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Heading pointer for fsx atc in Title/Summary

ATC Radar for FSX

ATC Radar for FSX

It is a radar dedicated to Air Traffic Control (ATC). It lets the controller watch the other FS aircrafts: AI Traffic, FS multiplayer or IBNet. This radar is especially well suited for online flights with a controller in charge of guiding aircrafts along the correct path. With IBNet, it can be used for military purpose to guide hostile interception or for military ATC

  • Publisher: World Wide Sim
  • Home page: emarciano.free.fr
  • Last updated: April 29th, 2012


The Heading Toward Land wallpaper download has been resized to fit within this window. Click on the wallpaper to see it at full size; it will appear at full size if you save it or set it as your desktop wallpaper. Heading-Toward-Land-1-YEMPXNGKF7-800x600 is developed by Epicwallpaper and is used by 1 users of Software Informer. The most popular version of this product among our users is 1.0.

  • Publisher: Epicwallpaper
  • Last updated: May 30th, 2012
ATC Radar Screen

ATC Radar Screen

This version has some new features: view jet and victor airways, view additional airspaces (ONLY for FS2004 users), connect or host a FS2004/2002 multiplayer sessions, new SID/STARs window, view fuel areas (ONLY for FS2004 users), edit the ATIS message of the selected towered-airport, change the mouse’s pointer of the radar screen, etc.

  • Publisher: Ambulo's Company
  • Last updated: May 15th, 2008

Heading pointer for fsx atc in Description

Multi Crew Experience

Multi Crew Experience

Multi Crew Experience is an add-on designed to work with FSX and FS 2004 simulators that allows you to talk not just to your co-pilot, but to native ATC, Radar Contact controllers, as well as Pro Flight Emulator ATC controllers. You will be able to interact with the built-in FS ATC in English.

ATC Browser

ATC Browser

ATC Browser has been written for flightsim enthusiasts to create an audio link to the real world. ATC Browser provides a database of live ATC audio feeds from the Internet and makes these feeds interactive with FSX. The previous evaluation version has expired, this version of the program will run for 15 minutes per session. Comes with frequencies for the KPIT area pre-installed.

  • Publisher: D.Lowey
  • Home page: simviation.com
  • Last updated: June 11th, 2010


FSXPilot is an universal autopilot for FSX and P3D. After the installation, the program will be opened in two separate windows on your desktop screen. The main window is for autopilot control, the EFIS window is for navigation. The best way to use FSXPilot is to start FSX (windowed mode only) and later start FSXPilot with its two separate windows.

  • Publisher: Scientific Networks Munich
  • Home page: www.fsxpilot.com
  • Last updated: March 25th, 2022
Just Flight - Traffic X

Just Flight - Traffic X

Traffic X 1.0 is a software simulation program add-on for users of Microsoft Flight Simulator FSX that integrates seamlessly with, and adds to, the capabilities of FSX, providing users with a host of new features and traffic including a new Traffic Control Center and four virtual airports. Just Flight – Traffic X 1.0 includes over 100,000 scheduled airline flights within its AI feature

  • Publisher: Just Flight
  • Last updated: November 10th, 2008
Voxpop Base

Voxpop Base

Voxpop is a huge advance in Flight Simulation that adds a whole new dimension to the experience. It is the first ATC add-on for FSX that has been developed with integrated voice recognition. Talk to the controllers using standard ATC phraseology and what you say will be heard. Just like in the real world, requests must be properly constructed, instructions complied with and read back correctly.

  • Publisher: Voxatc
  • Last updated: November 26th, 2011

Additional Heading pointer for fsx atc selection



AirTrafficFX is a powerful, yet simple-to-use air traffic generator for FSX. AirTrafficFX allows the user to add parked aircraft, local air traffic, enroute air traffic, and FSX ATC IFR air traffic. Formations can be added to local traffic, enroutetraffic, and even your own flight.

  • Publisher: Flight One Software
  • Home page: www.flight1.com
  • Last updated: March 27th, 2010
FSX Planner

FSX Planner

FSX Planner is a graphical editing tool designed to help users edit existing airports or create new ones for use within Microsoft's Flight Simulator X. The main display of FSX Planner shows a top down view of the airport. You can work on multiple airports simultaneously, each one having its own window. The display shows all aspects of the airport and is completely customizable.

  • Publisher: zBlueSoftware
  • Last updated: September 30th, 2011
Control Tower Rikoooo FSX P3D

Control Tower Rikoooo FSX P3D

It is a neat add-on For FSX & Prepar3D. It provides a small control tower, very simple but indispensable for flights networks, with 360 ° view, radar view, choice of four towers of different heights, ATC control panel. It can speed up or slow down time. The tower can be moved with the key "Y".

  • Publisher: Rikoooo
  • Last updated: August 14th, 2013
FlyInside FSX

FlyInside FSX

FlyInside FSX allows you to use virtual reality goggles with Microsoft Flight Simulator X. You'll feel as if you're really flying an airplane from the comfort of your desk. It features gaze-tracking, which simplifies the process of using controls; you do not need to take your hand off of your joystick to navigate dialogs.

  • Publisher: Daniel Church
  • Home page: flyinside-fsx.com
  • Last updated: January 31st, 2017
FSX Flight Weather Report

FSX Flight Weather Report

FSX Flight Weather Report is an application which is designed to offer weather reports for different US flight routes selected by the user. The first thing that users need to do in order to view a weather report is to select the US state where the flight virtually takes place and the airport where the airplane is supposed to land.

  • Publisher: Microsoft Corporation
  • Last updated: March 1st, 2008
ATC Lite

ATC Lite

ATC (Antenna Tilt Controller) Lite automatically determines the actuator version and applies the firmware update for each actuator found on the AISG bus. This program is quite easy to use; simply connect the ATC200-LITE-USB controller to an actuator, and execute a device scan. The actuator version is automatically detected and latest firmware is applied.

  • Publisher: Andrew Corporation
  • Last updated: August 31st, 2017
UK2000 Heathrow Xtreme FSX

UK2000 Heathrow Xtreme FSX

UK2000 Heathrow Xtreme FSX is a flight simulation game. Main features: - New changes to T3 and entrance area. - New Terminal 2 and T2b pier. - Changes to T4, including A380 stands. - New Static models. - New methods used to create scenery. - New Photo base image at 50cm resolution. - Heathrow taxiway layout changes.

  • Publisher: UK2000 Scenery
  • Last updated: May 22nd, 2011
Presentation Pointer

Presentation Pointer

Presentation Pointer makes it easy for your audience to follow your actions on the screen. It adds cursor highlighting abilities and more visual and audible mouse click effects, it displays your keystrokes in an overlay at the bottom of the screen, and it allows you to draw on a “live” screen to point out whatabouts and whereabouts of the things you are demonstrating.

iFly Jets - The 737NG for FSX

iFly Jets - The 737NG for FSX

iFly Jets - The 737NG for FSX is a complete 737NG add-on for Microsoft Flight Simulator X. It includes an extensive fleet that covers the 737NG 600, 700, 700ER, 800 and 900, 900ER, plus the BBJ, BBJ2 and BBJ3 aircraft. It brings you a high accuracy simulation of the cockpit and systems, along with features such as ground support and push back.

  • Publisher: iFly Developer Team
  • Home page: www.flight1.com
  • Last updated: November 26th, 2014
B787 for FSX

B787 for FSX

B787 for FSX is an ADD-ON for exclusive use with MS Flight Simulator X. Another unique feature that comes with the B787 for FSX is the Electrochromic Window System in the virtual cabin. The windows do not have conventional shade. Instead, the passenger can regulate the intensity of light coming through the window by using the mouse on the windows.

  • Publisher: AeroSim Co.,Ltd.
  • Last updated: October 25th, 2012