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Html email spam in Title/Summary

Easy Email Spam Filter

Easy Email Spam Filter

Easy Email Spam Filter is an easy to use email spam filter utility that will stop email spam from entering your Outlook inbox or Outlook Express inbox.

  • Publisher: EasyEmailSpamFilter.com
  • Last updated: May 27th, 2020
HTML Email Creator

HTML Email Creator

HTML Email Creator creates HTML email by a HTML file, and sends the HTML email. HTML email outputted and sent by the software is compatible with a spectrum of email clients and webmail such as Outlook, Thunderbird, Gmail, Hotmail, and Yahoo! Mail.

  • Publisher: HTML-EMAIL.NET
  • Last updated: May 27th, 2020
PicaJet HTML Email PlugIn

PicaJet HTML Email PlugIn

The plug-in helps you to send email messages in html format. You can embed your photos into message text instead of sending them as attachments. After installing plugin HTML Email will be available through menu "Send To" and button on the toolbar. A great plug-in for email.

  • Publisher: PicaJet.Com
  • Home page: www.picajet.com
  • Last updated: October 31st, 2011

Html email spam in Description

vqME AntiSpam

vqME AntiSpam

vqME Personal Anti Spam is perfect for the home user or independent businessperson wanting to protect one or more personal addresses.Use vqME Personal Anti Spam seamlessly with any standard email program such as Outlook, Eudora, Lotus Notes, Opera M2, MozillaThunderbird - also use your vqME account to protect mobile devices the likes of RIM’s Blackberry, HP iPAQ, Sony VAIO, Palm Treo...

  • Publisher: Vanquish Inc.
  • Last updated: October 25th, 2009


Simple utility generates code that cloaks e-mail addresses in HTML and prevents them from being harvested by spam spiders.

  • Publisher: FileRoad.com
  • Last updated: August 5th, 2009


BOClean 4.26 is a program to detect and remove malware from your computer. The list of known malware includes Internet trojan horse programs, spyware, keyloggers, rootkits, pseudorootkits, hijackers, adware, annoyware, email relays, spam proxies, spam relays, scam downloads and email/spam robots.

  • Publisher: COMODO Group Inc.
  • Last updated: February 14th, 2008
RSS Advantage Newsticker

RSS Advantage Newsticker

The news ticker has been tested and works with Google News and Yahoo! News... and its not limited to just them. The RSS Advantage News Ticker supports and works with the most popular news feed formats on the web today. You can add and view any of the news feeds that comply with these specifications: RDF, RSS and Atom news feeds.

  • Publisher: Chris Demetrios
  • Last updated: January 8th, 2009
Chilkat Mail ActiveX

Chilkat Mail ActiveX

Chilkat Mail ActiveX is a feature-rich SMTP client for sending email, and POP3 client for reading email. Main features: - SMTP client for sending email. - POP3 client for reading email. - Works with Exchange Server (all versions) - Works with all POP3 / SMTP servers

  • Publisher: Chilkat Software Inc
  • Last updated: March 25th, 2022

Additional Html email spam selection

HTML Email Archiver

HTML Email Archiver

Archiving into a platform-independent HTML format or platform-dependent CHM format, publishing Microsoft Outlook folders on the Internet, moving data from Microsoft Outlook into other software and hardware platforms, including mobile devices. HTML Email Archiver is developed by MAPILab Ltd.

  • Publisher: MAPILab Ltd.
  • Home page: www.mapilab.com
  • Last updated: June 29th, 2010
Windows Mobile Device Center

Windows Mobile Device Center

Microsoft Windows Mobile Device Center offers a work environement and user interface simple and functional, thanks to its support for Windows Mobile 5 and 6. Thanks to this application we can keep updated our PDAs or Smartphones with our Home or Work PC, in order to keep always our pictures, emails, calendars and contacts in both.

BitDefender Total Security

BitDefender Total Security

Combines Superior Proactive Protection from e-Threats with Backup and PC Tune-up for the Ultimate in Security... that won



Foxmail is a very powerful email program with many useful features and a pleasant interface. Foxmail includes many other features, including a remote mail viewer to manage mail on the server, as well as a small scroll ticker that displays message subjects as they arrive in your inbox

  • Publisher: Tencent Inc.
  • Home page: www.tencent.com
  • Last updated: December 8th, 2021


Postbox is a desktop email client that allows you to manage multiple email accounts from a single interface. It allows you to organize your accounts into groups and access unified inboxes within each group. Inboxes, trash, drafts, messages, etc. can also be arranged in separate tabs similar to a web browser.

MailWasher Pro

MailWasher Pro

MailWasher Pro can be used to filter spam from your inbox. It lets you inspect all email before it gets to your computer; you can delete unwanted messages at the server. All messages are displayed in plain text for safety. You will also be presented with the WHOIS report of sender and all the hidden links.

  • Publisher: Firetrust Ltd
  • Last updated: November 18th, 2024


Total Outlook Converter is the most reliable software that allows you to convert Outlook emails to DOC (WORD), PDF, HTML, TXT, TIFF in batch. With Total Outlook Converter you can tune up the final document using any exernal scheme. In addition, you select what fields you want to convert (date, subject, sender, recipient, body).

  • Publisher: CoolUtils Development
  • Home page: www.coolutils.com
  • Last updated: November 18th, 2024


It's unlikely you will know if your email is undelivered, even more unlikely is that you would know when it is flagged as SPAM and why. To determine whether an e-mail is spam most spam filters examine a number of different rules: such as content, length, percentage of text, use of images, number of recipients, headers, sender.



One of the most serious problems when using e-mail communication is spam. A lot of malicious persons send a huge amount of junk e-mail messages to users all around the Internet. It's very easy to lose important message that you really need in spam heaps. SpamBully is a great program that works with Outlook and blocks spam.



UltraMailer is software that allows you to manage your mailing lists and send bulk emails. You can organize your contacts and the drafts of your emails, as well as to copy them. It has enough options to modify the text and format of your messages, which makes it very comprehensive.

  • Publisher: UltraMailer.Org
  • Last updated: September 24th, 2015