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Honor level system in Title/Summary

The Honor Level System

The Honor Level System

The Honor Level System has been in use by schools across the U.S. for over twenty years. Although designed to meet the needs of middle level students, it is also successfully used in both elementary and high schools. The introduction should give you a good overview of how this very positive program works.

  • Publisher: School Discipline Consulting
Medal of Honor Airborne

Medal of Honor Airborne

In Medal Of Honor: Airborne, you'll step into the boots of Boyd Travers, Private First Class of the 82nd Airborne Division. Engage in battles throughout Europe, from rocky beginnings in Sicily to war-winning triumphs in Germany. Each mission begins behind enemy lines, with an intense and fully interactive airdrop.

  • Publisher: Electronic Arts
  • Home page: www.ea.com
  • Last updated: May 4th, 2012
Medal of Honor™: Pacific Assault

Medal of Honor™: Pacific Assault

Medal of Honor Pacific Assault combines seven missions covering 25 levels with nine multiplayer maps and new locations, new weapons, and new soldiers. The players can work alone or with the aid of the members of the squad to complete their missions. Patch 1.2 for this version of the saga Medal of Honor includes new maps for the multiplayer mode: Market Garden and Factory.

  • Publisher: Electronic Arts
  • Home page: www.gog.com
  • Last updated: March 18th, 2008

Honor level system in Description

Fortres 101

Fortres 101

The superior desktop security of Fortres 101 can easily lock down your Windows computers. Fortres 101 is the solution to malicious or accidental destruction of computers, problems with inconsistent interface, and inconsistent printing behavior. Fortres 101 has successfully secured computers for years and is voted the best desktop security software for Windows.



GFXplorer is a software designed to allow its user to find, or just to have at hand, all the most important technical information, both hardware and software, of a PC.

Circuit Creator

Circuit Creator

CircuitCREATOR™ CAE system is the most complete and high performance solution for electronic design using IBM and compatible personal computers. The integrated system includes Schematic Capture, Symbol Editor, Circuit Simulation, PCB Layout Editor, Automatic Router, Gerber Viewer and complete CAM (Computer Aided Manufacturing) support.

IE Security Pilot

IE Security Pilot

Low level system utility which can help you browse Internet with absolute security

  • Publisher: Invention Office RG
  • Last updated: August 20th, 2010


This tool (a keyboard utility) allows you to type ancient Greek under Windows in any Unicode-aware applications: word-processors, databases, e-mail clients, etc. Sibylla provides support for UNICODE fonts, hence you also need a polytonic Unicode font installed on your system. Palatino Linotype comes usually with Windows XP or Microsoft Office 2000 onwards.

  • Publisher: Palladium Project team
  • Last updated: October 31st, 2011

Additional Honor level system selection



CADSTAR is a powerful PCB design solution that allows an intuitive work flow, guiding designers easily through their design process. CADSTAR incorporates all the technologies necessary for a complete electronic development process in a single environment.

  • Publisher: ZUKEN
  • Home page: www.zuken.com
  • Last updated: August 12th, 2015
Asset Manager 2008 Enterprise

Asset Manager 2008 Enterprise

Asset Manager 2008 Enterprise Edition has been designed to help companies control their assets minimizing as much as possible times and cost involved. As mentioned above, this version can work over a network – even Internet – allowing multiple users share the information stored in the database. The program implements a neat and intuitive interface and supports bar codes.

  • Publisher: Kaizen Software Solutions
  • Last updated: November 19th, 2009
InCyte Starter Edition

InCyte Starter Edition

InCyte Chip Estimator Starter Edition is the free downloadable, entry-level system used for project feasibility analysis at the early architectural stage of chip planning. The tools bases estimates on industry average IP library and process models, providing early predictions of chip die size, power, and leakage.

ifm OPC Server

ifm OPC Server

The ifm OPC server software provides a software interface which standardises the data from the ifm electronic diagnostic electronics VSE and the Multicode Reader for integration into a higher level system. The software licenses are divided into four levels and are dependant on the number of networked units.

  • Publisher: ifm electronic gmbh
  • Last updated: April 6th, 2012
Desktop Manager Deluxe

Desktop Manager Deluxe

With Desktop Manager Deluxe you will make the just-above-the-satisfactory-level system interface more usable, all application windows easily accessible and your desktop cleared up. With new enhanced features, all application windows will be just a click away or even accessed via a mouse rollover.

  • Publisher: Deluxe Solutions
  • Last updated: July 1st, 2010


An easy and affordable tool to use. Easymill is a software tool that will help you to program your milling machine or lathe either off line or next to your machine. Easymill helps you quickly and directly program machines for single or multiple work pieces – or from CAD drawings. Easymill is an entry level system, easy to use and pays for itself even for one offs.

  • Publisher: ERCII
PerfectBrain Professional

PerfectBrain Professional

PerfectBrain provides a complex solution for those seeking to improve their intellect and memory. It allows you to set your own goals and view detailed statistical charts to help you determine your progress though more than 100 level-based exercises.

  • Publisher: Project PerfectBrain
  • Last updated: December 8th, 2021
VRS Recording System

VRS Recording System

Those in need of a flexible and comprehensive multi-track recording system for digital audio should give VRS Recording System a try. Its support for up to 64 simultaneous channels, its clear and intuitive interface, and its truly convenient recording manager will surely fit the needs of the most demanding customers.

  • Publisher: NCH Software
  • Home page: www.nch.com.au
  • Last updated: December 18th, 2013
Cloud System Booster

Cloud System Booster

Cloud System Booster is a powerful system optimization and maintenance suite that helps you keep your computer in top shape. Running the cleaning and optimization utilities that Cloud System Booster includes, from time to time, will ensure that the performance level of your system doesn't only remain of a satisfactory status, but actually gets a notable boost.

  • Publisher: Anvisoft
  • Last updated: April 12th, 2015
Synei System Utilities

Synei System Utilities

Synei System Utilities is a collection of various tools intended to optimize your system so it regains its original level of performance. The highest impact on performance has TuneUp which finds and fixes registry problems. However, in general, SSU seems to have something for every system issue.

  • Publisher: Synei
  • Home page: www.synei.com
  • Last updated: December 12th, 2016