Hex comparison 3.0 serial in Title/Summary

Hex Comparison
A binary file comparison and hex editor. Help you to compare files in binary format, serving as a hex editor. Allow compare two files and find every different easily. Save comparison to file. Find synchronous position by double click [ exeicon.com ].
- Publisher: Fairdell Software
- Last updated: May 14th, 2011

Free Hex Editor
HHD Software Hex Editor is a powerful yet easy to use editor that enables you to work with ASCII, hex, decimal, float, double and binary data. This incredible program allows you to view, modify, analyze hexadecimal data and binary files, edit, exchange data with other applications through the clipboard, insert new data and delete existing data, as well as perform other editing actions.
- Publisher: HHD Software
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020

Hex Editor Neo
Hex Editor Neo is a powerful yet easy to use editor that enables you to work with ASCII, hex, decimal, float, double and binary data. This incredible program allows you to view, modify, analyze hexadecimal data and binary files, edit, exchange data with other applications through the clipboard, insert new data and delete existing data, as well as perform other editing actions.
- Publisher: HHD Software
- Home page: www.hhdsoftware.com
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024
Hex comparison 3.0 serial in Description

HexCmp is a program, which combines together the features of a binary file comparison application and a convenient hex editor. The program will help you to compare files in binary format, at the same time serving as a hex editor that will edit files.
- Publisher: Fairdell Software
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

RS232 Hex Com Tool
Hex Com Tool is a serial software terminal program that can be used to communicate with just about any rs232 peripheral. This reliable serial software program is great for embedded developers and it can transmit and receive serial data in Hex or ASCII. RS232 Hex Com Tool is a rs232 setup data can be saved for multiple peripherals and later retrieved for easy setup of each individual device.
- Publisher: Virtual Integrated Design
- Last updated: May 7th, 2008

Bullseye Color Picker
Bullseye Color Picker was made by a computer programmer and webmaster for computer programmers and webmasters. The result: a functional program that is easy to use and absolutely free!Main features:- Select colors from your screen or from a palette - Return color codes: RGB, HSL, Long, HTML Hex, Visual Basic Hex, Delphi Hex, & C++ Hex - Hide color code values you don't need etc.
- Publisher: Magnonic Software
- Last updated: March 31st, 2010

TALBreakout! software is a powerful serial diagnostics tool to allow the user to easily debug 2-way serial communications.Turn any PC or Laptop with two serial ports into a serial breakout box (serial line analyzer).Snoop in on data that is sent or received through an RS232 serial cable between any two devices or computers.
- Publisher: TAL Technologies, Inc.
- Last updated: November 1st, 2009

SmartCache is a practical application that lets you securely store information on an ACOS1 or ACOS3 ISO 7816 smart card. SmartCache interfaces with the smart card using either an ISO 7816 Phoenix-style Reader/Writer or a Development Terminal connected to an RS-232 serial port or any PC/SC reader.
- Publisher: SmartCache
- Home page: www.smartcache.net
- Last updated: February 16th, 2010
Additional Hex comparison 3.0 serial selection

Codepad is a simple to use and powerful code editor which also has a hex-editor. This ability of the software to be used both as code and hex editor makes it unique and most useful as compared to other code and hex editor software in the market. The software can be integrated to the right context menu for all types of files.
- Publisher: ShiCola
- Last updated: October 26th, 2008

Directory Toolkit
Directory Toolkit displays a single or side-by-side directory comparison using color coding for alike, different, or missing files. You can copy, move and rename files while retaining long filenames. Built-in ZIP, TAR, GZ, LZ & CAB archive functions, with Explorer shell extensions, let you easily create and manage archives.
- Publisher: Funduc Software Inc.
- Last updated: September 29th, 2011

Serial Port Communication is a free utility that allows you to quickly and instantly communicate to a port, throw a very easy to use and simple interface. You can change the ports, you have different options for baud rate to select or for parity, or you can also change the text to a hex solution
- Publisher: Cornell Microgravity Project
- Last updated: October 31st, 2011

Cygnus Hex Editor
This is the fastest and easiest hex editor available anywhere! Tabbed MDI interface, multi-level undo & redo, extensive drag & drop support, blazing search/search & replace, file comparison, delete and insert characters like a word processor, more.
- Publisher: SoftCircuits
- Last updated: September 14th, 2011

Realterm is a terminal program specially designed for capturing, controlling and debugging binary and other difficult data streams.Main Features:- Serial Ports, USB Serial and TCP/IP & Telnet - I2C, SPI, 1Wire chip control via BL233 / I2C2PC - Binary viewed as hex, 8 bit, 16 bit, little/big ndian, signed, unsigned, float, special fonts - Fullscreen,MiniTerminal, Screen Scaling, Global Hotkeys
- Publisher: Simon Bridger
- Home page: realterm.sourceforge.net
- Last updated: September 16th, 2016

Hex Edit
Easy to use, reliable hex editor. Many features:find, compare, clipboard, EBCDIC. Display/edit over 60 values (int, float, date ...). Disk edit, change tracking, background searches, macros, bookmarks, highlight,calculator, templates, >4 Gbyte files.
- Publisher: Expert Commercial Software
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

Hex Workshop
The Hex Workshop Hex Editor is a set of hexadecimal development tools for Microsoft Windows, combining advanced binary editing with the ease and flexibility of a word processor. Hex Workshop integrates advanced binary editing and data interpretation and visualization with the ease and flexibility of a modern word processor.
- Publisher: BreakPoint Software, Inc.
- Home page: www.hexworkshop.com
- Last updated: October 30th, 2012

Flash Magic
Flash Magic is a tool for programming flash-based microcontrollers from NXP using serial, Ethernet, CAN bus, or SWD interfaces. It provides a lightweight executable program with a simple interface where you can load the Hex files. After programming, Flash Magic will perform an automatic verification of the burned data.
- Publisher: Embedded Systems Academy, Inc.
- Home page: www.flashmagictool.com
- Last updated: May 19th, 2021

Ponyprog is very powerful and popular microchip programmer. Ponyprog enables the user to program EEPROM, FLASH and PIC's using user friendly tools and multiple programmer types. Ponyprog supports AVR, SPI eeprom, AVR micro, 12C bus 8bit eeprom, PIC 16 micro, PIC 12 micro, AT89S micro and SDE2506 eeprom family chips.
- Publisher: Claudio Lanconelli
- Last updated: August 2nd, 2017

HHD Software Free Hex Editor Neo
HHD Software Free Hex Editor Neo is a program that allows you to view, modify, analyze your hexadecimal data and binary files, edit, exchange data with other applications through the clipboard, insert new data and delete existing data, as well as perform other editing actions. It allows you to work ASCII, hex, decimal, float, double and binary data.
- Publisher: HHD Software Ltd.
- Last updated: December 21st, 2023