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Hotkey spelling checker in Title/Summary

Grammar and Spelling checker by Ginger

Grammar and Spelling checker by Ginger

Ginger Page for Chrome is the ultimate tool for writing, offering everything you need to write great English in your favorite websites.

  • Publisher: Ginger Software, Inc
  • Home page: chrome.google.com
  • Last updated: June 16th, 2023
AtomicRobot Spelling Checker

AtomicRobot Spelling Checker

You've made a great choice! AtomicRobot Spelling Checker allows you to check your spelling in 13 languages! It is not a translator. To check the spelling of a word, simply type in a word, select a language and click Check Spelling! If your spelling is incorrect, the program will try to suggest alternative correct spellings.

Free Medical Spell Checker

Free Medical Spell Checker

Free Medical Spell Checker is a very basic spell checker that allows you to type in letter by letter the medical word you are interested in, to help you to discover the correct spelling of medical term. After I installed the program and launched it, it presented a little window without features that displays two alternate adds at the bottom and simple user instructions.

Hotkey spelling checker in Description

Ginger Grammar and Spell Check Extension

Ginger Grammar and Spell Check Extension

Ginger is easy to configure and use, but first-time users may want to run the program's tutorials. Ginger is capable of creating lessons and quizzes based on your errors unlike other spell checkers, which are happy to let you go on making the same.

French Spelling Settings

French Spelling Settings

The complete French Spelling update requires two downloads: the first download contains the word lists for the spelling dictionary, thesaurus, and AutoCorrect (and is available from the French Spelling reform page on the Microsoft Office Online, France site.)

  • Publisher: Microsoft
  • Last updated: March 1st, 2008
Ginger’s Grammar and Spell Check Extension

Ginger’s Grammar and Spell Check Extension

Ginger is easy to configure and use, but first-time users may want to run the program's tutorials. Ginger is capable of creating lessons and quizzes based on your errors unlike other spell checkers, which are happy to let you go on making the same.

Grammar Expert Plus

Grammar Expert Plus

It is another helping hand from Wintertree Software for the world community of computer users. Grammar Expert Plus is a very useful tool for English learner as well as professionals to ensure that the written communication is done with utmost care and professionalism. There are number of highly useful features available like Grammar checker, Spelling Checker, Word count per sentence,



STFWebPen is easy-to-use but robust HTML and script editor with:: FTP Client, CSS and DHTML Menu Wizards, Spelling checker, Image Mapper, strong tag support, preview in multiple browsers, syntax highlighting, MSWord docs import and more.

  • Publisher: Slavko Ilic
  • Last updated: September 29th, 2011

Additional Hotkey spelling checker selection

Spelling Dictionaries Support For Adobe Reader

Spelling Dictionaries Support For Adobe Reader

Spelling Dictionaries Support For Adobe Reader offers 34 languages. It enables Adobe Reader users to perform spell checks on items such as form fields and comments and to add and edit custom words in their user dictionaries for future reference. A selection of spelling dictionaries used can be customized as per the order in which these are needed.

  • Publisher: Adobe Systems Incorporated
  • Last updated: May 26th, 2014
Spell Checker

Spell Checker

Spell Check Anywhere is a downloaded top-grade spell checker that offers correct spell checking suggestions for the heaviest misspelled words. Spell Check Anywhere adds spell check to all Windows Program, including custom programs. Spell Check Anywhere adds spell check to all Windows programs.



Tinyspell is a nice handy tool for anyone who often has to write school projects, essays, papers or for those who usually send emails to their boss or employees. Tinyspell is a great spelling corrector, and will assist you when writing, but it is much more than that.

  • Publisher: KEDMI Scientific Computing
  • Last updated: September 9th, 2021


OmegaT is a free translation memory application written in Java. It is a tool intended for professional translators. Features : - Unicode support: can be used with non-Latin alphabets - Support for right-to-left languages - Integral spelling checker - Compatible with other translation memory applications Files in Microsoft Office XML format can be translated directly in OmegaT.

  • Publisher: OmegaT
  • Last updated: July 18th, 2023
SBBIC Khmer Spell Checker

SBBIC Khmer Spell Checker

SBBIC Khmer Spelling Checker for Microsoft Word is a program that enables you to check the text when writing in the Khmer language. The add-in combines lists from KhmerOS, SBBIC and PanCambodia. The program has support for Microsoft Word 2010 and 2013.

  • Publisher: Society for Better Books in Cambodia
  • Home page: www.sbbic.org
  • Last updated: September 25th, 2014
CSE HTML Validator Professional

CSE HTML Validator Professional

CSE HTML Validator Professional for Microsoft Windows is a powerful, easy to use, user configurable, and all-in-one HTML, XHTML, CSS, link, spelling, JavaScript, PHP syntax, SEO, and accessibility checker. CSE HTML Validator helps eliminate website problems that cause visitors to leave your website.

  • Publisher: AI Internet Solutions LLC.
  • Last updated: October 27th, 2022


ISpell is a multiplatform spelling checker utility that can be used with several applications. This version is fully functional and can be used with AbiWord, MikTeX, LaTeX, TxtEdit, Quiz, QuizPro, UniRed and some other text applications. ISpell also works with dictionaries. In addition, ISpell can be used for editing dictionaries.

  • Publisher: Luzius Schneider
  • Last updated: April 4th, 2008
Grammatica by BCDL

Grammatica by BCDL

Grammatica is a bilingual grammar and spelling checker for English, French, Spanish, and German. It gives grammar explanations and suggested corrections. Its dictionary includes hundreds of thousands of entries in each language. The grammar checker includes the analysis of the function of words in a phrase (part of speech and grammatical links; homophones and homographs; synonyms and definitions, etc.). Grammatica can check text in any text editable window using our "hotkey" (the default is F2, but the user can set their preference). It integrates tightly with Microsoft Word 2000 and XP. Each language module is sold separately, but can be easily added to and accessed from one Grammatica interface.

  • Publisher: BCDL
  • Last updated: October 19th, 2011


Arabic chat alphabet (Arabizi) is a method used in the Internet or mobile phones to communicate in Arabic using the available English characters. Arabizi program lets you edit and translate Arabizi characters. You can create, open, edit, and save characters with usual text files. You can also password protect your data.

  • Publisher: Amr Swira - Design Studio
  • Last updated: October 17th, 2010


Use your Palm Pilot as a thesaurus, dictionary, or spell checker.

  • Publisher: VIDAL
  • Last updated: June 21st, 2009