIC Aerospace GmbH
- Last updated: July 12th, 2017

HWg-PDM is a monitoring utility with chart and MS Excel output. HWg-PDMS (Poseidon & Damocles Monitoring System) captures values of inputs and probes from devices connected over GSM or LAN. Data in the internal database can be periodically exported to MS Excel reports (protocols).
- Publisher: HW group, s.r.o.
- Last updated: June 29th, 2017

Easy MyAlarm2
Easy MyAlarm2 is a GSM/GPRS telecontrol program for home and building applications, industrial plants, and machines. The program allows you to control signal can be sent using any mobile phone that you have. You can also control various units like boilers, lights through SMS text messages, phone rings, or emails.
- Publisher: SENECA s.r.l.
- Last updated: May 28th, 2015

WebDAV Drive Mapping Tool
With WebDAV Drive Mapping Tool the user can map DriveHQ cloud storage as a network drive. This tool can automatically optimize the performance and reliability of our WebDAV service, making it better than any other WebDAV service. Supports HTTPS/SSL, data communication between the server and the client is encrypted.
- Publisher:
- Home page:
- Last updated: December 19th, 2016

AirCalc provides estimates of the flat terrain range of wireless data communication systems. Actual range of a system can vary dramatically, and therefore it is important that range is verified with in field tests in the area of operation. AirCalc in provided free so that the costumers and potential costumers can evaluate their wireless links.
- Publisher: Teledesign Systems Inc.
- Last updated: December 31st, 2009