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Hot air balloon grid in Title/Summary

Balloon Express

Balloon Express

In 'Balloon Express', you'll join Amelia across the globe with her hot air balloon to deliver mails and packages to the most wondrous and exotic places in the world.

Hot Air Balloons Screen Saver

Hot Air Balloons Screen Saver

3D Hot Air Balloons is a sports screensaver. It begins with a view as if you were flying over a beautiful and huge landscape, where a lot of colorful hot air balloons are flying around. That’s not all, but you also can change the view to see as if you were in a balloon’s basket to know how it feels. These images are accompanied by sounds of the wind at high altitude.

  • Publisher: Blue Substance
  • Last updated: June 6th, 2017


The Aurora Wager is a free game in which you will have to construct your air balloon in order to begin and win the balloon race. The game comes with a split-screen multiplayer support, overhauled wind field system and wind graphics and input configuration screens.

  • Publisher: Ramjet Anvil
  • Last updated: February 16th, 2014

Hot air balloon grid in Description

Fun Ball

Fun Ball

Crawler Fun Ball is a desktop toy that will let you make a ball bounce on your screen. You can choose to toss any of four balls, making them bounce against the boundaries of the screen, hearing a sound each time it hits the borders of the screen. You will be able to choose the settings for this program if you right click on the ball, once it has stopped bouncing.

  • Publisher: Crawler, LLC
  • Last updated: October 23rd, 2009
Darwin the Monkey

Darwin the Monkey

Darwin the Monkey is an enjoyable platform game mainly intended for kids, in which you are a cute monkey who must collect his stolen bananas. The game includes 30 levels and 6 gameplay styles. However, in the demo version, there's only one gameplay available. All the levels have a certain goal, that mainly involves collecting a certain number of bananas that are thrown by a frog in boxes.

  • Publisher: Rock Solid Games
  • Last updated: March 19th, 2008
Legacy Witch Island

Legacy Witch Island

An ordinary hot air balloon ride turns extraordinary when you accidentally wind up on a mysterious island. When it is revealed that this mystical land is ruled by an evil witch, you begin to realize that your arrival is not a coincidence, and the loyal people of the island are depending on you to break the witch’s spell.

Skybunny Hunting Honey

Skybunny Hunting Honey

Skybunny is hunting for honey. You are a furry little bunny, traveling in a balloon. All you have to do is to pick up as many honey pots as possible. Is that all? Not by far! There are many more treats waiting for your bunny. Little hearts, golden surprises… Are there any dangers for our little furry bunny? Yes, there are, but nothing that you and the bunny would not be able to avoid.

  • Publisher: Free Kids Games
  • Last updated: December 12th, 2018
80 Days

80 Days

80 Days is a third person adventure game for PC developed in 2005 by Frogwares The game is inspired by the famous novel by Jules Verne entitled Around the world in 80 days. Oliver, who is the game´s main character takes his limit time on the time Philéas Fogg took to finish his round the world tour, in a way to know if he is in advance or late in his trip.

Additional Hot air balloon grid selection

Koala Balloon Adventure

Koala Balloon Adventure

You are a sweet little koala piloting a cute hot air balloon trying to catch as many shrimps as possible. The goal of the game is to navigate your ballooning koala through narrow spaces, dangerous hatches and other obstacles. Now why would you need to expose your koala to such dangers? It is because this little koala needs food to keep on piloting his balloon.

  • Publisher: Free Kids Games
  • Last updated: December 12th, 2018
Bionic Commando

Bionic Commando

The first true sequel to the classic 1988 Nintendo Entertainment System original, Bionic Commando sees the return of the bionically-enhanced Nathan "Rad" Spencer, voiced by Mike Patton, the former lead singer of Faith No More. Time has not been kind to Spencer: 10 years after his heroic defeat of the Imperials in the original game.

  • Publisher: GRIN
  • Last updated: March 17th, 2011


In AirBuccaneers you will secure dominance of the ancient North. You play as a Buccaneer or a Viking and fly around in hot air balloons armed with cannons. The combat demands seamless teamwork and co-operation. The goal of the game is to take down enemy airships and conquer ancient Scandinavia.

  • Publisher: LudoCraft Ltd.
  • Home page: www.ludocraft.com
  • Last updated: October 23rd, 2012


In the Balloons Screensaver, 15 colorful, photo-realistic hot air balloons float through seven good-looking mountain and beach scenes. The hot air ballons float over magestic mountains and beautiful ocean water of our coasts during sunrise and sunset

  • Publisher: Novel Games Limited
  • Last updated: May 26th, 2020
Balloons And Mountains

Balloons And Mountains

Balloons And Mountains Screen Saver is an animated screen saver that brings the images of mountain tops and realistic animation of hot air balloons to your desktop. This screen saver features real world graphics combined with ultra realistic animation properties that you can control through the configuration screen. Optional background music can be played in the background during this screen saver

Language Arts Review 3b

Language Arts Review 3b

Featuring young adult characters and sports games to engage students in fundamental language arts skills, Language Arts Review 3b will appeal to middle school, high school, and adult students. It is especially appealing to to students who require lots of action and activity to keep their attention: from stock car racing to hot air balloons, pole vaulting to archery, and other.

  • Publisher: Help Me 2 Learn Company
  • Last updated: October 31st, 2011
Air Assault

Air Assault

Air Assault is an action game developed by Media Contact LLC. Air Assault is an impressive action game where you will be able to control a war helicopter while you will fight against a huge number of enemies. Plot:Unlike other games of simulation, this is a very simple one.

  • Publisher: Media Contact LLC
  • Home page: www.gametop.com
  • Last updated: February 14th, 2008
Air Strike 3D

Air Strike 3D

You alone have the skill to fly the most advanced helicopters in the skies today. You alone have the ability to guide their awesome firepower to its target. You alone are the hope of a nation. It won't be easy - varying landscapes, the darkness of night, and mighty defenses lie ahead.

  • Publisher: Divo Games
  • Last updated: August 14th, 2008
Air Force Missions

Air Force Missions

Enjoy destroying enemies while you pilot a heavy battle helicopter. Use a wide variety of weapons all the way from machine guns, missiles, bombs, lasers and air support. After destroying some enemies you will earn extra bonus, powerups, weapon upgrades and ranking.

Need for Speed Hot Pursuit

Need for Speed Hot Pursuit

The best care racing game. The heart of Need for Speed Hot Pursuit is Autolog, which is where your journey begins every time you enter Seacrest County. Autolog is the intelligent engine at the center of our most connected Need for Speed ever, keeping you in the middle of the action both in and out of the game. Through Autolog, you’ll be able to track your career progress.