Hockey scoreboard pro for mac in Title/Summary

Hockey Scoreboard Pro
Hockey Scoreboard Pro transforms your PC into a virtual hockey scoreboard using the computer and display you already have. Hockey Scoreboard Pro features a simple-to-use mouse and keyboard interface, allowing for easy control of all functions of the computer scoreboard.
- Publisher: PC Scoreboards
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

Hockey Scoreboard Standard
Hockey Scoreboard Standard is an inexpensive and portable alternative to costly physical scoreboards. Using Hockey Scoreboard Standard offers the flexibility to switch between different sports using the same hardware, which fixed scoreboards cannot match.
- Publisher: M & D Programs
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

Eguasoft Hockey Scoreboard
Eguasoft Hockey Scoreboard helps you to display a hockey scoreboard. It has realistic view just like a physical scoreboard. Main features: - Score and foul entry for each player. - Customizable fonts. - Main board zoom mode. - Separate control panel. - Shots on goal entry. - Penalty timer.
- Publisher: Eguasoft
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 30th, 2022
Hockey scoreboard pro for mac in Description

Volleyball Scoreboard Pro
The volleyball scoreboard software transforms your PC into a virtual volleyball scoreboard using the computer and display you already have. The scoreboard is great for scorekeeping volleyball games in gyms, arenas, courts, or multipurpose facilities.
- Publisher: PC Scoreboards
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020

Cricket Scoreboard Pro
Cricket scoreboard software transforms your PC into a virtual cricket scoreboard using the computer and display you already have. Cricket Scoreboard Pro features a simple to use mouse and keyboard interface, allowing for easy control of all functions of the computer scoreboard.
- Publisher: PC Scoreboards
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020

Soccer Scoreboard Pro
Main features: -Click and type or tab and type interface for easy control -Fully customizable scoreboard colors -Customizable team names for easy identification. -Game clock shows and can be set to tenths of a second -High visibility LED digits -Clean and simple design allows for easy reading by spectators -Fits most monitors by adjusting to different display resolutions.
- Publisher: PC Scoreboards
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020

Water Polo Scoreboard Pro
This tool lets you transform your PC into a virtual water polo scoreboard. This scoreboard application is great for scorekeeping water polo games at school pools or other pool facilities. Water Polo Scoreboard Pro features a simple to use mouse and keyboard interface, allowing for easy control of all functions of the computer scoreboard.
- Publisher: PC Scoreboards
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020

Football Scoreboard Pro
Football Scoreboard Pro is an easy to use, cost-effective, and professional scoreboard that will get your players and spectators engaged in the game. You can combine this football scoreboard software with your computer and projector/display for a complete scorekeeping solution.
- Publisher: PC Scoreboards
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 20th, 2022
Additional Hockey scoreboard pro for mac selection

Basketball Scoreboard Pro
Our basketball scoreboard software transforms your PC into a virtual basketball scoreboard using the computer and display you already have. Our scoreboard download is great for scorekeeping basketball games in gyms, arenas, or multipurpose facilities
- Publisher: PC Scoreboards
- Last updated: March 30th, 2022

Futsal Scoreboard Pro
Futsal scoreboard program transforms your PC into a virtual scoreboard. It can be used for scorekeeping games in gyms, arenas, fields, etc. The optional web remote feature allows you to control all information on the scoreboard from most any device that has a web browser, including an iPad, iPod, tablet, e-reader, smart phone, netbook, or tablet.
- Publisher: PC Scoreboards
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020

Eguasoft Basketball Scoreboard Pro
In gyms, arenas, or school facilities you can use this software to display a basketball scoreboard. Normally, physical scoreboards are expensive and difficult to be established. This software provides a simple but useful scoreboard display.Just install it to your laptop and establish a connection between your laptop and a projector or an LCD/LED TV.
- Publisher: Eguasoft
- Home page:
- Last updated: December 8th, 2022

Tennis Scoreboard Pro
Tennis Scoreboard Pro transforms your PC into a virtual tennis scoreboard using the computer and display you already have. The program is designed for scorekeeping tennis games on courts, in gyms, or in multipurpose facilities. It features an optional secondary control screen, fully-customizable scoreboard colors, customizable player names, high-visibility LED digits, and more.
- Publisher: PC Scoreboards
- Home page:
- Last updated: September 22nd, 2020

Colasoft MAC Scanner Pro
Colasoft MAC Scanner is a Windows program designed for scanning IP and MAC addresses. It can automatically detect all subnets according to the IP addresses configured on the multiple NICs of a machine and scan the MAC and IP addresses of defined subnets. The program will display the scan results on the list, including the IP address, MAC address, Host Name, and Manufacture.
- Publisher: Colasoft LLC.
- Home page:
- Last updated: December 15th, 2011

Hockey Scoreboard Simulator
Simulates operation of the Nevco hockey clock controller, model 008-3261, along with a simulation of a typical scoreboard.
- Publisher: The Human Interface
- Last updated: December 19th, 2014

FileMaker Pro
FileMaker Pro is part of a unified platform to create custom apps for mobile, cloud, and on-premise environments. You can choose from a variety of professionally designed Starter Solutions to manage contacts, inventory, projects, invoices, assets, and more.
- Publisher: FileMaker, Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: December 22nd, 2017

Logger Pro
Logger Pro is award-winning, data-collection and analysis software for Windows and Mac computers. Features: -Supports over 70 Vernier sensors for real-time graphing and analysis. -Collect data from a variety of sources, including LabQuest, LabQuest Mini, LabPro, WDSS, spectrometers, GPS, Ohaus balances, ProScope HR, and more.
- Publisher: Vernier Software & Technology
- Home page:
- Last updated: October 3rd, 2013

FileMaker Pro Advanced
FileMaker Pro Advanced is the tool you use to create a custom app. You also use FileMaker Pro Advanced to access your app on a Windows or Mac computer. Start by importing data from a spreadsheet or using a built-in Starter app to manage contacts, inventory, meetings, and more. Or even quickly build a new app from the beginning.
- Publisher: FileMaker, Inc.
- Last updated: April 23rd, 2021