Html help activex solution in Title/Summary

nBIT HTML Editor ActiveX
An HTML WYSIWYG Editing Control that is bindable to any data source. nBit HTML Editor 3.1 - for MS-Access 2k, XP, 2k3, Visual Basic 6, VB.Net , C# and DelphiThe editor is being used by developers in Content Management Applications, CRM systems, email clients, for document management, and training / educational systems.
- Publisher: nBit Information Technologies Australia
- Home page:
- Last updated: June 7th, 2012

Easy HTML Help
The Easy HTML Help allows you to create help files based on HTML fast and easy. Also the program enables you to create your help files ranged by categories and by the subjects. Moreover you can edit html help files from inside the software easily, add font bold, under line, edit the categories and more.
- Publisher: bit4free

Microsoft® HTML Help consists of an online Help Viewer, related help components, and help authoring tools from Microsoft Corporation. The Help Viewer uses the underlying components of Microsoft Internet Explorer to display help content. The help authoring tool, HTML Help Workshop, provides an easy-to-use system for creating and managing help projects and their related files.
- Publisher: Microsoft
- Home page:
- Last updated: June 20th, 2023
Html help activex solution in Description

HTML Help Workshop
With Microsoft HTML Help Workshop you can create help files for Windows applications and web pages. It includes advanced text search capabilities and a 'favorites' tab to save the more often searched topics, themes and/or terms. The created help files (*.HLP) can be included to distribution packages and complete instalable Windows based applications.
- Publisher: Microsoft Corporation
- Last updated: February 14th, 2008

Microsoft ActiveX Control Pad
Under the intensive programming it is better to use Microsoft ActiveX Control Pad. This program provides commands binding of Visual Basic with different events and elements manage on the page. So, you will be able to pay more attention to the development process itself. This tool allows you quick add ActiveX controls (and the VBScript or JavaScript needed to manipulate them) to your HTML pages.
- Publisher: Microsoft
- Last updated: February 17th, 2008

HTML SnapShot is for those people who always wanted to take the screenshot of a webpage. Html Snapshot is able to take the screenshot of the whole web page as JPG, BMP, PNG, TIFF and GIF in a very effective way. The internet explorer's functionality to take (capture) a snapshot of a given URL is used bythe HTML Snapshot ActiveX Component for its purpose.
- Publisher: Guangming Software, Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 19th, 2021

Nevron 3DChart for ActiveX
Nevron 3DChart is a powerful charting component used to create attractive 3D and 2D charts for client applications and web pages using COM or .NET technologies. 3DChart uses the OpenGL 3D graphics engine to create sophisticated 2D and 3D charts.
- Publisher: Nevron
- Last updated: January 4th, 2009

Hotspot Builder
Hotspot Builder is a powerful tool that lets you create and edit graphics files with included hotspots. These are predefined regions that can operate as hotlinks to help topics, as pop-up links, or even as special macros. Download a trial copy now!
- Publisher: Divcom Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 17th, 2008
Additional Html help activex solution selection

West Wind Html Help Builder
Help Builder separates content from design by using templates that merge topic text with customizable HTML templates, providing a consistent look and feel to your help file. Use Help Builder's markup tools to quickly insert text markup, images, capture screen shots and create cross links to other topics intuitively.
- Publisher: West Wind Technologies
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 22nd, 2020

Free WMA to MP3 Converter
Free WMA to MP3 Converter is a completely free Windows media converter to MP3 format. Audio and Video are converted to MP3 in a single click, so they can be played on an MP3 player. The program shows the process like a wizard tutorial, and guides the user window by window through the conversion task.
- Publisher: Jodix Technologies Ltd.
- Home page:
- Last updated: September 28th, 2011

Help & Manual
Help & Manual is a helpful tool for technical writers, for easier documentation and content management. With its simple word-processor-like interface and integrated help, this application can be easily mastered by novice users too. Supplied with single- and multi-author editing capabilities, this program allows you to create documentation in form of compiled HTML help, Web help or PDF format.
- Publisher: EC Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

MadCap Help Viewer
MadCap Help Viewer is a freely redistributable content viewer that is based on Microsoft’s (NasdaqNM: MSFT) .NET framework. You may download and install the MadCap Help Viewer at any time. The Help Viewer is not necessary for generating or using Microsoft HTML Help files, WebHelp files, or Printed Documentation.
- Publisher: MadCap Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: July 9th, 2014

PSPad is a freeware programmer's editor for Microsoft Windows operating systems, useful for people who: - work with various programming environments - like highlighted syntax in their source code - need a small tool with simple controls and the capabilities of a mighty code editor - are looking for a tool that handles plain text
- Publisher: Jan Fiala
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

WebZIP is an offline browser application for Windows computers. Offline browsers were significantly more popular a couple of years ago than they are now, mainly because of the increased penetration of high-speed Internet services. However, WebZIP still offers some ways to justify having one of these.
- Publisher: Spidersoft Pty Ltd
- Last updated: April 20th, 2008

ADManager Plus
ADManager Plus is an Active Directory (AD) management and reporting solution that allows IT administrators and technicians to manage AD objects and generate reports. It lets you create and manage AD user accounts in bulk using CSV files and customizable templates.
- Publisher: ZOHO Corp.
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

Free RM to MP3 Converter
Free RM to MP3 Converter is a file converter for Windows. This application was last updated during the year 2006, but it still works really well for converting all the Real Media formats that it supports, namely, *.rm, *.ra, and *.rmvb. Free RM to MP3 converter boasts an extremely easy to use interface that helps you get the job done very effortlessly.
- Publisher: Jodix Technologies Ltd.
- Last updated: March 1st, 2008

Help Workshop
Microsoft® Help Workshop consists of an online Help Viewer, related help components, and help authoring tools from Microsoft Corporation. HTML Help Workshop provides an easy-to-use system for creating and managing help projects and their related files.
- Publisher: Microsoft Corporation
- Last updated: April 7th, 2011

Create documents as HTML, PDF, Microsoft Word or Compiled HTML Help files. Main features: - Eliminate tedious and time-consuming manual documentation tasks - Satisfy audit requirements by keeping complete documentation - Document a database in a couple of clicks, from within SQL Server Management Studio - Keep teams up to date by distributing documentation
- Publisher: Red Gate Software Ltd
- Home page:
- Last updated: September 28th, 2017