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Holiday express game key in Title/Summary

Holiday Express

Holiday Express

Holiday Express is a different puzzle game. It is a variation of the popular Tetris as in fact, the difference comes mainly from its festive theme and some other minor elements. Instead of the usual Tetris levels, there will be train cars to be filled with presents of different colors, shapes and sizes.

  • Publisher: HipSoft LLC
  • Last updated: June 25th, 2012
Outlook Express Key

Outlook Express Key

Outlook Express Key recovers passwords for Outlook Express Identities and e-mail accounts. Main Features: - State of the art password recovery engine - all files are unprotected instantly - Recovers passwords for Outlook Express e-mail accounts - All versions of Outlook Express are supported - Multilingual passwords are supported - Full install/uninstall support

Outlook Express Key Demo

Outlook Express Key Demo

With this program you can recovers passwords for Outlook Express Identities and e-mail accounts. Outlook Express Key support multilingual passwords and support all versions of Outlook Express. This program works on Microsoft Windows 2000, XP, Vista, Server 2003/2008, or Windows 7 (32-bit or 64-bit).

Holiday express game key in Description

Canadian Pacific Holiday Train

Canadian Pacific Holiday Train

Every Christmas season since 1999, Canadian's Pacific festively-decorated Holiday Train has toured North America in support of local food banks.In early December of each year, two specially-decorated trains cross southern Canada and the northern United States, collecting food and donations for Canadian and U.S. food banks.

Solitaire Christmas Match 2 Cards

Solitaire Christmas Match 2 Cards

Solitaire Christmas Match 2 Cards is an arcade card game. Discover a holiday card game filled with the joyful spirit of the holidays. The anticipation of Christmas miracles and 120 unique levels form a winning combination for fans of classic solitaire.

Lotso Xpress Buddy - Pogo

Lotso Xpress Buddy - Pogo

Lotso Xpress Buddy - Pogo help you play Lottso! Express game and maximize your Pogo tokens, ranks, and badges. This program uses advanced strategy to quickly and efficiently place numbers on (and fill) the most advantageous cards. it also contains quick and easy built-in backdoors to favorite Lottso! room topics.

  • Publisher: Play Buddy
  • Last updated: October 16th, 2015


BestPlay 4.1

  • Publisher: bestplay ltd.
  • Last updated: September 27th, 2008
DBX to Windows Live Mail Converter

DBX to Windows Live Mail Converter

DBX to Windows Live Mail Converter intended to convert DBX to Windows Live Mail so that users can easily upgrade & convert Outlook Express emails to Windows Live Mail. The program enable users to convert DBX to Windows Live Mail along with all key email items like: To, Cc, Bcc, From, Sent & Received date, Attachments.

  • Publisher: PCVARE Solutions
  • Home page: www.pcvare.com
  • Last updated: April 3rd, 2012

Additional Holiday express game key selection

Puzzle Express

Puzzle Express

Puzzle Express is a fantastic puzzle game a la Tetris in which you have to fill the train car puzzles that allow you to reveal beautiful photographs. You can also download more images or add your own. You will be given puzzle pieces on a loading dock and you must click to use them into the car one at a time without leaving any gaps.

  • Publisher: HipSoft LLC
  • Last updated: September 8th, 2010
Game Product Key Finder

Game Product Key Finder

Game Product Key Finder is intended for recovering product keys, from both local and network computers. In this regard, the program is specifically meant for retrieving the keys of games by some of the most popular developers and vendors. Fortunately, installing and using this tool is anything but complicate, which makes it easy to use by any kind of user irrespective of their experience.

  • Publisher: Nsasoft US LLC
  • Home page: www.nsauditor.com
  • Last updated: July 13th, 2022
Mystery Case Files Ravenhearst

Mystery Case Files Ravenhearst

This exciting game is perfect for anyone who likes playing find and seek games. It is user friendly, and the instruction are clear and easy to understand. An old diary has been discovered. The problem is that most of its pages have been torn out. You must find the missing objects in the different rooms to unlock their doors and retrieve the missing diary pages.

Sky Bubbles

Sky Bubbles

An evil sorcerer has trapped the inhabitants of a peaceful kingdom in bubbles suspended high above their land. You must free these innocent souls before time runs out! Sky Bubbles features unique color matching gameplay in which you earn the ability to free multiple souls by making several matches of the same color in a row

  • Publisher: Alawar Entertainment.
  • Last updated: November 4th, 2012


CronusPRO is a cross-platform gaming control hardware. Cronus PRO is the main program used for programming, updating and configuring your CronusMAX PLUS device. It gives you access to everything including Gamepacks, Plugins, Script Sharing, Button Remapping, Macro/Combo Capturing, Keyboard & Mouse Configuration and so on.

  • Publisher: CronusMAX Team
  • Last updated: July 23rd, 2015
Games Key Decryptor

Games Key Decryptor

Games Key Decryptor is a free Windows utility that instantly recovers lost license keys for your games. It automatically detects and recovers the license/CD key of all the supported games installed on your system. Currently, it supports around 50 PC games including Battlefield, Call of Duty, FIFA, NFS, Age of Empires, Quake, The Sims, Half-Life, IGI, Star Wars and many more.

Tetra Blocks

Tetra Blocks

Tetra Blocks is a simple but enjoyable Tetris game. In case you don't know the game, in Tetris you need to place the falling blocks in the playing field in a way to form lines and make the blocks disappear from the screen. If the blocks reach the top, the game is over. For every line you create, you will be given points.

  • Publisher: Herman Martinsson
  • Last updated: April 11th, 2008


Games Key Decryptor can recover License Keys of popular Gaming Softwares. It automatically detects and recovers the license/CD key of all the supported Games installed on your system. After the successful recovery you can backup the CD Key list to HTML/XML/TEXT/CSV file.



Magsic - Medium Length - Difficult - No Text Quaver ventures deep into the surreal unconsciousness of van Gogh's discarded ear. In a land where there is no speech, musical themes are the key to solving the numerous puzzles and possibly finding true love.

  • Publisher: Alpha72 Games
  • Last updated: November 23rd, 2011
FlashBack Express

FlashBack Express

FlashBack Express is more than just a video recording utility. This program also gives you access to a movie player, plenty of useful editing options, and the ability to schedule recordings for later. The application comes with a user-friendly interface and features a comprehensive help guide.