Hot plug memory hp in Title/Summary

OMNIKEY Hot Plug Enabler Driver
Hotplug Enabler is a driver designed for OMNIKEY® 6121 Mobile USB. Designed to facilitate easy device installation with high-quality drivers for all major PC operating systems. Hotplug drivers available and full CCID compliant for smooth integration in PC environment.
- Publisher: HID Global Corporation
- Last updated: May 3rd, 2014

Register Hot Key
Define a Key Combination as Hot Key Register Hot Key(s) & Launch Programs / Open File with with Hot Key The Program sits in System Tray Remove Hot Keys whenever not required
- Publisher:
- Last updated: August 22nd, 2007

Hot CPU Tester Pro
This program allows users to monitor their hardware to detect any damage in a timely manner. It can perform a "stress test" which consists in running all the system's parts under extreme conditions to reveal any possible damage to the system. It also allows to establish a benchmark against which all the comparisons will be done.
- Publisher: 7Byte Computers
- Last updated: March 1st, 2008
Hot plug memory hp in Description

Zentimo makes it easy to manage your USB and eSATA devices. It solves various problems related to external drives in Windows. Using this tool, you can easily stop a device, view processes that are using the device, and reconnect a stopped device. If any Windows process is locking the device, you can use the Forced Stop option to securely disconnect the USB device.
- Publisher: Crystal Rich Ltd.
- Home page:
- Last updated: October 18th, 2018

RAM Boost Master
RAM Boost Master allows you to optimize the RAM memory of your computer, boosting up the computer speed, releasing RAM memory and compressing physical memory, making your computer run faster. You can monitor your system without interrupting it. You can see how much memory you have; specificy how much memory you want to free up, and the processes you want to clean up or compress.
- Publisher: CareWindows Corp.
- Last updated: December 18th, 2008

This plug-in provides NeoBook authors with the ability to add any number of system-wide global hot keys and keyboard locking to their publications. Hot keys can be used to activate a publication or execute actions even when another application has the input focus.
- Publisher: NeoSoft Corp.
- Last updated: October 14th, 2009

QCapture allows for computer control of all camera functions for preview, capture and save. QCapture offers advanced functions such as binning and region of interest (ROI) and a live histogram for optimizing dynamic range. The latest version of QCapture is available for download from the downloads section.
- Publisher: QImaging
- Last updated: March 22nd, 2010

Publish to Digital Frame
Publish to Digital Frame is a free plug-in for the free Windows Live Photo Gallery to automatically resize, shuffle and copy photos to memory card or USB stick that is used for digital photo frame, or simply any folder on your computer. This plug-in is for you if: - You have to manually copy photos to memory card. - Your digital photo frame does not have shuffle feature.
- Publisher: Leo Lie
- Home page:
- Last updated: July 19th, 2010
Additional Hot plug memory hp selection

USB Safely Remove
Removes unneeded devices from the menu, setup icons or names for the devices. Clean up your drive letter list by automatic hiding letters of unused card reader slots, fix drive letters to a specific device or even forbid some letters from assigning to external drives for backup purposes or thirdparty software.
- Publisher: Crystal Rich Ltd
- Home page:
- Last updated: December 25th, 2023

YourKit Java Profiler
YourKit Java Profiler is a tool designed for profiling applications at both development and production stages, which brings many benefits to professional Java developers on all platforms. Main Features: - Powerful analysis capabilities: CPU and memory hot spots with devoted views; unique snapshot comparison; memory leak detection, etc.
- Publisher: YourKit
- Last updated: March 7th, 2013

Phatsoft JoyMouse
Transform your joystick into a mouse. While JoyMouse is running in the background you can move the cursor and click with a joystick as if it were a mouse. Configurable lightweight and free. This software has multiple buttons support, customizable actions, acceleration, USB hot plug support.
- Publisher: Phatsoft
- Last updated: September 1st, 2008

Sony Player Plug-in for Windows Media Player
The Sony Player Plug-in makes it possible to play compressed IC Recorder voice files (.DVF and .MSV) with Windows Media Player version 6.4 or higher. To use the Player Plug-in for Windows Media Player, double-click the desired .DVF or .MSV file. Windows Media Player will start and begin playback. The .DVF and .MSV files can also be opened from within the Windows Media Player application.
- Publisher: Microsoft Corporation
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 15th, 2010

Hot Copy Paste
Hot Copy Paste enhances Windows Clipboard with multiple snippets, secure storage, full-text search, and hotkey access to frequently-used snippets. Removing the annoying limitations of Windows Clipboard, this clipboard manager allows you to copy and paste unlimited amounts of information securely. The data you cut and copy will not be lost even after you've rebooted your PC.
- Publisher: Comfort Software Group
- Last updated: June 16th, 2021

Focusrite Guitar FX Plug-in Suite
Focusrite's Guitar FX Plug-in Suite includes eleven professional VST/AU plug- ins, ideal for today’s guitarist. These include five of the world’s finest guitar amp models and four distortion pedal effects, all courtesy of Italian software company 'Overloud'; experts in the field of accurate Guitar Amp modeling. A 'hot tuna' guitar tuner and 'smart' hum remover are also provided.
- Publisher: Focusrite Audio Engineering Ltd.
- Last updated: December 20th, 2015

signotec Web Plug-In
The Web Plug-In captures the image in a high resolution and excellent quality. The signotec Web Plug-In works with browsers like Chrome, Opera, Firefox and MS Internet Explorer. Image formats in the memory could be TIFF, PNG, Bitmap, JPEG or GIF. The biometric data will be captured and coded in a Base64 string as well.
- Publisher: signotec GmbH
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 8th, 2015

Citrix Online Plug-in Web
Citrix online plug-in supports the XenApp feature set. Using Citrix XenApp with the Web Interface, you can integrate published resources with users’ desktops. Centrally administer and configure the plug-in in the Delivery Services Console or the Web Interface Management Console using an online plug-in site created in association with a site for the server running the Web Interface.
- Publisher: Citrix Systems, Inc.
- Last updated: September 18th, 2012

RightClick is a program that enables you to enhance your standard Windows right-click desktop menu. You can add all kinds of new functionality to it (program short cuts, system commands, etc.) as well as change its look by "skinning" it.
- Publisher: Stardock Systems
- Last updated: October 28th, 2009

Need for Speed Hot Pursuit
The best care racing game. The heart of Need for Speed Hot Pursuit is Autolog, which is where your journey begins every time you enter Seacrest County. Autolog is the intelligent engine at the center of our most connected Need for Speed ever, keeping you in the middle of the action both in and out of the game. Through Autolog, you’ll be able to track your career progress.
- Publisher: Electronic Arts Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: February 16th, 2012