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Home blood pressure monitors alarms in Title/Summary

Blood Pressure Recorder

Blood Pressure Recorder

Blood Pressure Recorder is a free application that allows users to track their blood pressure readings. It enables users to enter their systolic and diastolic values and their pulse rate. In the comments field the users can also add any other information they consider to be relevant.

  • Publisher: Lifestyle Toolbox
  • Last updated: March 6th, 2008
Blood Pressure Browser

Blood Pressure Browser

The Blood Pressure Browser: a program designed for self-assessment of the blood pressure at home. Arterial hypertension is one of the most common diseases in the world. Such complications as myocardial infarction, insult, renal insufficiency often lead to disability or even death. Unfortunately, not every person with hypertension feels and knows about the disease.

  • Publisher: Doctor-Soft
  • Last updated: November 21st, 2010
Blood Pressure Tracker

Blood Pressure Tracker

Measuring your blood pressure can help you and your doctor prevent or control hypertension and its many complications. Blood pressure readings in the doctor's office may be higher than at other times. The use of home blood pressure monitors can more accurately measure one's overall, or average, blood pressure level.

Home blood pressure monitors alarms in Description

WatchBP Analyzer Home

WatchBP Analyzer Home

WatchBP helps physicians to improve diagnosis and treatment. Microlife WatchBP provides a total solution that helps both busy physicians and patients to improve blood pressure measurement and early screening for cardiovascular risk factors. The Microlife WatchBP solution entails a family of blood pressure monitors with implemented ESH* and AHA** guidelines.

  • Publisher: Microlife
  • Home page: www.watchbp.com
  • Last updated: February 24th, 2011


Use HealthCoach to evaluate your personal data on the PC. HealthCoach can be used with SBM44, SBM45 (USB Version), SBM50 blood pressure devices and SBF48 scale devices. HealthCoach is suitable for the transmission of data from the SBM44, SBM45 (USB Version) and SBM50 blood pressure monitors and the SBF48 personal scale.

  • Publisher: Sanitas - Hans Dinslage GmbH
  • Last updated: October 16th, 2015
Microsoft HealthVault Connection Center

Microsoft HealthVault Connection Center

Microsoft HealthVault Connection Center enables you to send measurements from health and fitness devices (such as blood pressure monitors and pedometers) to your online HealthVault account. You can also upload medical images and download, view, and burn medical images that you store in HealthVault.

  • Publisher: Microsoft Corporation
  • Last updated: January 17th, 2013
My Blood Pressure

My Blood Pressure

This program is a very comprehensive application that allows you not only to record your daily blood pressure, but also to keep statistics about it and compare your current data with those of earlier days, weeks and months. Its cost is very affordable, so it can be a wise investment.

  • Publisher: My Health Software
  • Last updated: August 30th, 2022
Blood Pressure Tracker Plus

Blood Pressure Tracker Plus

Program contains a Free Blood Pressure tracker plus other functions in an easy to use program. Included function are Address Book with Viewer, Calendar Maker with import from Daily Planner, Daily Planner function, Home Budget developer, and more.

Additional Home blood pressure monitors alarms selection

Omron Health Management Software

Omron Health Management Software

Omon Health Management Software (OHMS) allows you to easily upload data from you blood pressure monitor or pedometer directly to your personal computer. By using the Health Management Software to keep track of your health and fitness data, you can easily set goals and analyze your progress, as well as provide vital updates to your health care provider.

  • Publisher: Omron Healthcare
  • Last updated: November 8th, 2012
WHO AnthroPlus

WHO AnthroPlus

WHO AnthroPlus is an advanced application that helps you keep track of the children's growth by giving you free access to three handy tools: Anthropometric calculator, Individual assessment and Nutritional survey. This program will provide you a fast and easy way to store and evaluate detailed information regarding the growth of children between 5 and 19 years old.

  • Publisher: World Health Organization
  • Last updated: February 4th, 2011
Fever Frenzy

Fever Frenzy

Fever Frenzy is a game where you will take care of patients with weird diseases. Impersonating Charlie or Hannah, a couple of just graduated doctors, you will have to cure patients with baboonic plague, bipolarbear disorder, mother goose bumps, 3rd degree sideburns and many more. They would graphically transform as you cure them.

  • Publisher: Legacy Interractive & Rainbow Creatures
  • Last updated: February 26th, 2009
VitaDock® Online PC

VitaDock® Online PC

VitaDock® Online PC is a free program that allows the synchronization of your VitaDock data with your computer. It allows to save, view, analyze and export your personal vital data like blood pressure, blood glucose, body temperature and weight. You can view your results as statistical graphs or in the table view.

  • Publisher: Medisana
  • Last updated: June 22nd, 2014
Microlife BPA

Microlife BPA

Microlife BPA is an easy to load and easy to use blood pressure analyzer software for Microsoft Windows 98SE, Windows 2000, Windows XP or above. Connect your blood pressure monitor to your PC and download your data. Print graphs, charts and tables of your readings.

  • Publisher: Microlife Corporation
  • Last updated: March 7th, 2013


HealthMonitor is a program for managing your business IT system. Its features include: system and network monitoring on both Windows and Unix/Linux machines, IT asset management, Microsoft patch management, software distribution, ITIL-compliant service desk, service level management, centralized power saving management, centralized administration from a single interface.

  • Publisher: Vidyasoft Applications
  • Last updated: June 4th, 2012
HMS Client-Server

HMS Client-Server

HMS CS is a high-performance desktop analyzer and patient management software for application in the practitioner’s office, the hospital clinic, and also in clinical research. The main function of the software is to process 24 h long-time blood pressure measurement data, produce analyses of arterial stiffness and hemodynamics.

  • Publisher: I.E.M GmbH
  • Last updated: April 24th, 2013


AcqKnowledge software effectively simulates physiological data recording from a variety of systems and transducers and performs most full-feature functions. Sample data files include examples recorded using MP Research Systems, BioHarness, Mobita, B-Alert, Epoch, and Stellar systems, from a variety of human and animal subjects.

  • Publisher: Biopac Systems, Inc.
  • Last updated: October 5th, 2017
Midmark IQmanager

Midmark IQmanager

The Midmark IQmanager Software offers a complete Patient Data Management Software System that digitally stores many different diagnostic tests for your patients. Designed with Microsoft’s open-architecture products in mind.This software offers capabilities such as EMR integration (using ActiveX controls), networking, central database (MS SQL Server) and Access database options.

  • Publisher: Midmark Diagnostics Group
  • Last updated: September 10th, 2022
HealthWatch Pro

HealthWatch Pro

HealthWatch Pro can be used to process and manage health data, including height, weight, waist, head circumference, arm circumference, sub-scapular skin-fold, blood pressure, etc. It can show and print all growth charts published by CDC, and automatically add patient's information on growth charts.

  • Publisher: BV Tech Inc.
  • Last updated: November 16th, 2015