Hdd capacity restore windows 7 in Title/Summary

HDD Capacity Restore
HDD Capacity Restore is a freeware windows tool that handles LBA48 mode setting as well as HPA and DCO features. It does everything automatically: it extracts the factory capacity; then it restores the factory LBA48, HPA and DCO settings. Because its done automatically this software is easy to use.
- Publisher: Atola Technology
- Home page: blog.atola.com
- Last updated: March 17th, 2008

Restore Windows Photo Viewer
Restore Windows Photo Viewer is a utility that promises to let you open pictures with the old-style photo viewer by default. The program is very small with a straightforward interface. It lets you pick the file extensions that you wish to open and apply the new configuration for either the current session only or all the user profiles. It is also possible to revert to Microsoft Photos App.
- Publisher: Authorsoft Corporation
- Home page: www.authorsoft.com
- Last updated: October 29th, 2021

IDrive for WordPress - Windows Restore Version -
IDrive for WordPress - Windows Restore application makes it easy to restore data from your IDrive for WordPress account to your Windows machine. Your IDrive for WordPress online account retains copies of your wordPress data for the last 10* days using the snapshots technology. A snapshot is an image of the backup data taken at a particular point of time, once everyday.
- Publisher: Pro Softnet Corp
Hdd capacity restore windows 7 in Description

Paragon Drive Copy™ Professional
Use Drive Copy 11 Professional for fast, efficient computer migrations of any software/hardware combination, from any source, to any target. Drive Copy 11 migrates your notebook to a new hard drive the easy way - migrate you system to a Virtual Container, replace your old HDD, then restore your system to the new one.
- Publisher: Paragon Software
- Home page: www.paragon-software.com
- Last updated: October 23rd, 2020

Amigabit Registry Cleaner
Amigabit Registry Cleaner is a solid program to scan, clean and repair Registry errors causing slow speed, PC crashing or freezing, blue screens, error messages, etc. with simple, one-click option.
- Publisher: Amigabit
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020

Acronis Backup for Server
Protect all your critical servers & enjoy RTOs <15 seconds! Back up any data in any location via 1 easy web console - on premises, in remote locations & in private/public clouds. Also supports Microsoft Azure & Amazon EC2 cloud workloads.
- Publisher: Acronis, LLC
- Last updated: September 9th, 2021

ThumbWin 1.2.8 is a program that will display a small window for every open program. This way, you will be able to go from a program to another just by clicking once on any of the small floating windows that the program will place in the desktop. Once the program is installed, it will create the thumbnail of a window for every minimized program.
- Publisher: hiroshi takahashi
- Home page: www4.point.ne.jp
- Last updated: February 14th, 2008

Disclib is a CD collection organizer program. It may be used as a catalogue of CDs. After creating the catalogue, disclib stores file and folder names and tree, allows user to categorize folders and files, and allows searching all the imported files.
- Publisher: Lyra Software Ltd.
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020
Additional Hdd capacity restore windows 7 selection

AOMEI OneKey Recovery
When in need of an extremely simple tool to back up your operating system, complete with drivers, applications, and your personal data, AOMEI OneKey Recovery is a good option to consider. It offers you various levels of backup compression and stores the entire OS in a specific factory partition.
- Publisher: Aomei Technology Co., Ltd.
- Home page: www.backup-utility.com
- Last updated: January 25th, 2022

Macrium Reflect
Macrium Reflect can be used to back up entire hard disk partitions or just individual files and folders. Backup files are stored in a single compressed archive file. You can use this archive to restore exact images of the partitions on a hard disk. You can also mount images as a virtual drive in Windows Explorer to copy folders from them.
- Publisher: Paramount Software UK Ltd.
- Last updated: July 18th, 2023

UpdateStar Drivers
UpdateStar Drivers optimizes your computer performance and experience with a powerful driver management. It is important that you use only the most recent drivers on your computer.
- Publisher: UpdateStar
- Home page: client.updatestar.com
- Last updated: September 30th, 2023

TweakNow WinSecret
TweakNow WinSecret is a system optimizer, which means that it will scan different system areas to find and fix the errors there. At first sight, TweakNow WinSecret looks very similar to other optimizers, especially those developed by the same company. In this respect, these products are similar not only because of their interfaces but also because they offer the same basic features.
- Publisher: TweakNow.com
- Home page: www.tweaknow.com
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

PassNow is an utility that allows you to reset login password, clone hard disk, create disk partition or format disk, destroy data, and repair system startup. Features: - Supports CD/USB Boot up. Compatible with Various Motherboard BIOS. - Copy HDD data without Windows environment. - Eliminate all data on your hard drive to protect personal privacy. - Fix Windows boot failure.
- Publisher: Rene.e Laboratory
- Home page: www.reneelab.com
- Last updated: July 29th, 2014

Avira UnErase
Avira UnErase is a small application that allows you to restore deleted files which were removed from the Recycle Bin or directly deleted intentionally or by accident. You can recover files deleted by viruses, uninstallers, DOS programs. Supports compressed and encrypted files.
- Publisher: Avira GmbH
- Home page: www.avira.com
- Last updated: March 1st, 2008

Free Window Registry Repair
Almost all Windows users gradually experiences the downfall in their PC's performance. Much of it can be attributed to Windows Registry Errors. By using Free Window Registry Repair regularly and repairing your registry your system should not only be more stable but it will also help Windows run faster.
- Publisher: RegSofts Software
- Home page: www.regsofts.com
- Last updated: April 21st, 2021
- Publisher: Paragon Technologie GmbH
- Last updated: April 13th, 2010

Recover Deleted Files
Recover Deleted Files program quickly regains your erased corrupted files and folders deleted due to virus attack, improper card usage, system crash and other physical damage from memory storage devices supporting NTFS and NTFS5 files system.
- Publisher: Recover Deleted Files
- Home page: www.pdd.co.in
- Last updated: March 18th, 2024

Vista Live Shell Pack
Vista Live Shell Pack - Blue transforms the appearance of Windows XP to Windows Live with icons and Windows Vista. Features: The logon screen supports until 1280x1024 pixels. Skydrive icon for the Windows Drive. RebIc Software. System Restore Point. Viorb Software. Vista Boot Screen. Windows Media Player 11 Live Resources
- Publisher: NiwradSoft
- Last updated: February 1st, 2009